Title: Wednesdays Gift for: bethbethbeth Author: villainny Pairing: Aziraphale/Crowley Rating: G Prompt used:If C/A (or C&A), then historical setting would be great (Middle Ages? Rennaissance?) or a University setting, perhaps?
hee. The reasons? Pure gold. Soooo... Aziraphale is my old lecturer Mike, (who was also socialist and anti-authoritarian to the core) and Crowley's the business lecturer Diane. Ah, the memories.
I wish I'd had professors like this... or that I could be a professor like this. Failing both those things, it was sheer delight to read about Aziraphale and Crowley as professors! Marvelously subtle.
I love this! Especially the reasons why the students secretly like Crowley. I'm forever getting the canon remark about Shadwell, that people tend to like him despite his best efforts, confused and applying it to Crowley.
I love number 2 on Aziraphale's list. That and the line about buying a hat just to eat it if Adam wound up in a field related to English lit. Actually I just love the whole story.
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