New Members Post

Jan 03, 2006 11:49

If you'd like to contribute to the Good Omens Lexicon, comment on this post with the information below filled out. (This is mostly just to verify that you're actually interested in helping out.)

What you'd like to help out with:
E-mail address:
How you found us:
Other comments/questions:

Then request to join the community. Once your membership has been approved (you'll receive a notification e-mail from LJ), go here to add your contact information and sign up for tasks, and here to read the rules. Your comment to this post will then be screened.

Possible tasks
  • Writing and/or proof-reading articles
    • Full articles (example)
    • Blurbs (example)
    • Other articles for the website (about the authors, editions, etc)
  • Website
    • HTML (coding the articles to go up on the site)
    • Graphics (does not mean art; please see the userinfo if you are interested in applying as an artist)
    • Testing (for usability and bugs or improvements)
  • Publicity (spamming posting about the Lexicon in various fan communities)
Note: In most cases, more than one person can work on the same task.

UPDATE: Members who no longer watch the community and/or had not replied to the contact info post have been removed, assuming they're no longer interested. If that isn't the case, please reapply for membership (no need to fill this out) and you'll be re-added.

