Title: A Military Mother Author: goddess47 Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: G (for this part) Genre: Word Count: 259 Prompt: #241 - Routine
Summary: Paying attention to those to whom one is indebted
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Thank you for writing and posting this tribute. And, now, I'm crying again. [It's been that kind of a week, with a personal death, on top of the disaster south of the border.]
I couldn't believe the horror of the details concerning the murder of her son. Another black mark on society and the military mindset.
Yes, for all the hope we have about the military, they are a microcosm of all humans and have (unfortunately) more than their share of bad people... when good people encounter them, it's not always a happy ending.
I like that you touch on how much her efforts meant for people like John, and I like that Rodney is supportive and suggests a memorial tea. I've never heard of her, and I'm so sad about what she's been through.
Comments 14
I couldn't believe the horror of the details concerning the murder of her son. Another black mark on society and the military mindset.
Yes, for all the hope we have about the military, they are a microcosm of all humans and have (unfortunately) more than their share of bad people... when good people encounter them, it's not always a happy ending.
Thank you!
This was a lovely tribute :)
Thank you!
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