Title: Old Fashioned Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Crowley/Aziraphale Author: I'LL NEVER TELL. (shushhh! it's htebazytook!) Recipient: The great and powerful vulgarweed. Summary: Hell has changed.
You have NO IDEA how much I love this. I can't convey it to you because I'm too gobsmacked. The subtlety and the tension and the hilarity (HELL 2.0) and the strained anxiety and the calm tenderness, the sense of relief....
AHAHAHAHAH Crowley's failed email is BRILLIANT, and so is the "delivery method".
Eeeeeee! That's my very favourite Queen song, precisely because it makes me think of Crowley every single time. This whole fic had me grinning. Vulgarweed is such a lucky duck!
Comments 24
You have NO IDEA how much I love this. I can't convey it to you because I'm too gobsmacked. The subtlety and the tension and the hilarity (HELL 2.0) and the strained anxiety and the calm tenderness, the sense of relief....
AHAHAHAHAH Crowley's failed email is BRILLIANT, and so is the "delivery method".
Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!
<3 <3 <3
I was so excited I got you since you got me last year. Also your prompt forced me out of my angsty stupor when it came to GO.
I'm so glad you liked it. It was fun to write, especially those ridiculous e-mails.
<3<3<3 :D
Glad you liked it :D
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