May 21, 2005 19:39
I have just had a rather disturbing bus journy home. I fear for the state of the country when I am old. I think I will have to emigrate to a pleasant country (are there any) or become a recluse.
Strength to those brave soldiers on the front line in our schools.
What with the football aswell i'm not sure I dare leave the house tonight.
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Comments 15
[1] Tranlsation; "What seems to be the problem, my fine upstanding friend who resides in the 'hood?"
A bunch of very very surly youth, of I think jamacan ethnicity hence the preempt comment. The kind the papers and govournment are talking lots about at the moment. They were being loud and youthish, fair enough that doesn't scare me although I don't like it. They were openly rude about someone who sat next to them, and when the boyfriend politely defended her against their rudeness they verbally layed into him very argrilly agressively and sort of threateningly. Scary because I perseve there attitude to be reprasentative of the majority of youth today, which sudgest this country will be a very scary violent place in years to come.
Would have been good if a few more folk had laid back into the yardie wannabes.
Rhi just said "does it have an E on the end?" which just goes to demonstrate how out of touch with modern culture I am. A gardening implement she is not.
Oh and rhi said to add 'with ma ho'.
Hope you lovely peeps are well? :)
Democratic Republic of Congo, Kuwait, anywhere. British people, particularly the youth, are beastly scum. Bring on the revolution / genocide / intellectual fascism. Fuck human rights - these creatures can no longer be regarded as human.
(I've just come back from Angel, where it would seem the football crowds have assembled)
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