Happy Birthday, mrstater!

Sep 16, 2008 15:35

Happy Birthday, my lovely. I hope you have a wonderful day and this fic fits the birthday bill. Love you lots. xx

Title: Step By Step
Author: godricgal
Rating: R
Word Count 5,315 words
Summary: She sounds like a petulant school girl and winces slightly because that's not how she wants to come across to the older man she wants to think well of her in terms ( Read more... )

happy birthday, fic, r/t

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Comments 14

mrstater September 16 2008, 15:16:00 UTC
Oh, what a lovely fic this is! It's so wonderful that I'm not even sure where to start telling you how wonderful it is. But I guess I'll start out by saying a big THANK YOU, because this has really just made an already great birthday totally awesome. :D ( ... )


godricgal September 16 2008, 18:24:25 UTC
Yay! I'm so glad you liked it!

It seemed a shame to ruin Tonks' birthday, but as you often say, we have to do our worst to them and it seemed a good opportunity to set things up between them! It is heartbreaking when you spend an entire evening in a large group of people just waiting for that one special person to make an appearance. I'm really glad you thought that worked here!

It's also great to know, of course, that you thought it was sexy, and I'm especially chuffed to know you liked the almost-kiss -- that was the last scene I wrote at gone midnight last night!

Thank you so much for lovely comments and again, I'm so pleased you enjoyed it. Happy Birthday again!

And I'm so excited to read my fic tomorrow! :)

I was really tempted, at points, to bring forward the progression of things, but I'm glad I stuck with the original plan of the three birthdays, but I did fret ever so much about whether it was reasonably unreasonable of Remus to act in that way! I'm really pleased to know you think it works and progresses naturally.


sasher_copy September 16 2008, 23:02:16 UTC
Oh, I loved that.

Very grand characterization of Tonks, I'm jealous. I'm rather good at portraying Remus but not so much Tonks.

Thanks for posting! Tater is a very lucky woman!


godricgal September 19 2008, 01:13:19 UTC
Thanks very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)


jessickuh September 17 2008, 01:53:15 UTC
I'll bet somewhere down the road, Tonks is gonna thank Molly for interrupting their almost first kiss...because it lead to impatient sex. Haha


godricgal September 19 2008, 01:14:20 UTC
LOL I suspect you may be right. Thanks for commenting!


shimotsuki September 17 2008, 04:48:51 UTC
I'm up past my bedtime reading this, so I'm afraid this comment won't be very coherent, but I just couldn't wait until tomorrow to read it ( ... )


godricgal September 19 2008, 01:20:32 UTC
Thank you very much!

Tater actually gave me a prompt for this: cake, and from that, I it wasn't much of a stretch to go to birthdays, considering the occasion, and after doing Tonks' not so happy birthday -- and I wanted to draw things out a bit -- it seemed like a good idea to use birthdays as a marker in time.

I'm so chuffed that you thought it had all the elements you love about R/T -- that's such a lovely comment to get, and also I'm so pleased you liked the imagery from the hot house scene. I'm really not sure why I chose that as a setting, but I'm sure there was one originally, and once the idea took hold, it wouldn't let go, but it is an odd location for a party, lol.

Thank you for your comments -- you always leave such lovely ones and do appreciate it. :)


fantasticjackie September 24 2008, 21:18:04 UTC
Well, it took me so long to get back here and review that I had to read it again! - Not that I'm complaining or anything. ;)

I knew I'd love the rest of this! This is a really wonderful fic, and I love that you had all the progressions between them occur on birthdays. I think what especially stands out is the definition you gave to each character. What I mean is... the way you captured Tonks' voice and character through the narration in her thoughts and how ingrained Remus' doubts are from the very beginning. Bringing that out about him, as it just being a part of who he is, even when they were "just friends," does make a lot of sense in comparison to him just starting to doubt after he and Tonks become more together.

The UST was excellent, with such an increasingly intimate routine of them relaxing on Tonks' bed after his transformations. - I love the cold feet part, and it's super spiffy to see in part how that evovled; both times I got to that scene here, I was struck with a giddy grin ( ... )


godricgal October 7 2008, 21:11:52 UTC
Thank you very much for coming back to read and leave such a lovely review!

The idea of the birthdays came from a prompt Tater gave me: cake, and it seemed like a good way to use the different birthdays to chart the progression of the relationship, and I wanted, for some reason, to do something a little angsty at the beginning. It's really great to hear that you thought that all fitted in with their characters and found it a believable scenario.

And also that there was UST! As that's what I was trying to do, but it's quite difficult, I think, to read your own work and know if you've pulled it off, since you know how things are going to turn out.

It always makes me smile like crazy when you pick lines out, so thanks for that. It's nice to know you enjoy that in my fics.

Thanks again! :D


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