tell the world i'm coming home (for castiel)

Jul 10, 2012 00:02

Once Loki has left, Sam turns to Castiel and sweeps the angel into a hug. "You're alive," he says, holding his friend tightly, "I killed you, snapped my fingers and you exploded but you're here, you're alive." He pulls back, holding Castiel at arms length, and says "Jesus, Cas, I'm so sorry I let him kill you, I couldn't stop him."

the angel of thursday

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Comments 14

istillservegod July 10 2012, 07:35:16 UTC
Castiel is surprised by the embrace, and he stands awkwardly for a moment, but after a second he lifts his arms and returns it, holding Sam tightly until the other man pulls back. "It is not your fault," he says. "I don't blame you, Sam. It was Lucifer, not you, and you fought him off in the end. You did something nobody else even thought possible. Nothing that happened that day was your fault."

"How are you here, Sam? You weren't in the Cage when I went to try to free you. How did you get out?"


godhasheard July 10 2012, 07:41:34 UTC
"I was never in the Cage," Sam says, stepping back to sit on the edge of the bed furthest from the door. "I fell through, and Lucifer was torn out of me - wait, you were gonna try to get me out?" Sam feels something warm bloom in his chest and he's sure he's got a ridiculous fond look on his face as he says "Thanks, Cas."

He clears his throat quickly. "Anyways, I fell through the Cage and into this seemingly endless void. I floated along for a while, I'm not sure how long, and then Loki literally crashed into me and helped get me out. We had a bit of an adventure," he says, gesturing to his wrist.


istillservegod July 10 2012, 07:44:45 UTC
Castiel looks at Sam steadily. "Of course I tried to free you," he says. "You are my friend, and you did nothing to deserve being at Lucifer's mercy for eternity. I would not let you stay there."

His eyes zero in on Sam's wrist as soon as the other man gestures to it, and he notes the homemade cast as he reaches for it. "What caused this?" he asks as he gently lays a hand over the injury, letting his Grace flow into Sam and healing both the broken wrist and the shallow cut across his side.


godhasheard July 10 2012, 07:50:40 UTC
"Whoa, that feels awesome, thanks," Sam says as he feels the Grace flow through him, knitting the bones and healing the shallow line across his side. "I fought a dvergar, which Loki said was a dwarf but turned out to be more like a really buff person. Beat it all by myself," he can't resist adding, still kind of riding high on the remnants of Grace he can feel. "Loki took us to Svartalfheim before he could get us here."


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