Happy Holidays, Greywolfheir!

Jan 03, 2014 18:54

Title: Intersection
Recipient: greywolfheir
Artist: eldanis
Characters/Pairing: Aziraphale & Crowley, Aziraphale/Crowley (Dragon!Crowley, as it happens)
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Er, tragic sadtimes was proooobably not what you wanted when you asked for a thing based on the awesomely adorable happy-fluffy AU that is Dragon!Omens, dear giftee, OOOPS. -____-;;; But despair not! It's not actually meant to be *literally* tragic; think something a little like Beauty and the Beast: an embrace of trust between them even as Aziraphale 'slays' dragon!Crowley with a sword enspelled to break the curse and transform him back into his human form. Please feel free to imagine a followup/companion piece (which I may or may not do, in the future) of them together in the next moment, held in each other's arms, possibly kissing, possibly just grinning at each other like very relieved idiots. <3

crowley, aziraphale/crowley, 2013 gifts, aziraphale, art, aziraphale and crowley, 2013 exchange

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