Title: Drive Me Crazy or Not Another Teen Movie Slash Fic (4/6)

Jun 24, 2011 19:48

Title: Drive Me Crazy or Not Another Teen Movie Slash Fic (4/6)
Pairing: J2 AU: Jared/Jensen, Chris/Steve kinda, Sandy/Misha, very very brief Justin/Jensen and Sandy/Jared.
Author: godamnarmsrace .
Artist:  acuarella_117
Word Count: 2,735 of 25,986 words.
Beta: deanshot and zomzoms .
Summary: High School AU. Jensen loves Jared. They were each others whole world as kids but now Jared plays football and dates a cheerleader, while Jensen plays the guitar and dyes his hair black. Jensen loves Jared and Jared loves Jensen right back. This is the story of what happens when you fall in love with the boy next door.
A/N: Very loosely based on the movie 'Drive Me Crazy', which just means that I used the bits I wanted and left the rest. For the purpose of this story Jared and Jensen are the same age.
Special Special Thanks: To acuarella_117  for all her hard work. Her art is amazing and she was such a joy to work with. Please go and check it out because there is a lot more than what I’ve included with the fic.  You can check it out here!

Part 4: Life with you makes perfect sense

“So can I carry your books?” Jared voice whispered in Jensen's ear making him jump.

“You scared me,” he said in reply turning to look at Jared.

Jared had a big silly grin plastered on his face and he looked glad to see Jensen. Maybe they could really do this, go back, and be friends again. Jensen really hoped so.

“So books?” Jared asked wiggling his eyebrows making Jensen laugh out loud.

“You're crazy! I'm not letting you carry my books Jared. That's a little gay even for me,” Jensen replied.

“Well, can I still walk you to class?” Jared asked.

“Sure I'd like that,” Jensen replied happy that things felt natural between them. Jensen had been worried that it might feel forced and that they might not be able to go back to being friends. Maybe they wouldn't be able to but this was a good start.

Jensen tried to ignore all the looks and stares they were getting from their class mates and just concentrate on Jared's arm brushing against his as they walked side by side down the hall to Jensen's home-room.

Sandy sat down next to Jensen in honours English just before lunch period. The morning had been interesting to say the least. Jared had negotiated holding hands with Jensen and so they entered school hand in hand.

There were a few strange looks but Jensen was putting those down to the fact Jensen was wearing the charcoal sweater from the GAP. In his defence of actually wearing the damn thing, it was a cold day and it had been the only warm thing he had that was clean.

Sandy had never sat next to him in class before even though they had been in the same honours English class for almost three years. “I can move if you want. Jared just wanted me to give you this,” she said handing him a folded note.

Jensen realised that he must have been staring at her since she'd sat down. “No stay. Today's just been...” he trailed off.

“I know pretty full on right?” Sandy finished for him.

“Yeah,” he replied. “You could say that.”

Jensen waited until the teacher started to write on the board before opening the note.

“You're going to see Jared at lunch?” he asked Sandy in a whisper.

She nodded and waited for Mrs. Lurkirk who had turned to face the class to get something from her desk to turn back around again. “The cheerleaders have practice too,” she said finally so quiet he barely heard her.

Jensen looked back down at the note he held in his hand. He was confused, did Jared just want his opinion and a little company or was this a date? He looked back at Sandy as if she might fill in the blanks for him.

After a moment she seemed to take pity on him. “For what it's worth he's trying to ask you out on a date,” Sandy revealed in her quiet voice.

“Really?” Jensen replied just as quiet. “Why?”

“Yes. He has feelings for you Jensen. I think he always has had but he was scared,” she said completely blowing Jensen's mind.

Everything changed with her words, if they were true then Jensen could have all he'd ever wanted, he just had to let Jared know he felt the same. Jensen couldn't decide if he was terrified or excited, whatever it was it was making his whole body shake.

Sandy looked at him for another minute before turning to watch their teacher at the front of the class room.

Jensen had no idea what to write. A simple yes would answer Jared's question and leave out any risk to Jensen's heart but if Jared really had feelings for him then Jensen owed it to himself to take a chance.

Jensen folded the note into an origami crane and handed it back to Sandy when their teacher wasn't looking. He tried to concentrate on the rest of the class but it was a lost cause. He was way too busy stressing out over his reply to Jared. Was it too much? Would Jared realise it was part serious and part joke?

When class was finished Sandy said, “I'll give this to him and if he has a reply or anything I'll give it to you in advanced Chem. after lunch.”

“Thanks,” Jensen replied watching her hurry off in the opposite direction.

Jensen hated eating at school and the one good thing about being a senior was that they were allowed to leave school for lunch but Sophia was working on a big story for the school paper on the food served by the lunch ladies in the cafeteria. So day after day she forced him into the large room that always smelt of last week’s meatloaf surprise.

“I hate you,” he said as he got in line behind her.

“I know,” she replied not bothering to turn around.

She was like that sometimes, kind of single-minded and bitchy but Sophia had been a good friend to Jensen after everything that had happened with Jared. They were close but sometimes Jensen wondered if he and Sophia would stay friends after high-school. He hoped they would, she was a little nuts but that just made things more interesting.

Jensen was busy pondering on what meal looked the least likely to give him spontaneous diarrhoea when he felt someone tap him on the back. He turned around almost expecting Jared to be standing there all grins and bouncy full of unused energy but instead it was Justin.

“Hi,” Jensen said after a minute. It took him a little longer to notice that Justin wasn't alone, he had some guy that Jensen had never seen before plastered to his side. He must have been a transfer or something. “I didn't expect you to fall in love,” Jensen said nodding towards the skinny guy who was giving him daggers.

“I didn't expect you to fall into the GAP,” Justin replied staring at Jensen's sweater in disdain.

Jensen could feel his cheeks heat with a blush.

“I saw you at the mall on the weekend. I don't see your boyfriend hanging around today. Trouble in paradise already?” Justin asked with an arched eyebrow.

Jensen didn't bother pretending to not know that Justin was talking about Jared. He must have seen them together this morning before class. “He's got practice,” Jensen answered trying not to get defensive but not having much luck.

“Oh, that's right he plays football with all the other Neanderthals,” Justin said unkindly.

“He's not like that,” Jensen said in Jared's defence. He didn't understand Justin's reaction. Jensen thought that everything had ended okay between them but clearly he was wrong.

“Yeah, well be careful. Don't let him change you Jensen,” Justin said before stepping back out of the line and walking away, his shadow following quickly after him.

“What an ass,” Sophia said finally turning Jensen's attention back to his friend.

“You think so?” Jensen asked surprised she'd even been listening to them.

“Totally. He wants you, he doesn't want you and then he has the nerve to bitch at you for being with Jared when he's clearly with someone else too,” Sophia replied while trying to use the camera on her phone to take stealthy photos of the days meals.

“Thanks Soph,” Jensen said with a smile.

“Sure thing, but if you really wanna thank me, you'll get a bowl of the chilli. Also you and I are going to have a conversation later about how friends tell friends when they get a new boyfriend,” Sophia replied all with her back to him.

Jensen made a face but did as she'd asked. He could always eat something later and besides he was pretty sure that the conversation Sophia wanted to have with him would be best undertaken with an empty stomach.

Jared read Jensen's note quickly in between practice and the locker room. He smiled. Jensen was being cocky but there was some shyness also. Jared was all for making out with Jensen but he was unsure if Jensen was joking about the offer or not.

Jared swallowed a groan; Jensen had to mention wearing the watch that Jared had given him. Except for the time that Jared had been with Jensen, he'd spent most of the weekend with his fist wrapped around his cock with the thought of Jensen naked wearing only the watch on his mind constantly.

Jared could feel himself getting hard while in a locker room full of naked heterosexuals it wasn't the best situation to be in.

He slid the note into his bag and pulled out a fresh piece of paper and a pen.

Jared folded the note up and put it in his bag to give Sandy after he'd showered.

Sandy was still wearing her cheerleader outfit when she entered advanced chem. Now that she wasn't dating Jared any more, Jensen could admit that she was pretty cute for a girl, more importantly though she was nice. Jared had been right about that much three years ago.

Maybe if things worked out between him and Jared they could all be friends. Stranger things had happened in the past. The fact that Jensen was wearing a sweater he'd gotten from the GAP was a perfect example.

“I have another note from Jared for you. He told me that you could email him your response if you wanted because I won't see him again today and he has practice again right after class is over for the day,” Sandy said handing him another note.

“Thanks,” Jensen replied taking it and opening it under his desk.

He should have waited.

It was a mistake to read Jared's letter in the middle of his Chem class. He could feel himself getting uncomfortably hard with each word he read.

Jared was evil and now according to his note Jensen was supposed to wait until Friday before launching himself at Jared. Well, he had managed to control himself this long but then again that was before he knew it was an option. Jared had better not be messing with him.

Jensen let out a deep sigh drawing the unwanted attention of his lab partner.

Friday felt like it was years away.

This was a really bad idea for a date. What had he been thinking? A band. Really? They wouldn't get a chance to talk not that Jared wasn't eager just to spend time with Jensen in close physical proximity to him. But still this was probably a bad idea and he couldn't help but stress about it.

The car ride to the club had been quiet enough with only a few comments from Jensen about the other guys in his own band to fill the silence. Then they'd had to suffer through the embarrassment of being forced to wear under-age wrist bands.

“So you really think Chris and Steve have feelings for each other?” Jared asked leading Jensen to a booth near the stage with a reserved sign on it. “I called ahead,” he explained when Jensen gave him a strange look.

“Chris is a happy guy as long as he has all the groupies he can eat out,” Jensen said with a laugh. “Or so he says. Mostly Chris and Steve lock themselves in each others bedrooms under the pre-tense of hanging out but all they both really want to be doing is blowing each other. They just won't admit it to each other. I finally got Chris to confess it to me the other day so now all he has to do is man-up and tell Steve the truth about how he feels.”

“It's not always that easy,” Jared replied with a small smile.

“I know,” Jensen whispered before turning towards the stage. “So what's the name of the band that we're here to see?”

“They're called 'Broken Dragonfly' and they're an all girl band that I've heard kick ass but I've never seen them play live before,” Jared replied wanting to reach out and touch Jensen. He managed to keep his hands to himself but it was hard. He actually had to sit on them.

“Oh, they are good. We played a gig with them last year. Their lead singer Eliza is a lot of fun,” Jensen said looking almost excited.

“Well, they're gonna come talk to us after the show about the possibility of them playing at the dance. So you guys can catch up then,” Jared said happy that Jensen seemed to be enjoying himself. And see they were talking after all maybe this wasn't such a bad idea for a date.

Jared couldn't help staring at Jensen's smile and the way he stroked the leather band of the watch Jared had given him and he couldn't help but think about what Jensen had written to him about having a leather fetish. It was all he could do to keep his hands firmly against the seat. Jensen had probably just been joking but if he wasn't...oh, man.

Jared took a deep breath because he didn't want to rush it. Rush Jensen. Jared was afraid he'd scare him away.

The band was great but then the girls always were. Jensen couldn't believe that Jared was considering them for the school dance. They weren't exactly main-stream. But with Eliza and Jared there, maybe the dance wouldn't totally suck ass. Jensen might actually be a little excited about it even.

Jensen wanted Jared to kiss him. It was all he could think about. Yeah, he'd enjoyed the band but the whole time he was thinking about Jared's mouth and his freakishly large hands all over his body.

They'd flirted in their letters but Jared had treated like nothing more than a friend all evening and Jensen was starting to loose heart. He'd said he wanted to kiss Jensen, right? He didn't imagine that did he? Hell, maybe he did. Maybe he'd finally lost his mind and was now completely delusional.

When the band was finished Jensen sucked up the nerve and said “I thought you wanted to kiss me?”

Jared coughed, choking on a mouthful of Coke. “Damn Jensen, are you trying to kill me?”

“Forget it. You didn't mean it,” Jensen said as held slid out of the booth hoping to any god that might be listening that he wouldn't start blubbering like a baby.

Jared stood up after him so quickly that they almost bumped heads. “Don't go. I do want to kiss you. But I'm scared. I've never done this before remember. Besides, it's you. This whole thing is freaking me out but I want it. I swear I want it,” he said shocking Jensen once again.

Jensen just stood there frozen, looking into Jared's eyes trying to see if he could find the truth reflected in them. Jared touched his cheek lightly, so lightly that Jensen barely felt it. He tilted his head bringing it closer to Jensen's.

“I want to kiss you,” he whispered his lips brushing against Jensen's ear. “I want to kiss you all the time.”

Jensen felt the bottom drop out of his stomach. God he wanted that, wanted what Jared was offering him. He stepped even closer to Jared and was about to throw himself at him when a voice behind him said “Jensen? Is that you?”

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! It was the lead singer from the band, the one that Jensen had been talking about earlier. Jared wanted to kill her. Okay, so that was a little dramatic but he was pissed. Jensen had been so close to being his fully for the first time and now instead Jensen was sitting in their booth with his head tilted towards the girl and deep in conversation about acoustic verses electric guitars.

Jared had only wanted one damn kiss.

For once he was glad that Sandy was forcing him to come to one of her parties because it meant that he would be spending a good chunk of tomorrow afternoon and evening hanging out with Jensen at her pool party.

Part 5

bigbang, pdf, jared/jensen, fic, drive me crazy or not another teen movie, j2, acuarella_117, nc-17, slash, m/m

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