Feb 01, 2006 04:02
Aaron C. Donahue will enlighten all of you if you have the spine.. Xtianity is ruining are childrens future. We will eradicate it one way or another. I am not an ignorant violent un loving being. My love is hardcore. You , I or any individual will not see the truth alone. WAKE UP and see with the THird EYE, you will see no GOD, Jesus can not save shit, and xtians are possessed by angels, and angels do not belong here, they are only in the mind, where they control our reality. And only fools who lack the light, and do not know thyself, will let the angel guide them. wtf we should be in control of our own guidance, AWARNESS trancends any belief. Lucifer is rising and if you want to make it thru this war, your only chance is to AWAKEN thyself to be AWARE and know thyself, otherwise you will be foresaken. So instead of seeking salvation from Jesus, Why dont you start saving the EARTH. EARTH has been neglected by xtians.raped pillaged burned stabed polluted used abused... etc. EARTH is an ORGANISM, its hard for some people to see that since their vision is so limited. NOW EARTH is dying and WE are all fucked, and we are all gonna suffer, espicially our children. Which to me is the ultimate sin. Lets go to heaven and leave our children on a PLANET that we fucking killed, who cares though jesus will save us. LMFAO how pathetic to follow such turd ridden belief systems. If your a xtian I dont feel sorry for you, hope you wake up. If your a xtian programming your kids to be xtian. YOu are cursed .. so cursed, in fact you will have no glorious afterlife , the rest of your life will be a life of rejerction sorrow, and completely haunted by your belief that you now know is a LIE. This is no joke, nor is it meant to make you FEAR, If you do then you need to overcome that. Dont turn your back on this, I WARN YOU AND I DO IT OUT OF LOVE, but this LOVE is not going to pretend things are OK, or great and happy, THEY are NOT,
SO there is more where this comes from. If you have the guts check out Aaron C Donahues Archives and radio show. This shit is ccensored by xtians and our media nad government. If you want to remain in the dark about the truth, Youd be better off by slicing your throat right NOW. otherwise you can help our children out and connect with Earth and help us luciferiens trancend this dichotmy that is killing us. We are all programed so beware, but if you want to expierience true divinty. This is how and it LIES WITHIN. if you brush this away and do not look into it, you most likely will be foresaken. If you do and do it openly and learn . YOU will be blessed. IF you feel the urge to destroy the collective. Then you will have to take that up with the 72 goetic demons. They serve lucifer and they will destroy those who refuse to accept this but at the same time try to destroy it. This can not be destroyed. And it is growing faster than you can imagine. get in now because when the time comes everyone will want in...
Consider this message a key to your future. Please dont turn your back on yourself and forget or loose this key..
hope to see you all EVOLE with US
have you EVOLVED
Baalbloneia, aka merk, aka EVOLvedEXU