Day of posting old fic, you can see by the date that it is indeed, very old. But I can't imagine going back to it, except for maybe an explanation of sorts.
Orlando's voice is wrong, I know. And I have quite a different take of what should happen, or rather, what would happen.
Perfection is elusive, no?
Twenty-Five. )
Comments 3
and i don't mean to spam you with my gushing, and i should try to be more eloquent in my word selection, but it's late and i'm tired and hi.
If you can put up with my whimsy and my random real-life issues, I would love to beta for you.
(feel free to say no. you've never seen me before, you don't know how i write or more importantly how i beta, so i would totally understand. and yes, i know how to use capitals. :o) )
I would gladly accept the offer of a beta! I try to read over my fic once or twice before I post, but there's always some obvious error I'm forgetting or weird tense that I'm messing up. And pronoun usage. Prepositional phrases. Um, yeah.
(Although, I do tend to write in fragmentary segments rather than full sentences. Weird writer quirk I suppose.)
I'm pretty sure I've seen your journal before, but I don't quite remember how I got there...
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