Searching around for ways to save money, pay off debit and make the dollar stretch, I came across the
Simple Savings website. They have a
2008 Wealthy Habits Planner with some great ideas. I want to put some of these ideas into practice for 2008. We don't have a lot of debit but what debit we do have we would really like to get paid off
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Comments 4
BTW, I also just started PT for my back, the PT was a transphobic asshole (i.e. thought I was trans, treated me crappy, then realized I wasn't and started treating me okay) but the exercises seem like they have the potential to be helpful. Let me know if you find a PT that you like - I have had a hard time getting personal recs for healthcare practitioners around here.
The PT I am seeing today is in the Kingston Plaza. I will let you know how it goes. We have been luckily to find good doctors ... general prac., OB/Gyn, Chiropractor and Orthopedic.
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