2013 List of Anonymous Request Prompts

Oct 03, 2013 13:21

This is where you will find a continuously updated list of anonymous prompts. After the initial sign up period (which ends on October 13th at midnight EST; click on the preceding link to read the instructions and to sign up), you'll have five days to select the gifts that you would like to create from this list. Check back frequently to see what your fandom peers are thinking about!

Prompt claiming will remain open until MIDNIGHT, SATURDAY OCTOBER 19th.


PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: The Them, Dungeons and Dragons. Interpret as you will. (Pairing preferences Adam/Pepper, Brian/Wensleydale, but equally happy to have entirely G fanwork!)
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Aziraphale and Crowley, agents of SHIELD. (Aziraphale/Crowley pairing preference but others are absolutely fine; any rating).
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Future setting, Aziraphale and Crowley in the Firefly universe. (Aziraphale/Crowley preferred pairing, any rating).
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Slow build, pining, humour, happy endings.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: PWP, sad endings, character death, syrupy sweetness, hardcore kink.



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: A crossover with The Name of The Rose; must include at least one GO character, but I leave it up to you who and how
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: something set in the Napoleonic wars, must contain at least one GO character (duh), crossovers welcome (yes, even if I might not know the fandom, but please state it in the AN), extra points, if Marshal Ney makes an appearance, but that's not a requirement
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Ancient Rome around Ceasar's time; Whatever provoked Aziraphale to join the army? Crowley is determined to find out. (appearances of other GO characters optional) extra points, if Publius Clodius Pulcher makes an appearance, but that's not a requirement
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Friendship, hurt/comfort, historical detail ... anything that has a plot, really. I’m not a picky reader. Just ...
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: ... stay away from porn for porn’s sake unless you’re one of the really great porn masters. (If the porn’s there for plot reasons, no problem, but you’ve got to be really good to sell me porn without a plot.)



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Gen or Aziraphale/Crowley. Aziraphale and Crowley visit the Cloisters in NYC. They mostly enjoy a day out, a spot of expensive tea, and making fun of badly-reconstructed history, but something in the museum strikes a very personal chord. I will love you forever if Crowley somehow knew the Limbourg brothers.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: gen or Aziraphale/Crowley. The first time Crowley encountered snow, he was not particularly pleased by how cold it was. He and Aziraphale, of course, somehow manage to invent mulled wine or mead. Bonus points for it being in pre-Christian Scandinavia.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: gen or Aziraphale/Crowley. Aziraphale has recently taken up making rag rugs (they make the flat/store/cottage so homey), and they're endearingly horrendous. Crowley is not as enamoured of them - particularly the ones made of clashing tartans. Snarky, covert domestic war ensues.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: There are a lot of things I like! Domesticity, witty banter, historical detail (I love historical detail), references to canon and canon-style religion, character-study/exploration of character depth, slice-of-life-vignettes, things that are bitter-sweet and sad and lovely and funny. As I said, there's a great deal that I like, and this fandom can be really amazing at delivering. There are so many stories that end up being exactly what I'd like, even if I never would have thought to look for it.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: I'm not overly fond of things like gender-bending, bdsm or alpha/beta/omega universes, mpreg, gratuitous sex with no plot. I don't particularly like when people try to force characters in fanfic tropes, either.



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Crowley/Aziraphale, something regarding Breaking Amish or any other wonderfully trashy TLC show, any rating
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Crowley/Aziraphale, a very London centric story, any rating
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Crowley/Aziraphale, GO fic trope turned on its head, any rating
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Political satire, historical fic, AU, Dom/sub, crossovers, seriously go nuts because I'm not picky!



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale/Crowley are men-shaped, but I hardly think they've always been so. Give me a point in time when they were women-shaped beings instead. - any rating, smut welcome.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Aziraphale's not the only Principality on Earth, nor the only one who grew fond of it. His compatriot didn't have a Crowley, though. - any rating.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Pepper/anyone not a Horseperson or a demon - Pepper grew up and started remembering. - any rating.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: happy endings, snark, consent, silliness, genderqueering, cleverness, adventure, sailing ships, ducks, Kraken, geekiness, stories set other places than England or the US.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: D/s dynamics, pain games, humiliation (sex-related or not), stereotypical gender roles.



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale/Crowley, a situation in which one is genuinely frightened/anxious on the other's behalf (or, hey, even worried sick) that is not the burning bookshop scenario from the novel (but perhaps comparable) and when the other finds out there's a lot of foot-shuffling and, IDK, possibly even smut. Especially even smut. I'm not necessarily asking for traditional hurt-comfort, either. It's the breakdown of those carefully constructed façades that they tried to maintain for so long (but inevitably couldn't forever) that I live for.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Hastur/Ligur, just being complete bastards together (and also hopelessly in love/hate as only those twisted fuckers can be). Any rating, but smut is actually rather appreciated, because they're sweet in spite of how messed up they are.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: The Them, grown up and on the road-trip from hell. Comedy, infighting, annoying the shit out of each other, the works. I bet this couldn't happen with them as teenagers, say seventeen or eighteen, without at least one hook-up happening, and I'd love it if the hook-up was Brian/Wensleydale.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Trust, domesticity, witty banter, unexpected emotional candor, a balance of humor and drama that's commensurate with canon levels of humor and drama, etc. I do like smut with my plot; porn without plot is all right so long as it's not completely without purpose. The plot can be minimal, as long as it's there. Aziraphale and Crowley are my everything; I ship them unreservedly. I've also got a huge soft spot for Anathema/Newt, Shadwell/Tracy, and the Them. Hastur and Ligur are massive pains in the arse, but I love them after a fashion and ship them, too, so there's that.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Anything above and beyond light bondage (or blindfolding, or similar) with Aziraphale and Crowley has always struck me as OOC, so I can't get into it. Humiliation, especially in Crowley's case, is a pretty big no; it just doesn't strike me as a kink that's terribly compatible with either one of them (in fact, I've only seen it done once where I felt it worked). Also, I don't care for either one of them paired with anyone else.



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Crowley/Aziraphale, something autumnal and spooky. I can't help it; I enjoy scaring these two. But only so they'll get closer together! In all seriousness, though, I imagine they'll both be a bit jumpy for a while after the end of the book, seeing Heaven and Hell's nightmarish punishments around every corner.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Anathema and Adam after the end of the book. I'd like to see their friendship develop some more. Whether this leads to Anathema remembering is up to you. Can be shippy if you want it to be (though if you go that route, please delay things happening until Adam's well of age), but gen (with or without sides of Anathema/Newt and/or Adam/Pepper) is all I'm really after.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Crossover with The Sarah Jane Adventures. Something is happening in Lower Tadfield, and it's drawn Sarah Jane's attention. Can be anything from a second attempt at Apocalypse, with all major GO and SJA characters involved in the mix, or something as simple as Adam's imagination running a bit too wild. Oh, if you did that, it could be pre-SJA, with a lonely, colder, closed-off Sarah Jane first annoyed with the Them or pretending to be so, then wistful, and maybe freaked because Adam guesses entirely too much about her.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: I prefer happy endings, or the promise of such in the future even if they're not possible in the present. Although there have definitely been some writers whose gorgeous prose has made me enjoy sex scenes (including previous writers assigned to me at this exchange!), in general I tend to prefer lower ratings, with sex either described in broad strokes rather than in detail or simply implied. I like my pairings, especially Crowley/Aziraphale, to be relationships of equals. For those two, mutual protectiveness makes me squee, as does drunkenness. For the SJA idea, if you want to include pairings from that, I'd prefer Clyde/Rani and/or Luke/Sanjay, but these are in no way required.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Most kinks, I'm afraid -- see above for my feelings about sex scenes in general. This is mostly in reference to Crowley and Aziraphale, though; I'm much more flexible when the characters are human. Also, Crowley and/or Aziraphale paired with anyone else. I think that's about it, really.



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Crowley/Aziraphale stargazing. I'd prefer them not to be a pair before this, but something brings out those romantic feelings. Can go up to any rating.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Crowley/Aziraphale visiting a Christmas market (perhaps Vienna as location?). Mulled wine, happy feelings, tipsiness, lots of good food and snow. Any rating.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Crowley/Aziraphale. 19th century. Aziraphale is a total Oscar Wilde fanboy (despite the writer's debauched life) and Crowley is boiling with jealousy. What does he do to prevent this close relationship? Any rating.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Fluff, smut, literary hints, period costumes, happy endings, humour, witty banter, jealous!Crowley, snow, drunkenness, pining.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Not exactly fond of genderbending and mpreg... I think that's about it.



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: After six thousand years, Crowley has finally done something Aziraphale can't forgive, he wrote 50 Shades of Grey. "Honestly dear, there is just no excuse for bad literature."
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Crossover with the Dresden files. Someone in Hell wants to get rid of Crowley and hires Kincaid for the job. Aziraphale is not amused.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Pepper, Brian and Wensleydale made crude imitations of the Horsemen symbols, but when they defeated them they turned into the real ones. As they grow up they change to become the real horsemen, mostly against their will. Adam notices and tries to stop it, but not even the Antichrist can. At least not without some help. (gen)
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: humour, angst, UST, jealousy, banter, irony.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: non-con, BDSM or heavy kink, PWP, fluff, m-preg, AU, pet names.



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Crowley/Aziraphale, watching Supernatural on TV (reactions, discussion, sulking Crowley and/or Aziraphale, knock yourself out); any rating.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Not really a pairing (hope it's not a problem): Agnes Nutter trying to make sense of her visions. Get creative and have fun with it; any rating.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Newt/Anathema, awkward marriage proposal á la Newt; any rating.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Fun, witty conversations, anything IC really, fluff, something lighthearted, maybe something holidays-related, I don't really know what else to ask for...
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Please no huge angst or character death, or anything like that, keep it light, happy holidays!



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale x Crowley - Fluff - Aziraphale is feeling a bit under the weather. Crowley bringing the angel to his apartment may prove to be the best medicine.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Aziraphale x Crowley - Adam Young, now in his twenties, decides to visit two old friends in a certain dusty bookshop.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale x Crowley - The angel and demon go out to a restaurant to enjoy their evening dinner and bicker as usual. To their surprise, the Horsemen walk in and sit in a booth not too far from their table. What are they up to?
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Huge fan of fluff and comedy. Crowley using his snake form. Aziraphale and Crowley having their wings out/wing grooming/showing off wings. Small use of angelic or demonic powers.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Deaths or explicit sexual content. Angels falling. Conflict's fine, but no huge angst or depressing end.



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale/Crowley, established relationship: Crowley has a wonderful singing voice, really beautiful and charming, Aziraphale has never heard him sing and one day... Bonus: Crowley shapeshifts back into snake form when embarrassed. I'll be honest this is the prompt I want the most. Rating: The highest you're comfortable with.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Aziraphale/Crowley, Crowley is a looker and completely oblivious about it; Aziraphale is very possessive of his demon when people try to flirt with him. Rating: The highest you can get, yo.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale/Crowley, Hogwarts AU (are there ever enough of these?) Crowley's family is heavily involved in the dark arts and Aziraphale's is composed almost completely of Aurors. Since the beginning the both wanted nothing do do with their family and everything to do with each other. (I'll leave the House sorting to the author's choice!) Rating: Aim for the stars! (Same as above, the highest you are comfortable with.)
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Established relationship, domesticity, fluff, Crowley being dorky and cuddly, Aziraphale being a bit pudgy and snarky, kissing, lots of kissing, vulnerable!Crowley, he's a sweetheart ok? Sweet cuddly sex, there now you know what a horrible person I am.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: (Copy-pasted from someone more eloquent than me) Anything that's gratuitously, implausibly melodramatic or blatantly OOC. I'm aware that the definition of OOC sometimes varies depending on who you ask, but a prime example would be anything that takes the angel-and-demon stereotype dichotomy way too literally. Crowley's actually kind of sweet and rather sucks at being a demon; in the same vein, for an angel, Aziraphale can be a right bastard; I don't want to see a Crowley who's genuinely devilish or supremely evil, because he's really not, and I don't want to see an Aziraphale who's some innocent, sappy, simpering fool, because, wow, he's really really not. You get the idea. Also non-con, mpreg, genderswitch, non-canon nicknames, violent sex, character death, stud!Aziraphale, D/s, angst, slutty Crowley, oh God no (I'm fairly certain their sex drive is not existent towards anyone other than each other and only as a consequence of their deep affection).



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Superhero AU- Aziraphale is a (not very effective) superhero and Crowley is his (rather incompetent) nemesis. Both working for larger superhero/villain organizations, they end up having to stop the large and impending hero/villain face-off to keep their city from being completely wrecked. Crowley/Aziraphale optional (but encouraged)
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: A/C Coffeeshop AU involving Aziraphale ordering obnoxiously complicated whipped-cream-and-sugar drinks. Bonus points for them still being supernatural in some way!
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: The Four Horsemen go on a nice holiday.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Wings, historical fiction, in-character writing, rivalries



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: A/C spending a day in bed together being domestic and shit and velcro/physically affectionate Crowley (bonus if they Do Things)
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Crowley has an old lady as a neighbor who teases him mercilessly about his sex life (bonus if in front of an established relationship confused/obvlious Aziraphale)
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Embarrassed/flustered crowley, first time, sassy/passive-aggressive Aziraphale, top!Aziraphale, porn, ooops, fluff, hurt/comfort (as long as it's a happy ending and not an angst-fest)
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Angst, vague smut, first person POV, Mary-Sue Aziraphale (unironically cheerful, oblivious, ditzy -- I think you know what I mean), religious/moral conflict as related to slash, hardcore kink, 500 of the letter S tacked onto Crowley's dialogue



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale keeps the accounts balanced while Crowley sleeps through the nineteenth century. Mostly, though, I'd just like a fic that addresses that, in canon, it says that they occasionally do one another's jobs for the sake of efficiency.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: The actual setting up of the Arrangement, step by step, piece by piece, carefully codified and then accidentally burnt in the fire when Aziraphale wasn't paying attention. And do you know how expensive good parchment is these days? Honestly, Crowley.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale and Crowley have an adventure as or with the Romantic poets. (Could be historical fic; could even be a human AU. Could be Austen pastiche! Could be Byron pastiche.) -- More generally: Aziraphale and Crowley attempt to immerse themselves in some sort of literary or social clique with varying levels of success.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Historical fic, detailed settings and the unnecessary inclusion of expert knowledge, unconventional relationships, Aziraphale and Crowley not Making The Effort, apparent age difference, pudgy!Aziraphale, humor, Neverwhere crossovers with Islington. (For the record, graphic sex is fine; no sex is also fine. Fics can have unhappy endings if you so choose.)
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Clueless!Aziraphale, evil!Crowley, genderswap.



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Crowley and Aziraphale, people assuming they are a couple. Bonus if one is thought to be the sugar daddy (up to you which). Whether they actually are/get together and everything else up to author.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Crowley/Aziraphale is my OTP but I'm good with them being close in whatever fashion author prefers. Plot elements that I particularly like (that you may include if you feel it fits the story): hurt/comfort (in general), fluff with a side of tension/angst. Also, if you feel inspired to write something totally different in terms of characters and all, go for it!
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Unhappy endings, character death. Well, main characters anyway.



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Crowley and his plants, perhaps selecting new plants from a mail order catalogue or just generally taking care of his plants--but perhaps somehow in a creepy way. All his plants are poisonous or something. Basically anything with Crowley and plants. Maybe Crowley has always kept plants? This doesn't have to take place in modern times. Any rating. Could be a higher rating if someone wants to run with a body horror sort of thing involving plants.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Crowley and his appearance. Crowley and his clothing choices or his daily ritual; after all, demons’ wings are better groomed than angels’ wings. Doesn't have to take place in modern times. Crowley's been around a long time. Any rating, though I don't think this could get past PG at the most anyway.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Agnes Nutter, the last day. Agnes Nutter's last day on earth, spending time in her cottage, her preparations, the setting in order of her things, and the acquisition of gunpowder and roofing nails. Any rating, though once again I don't think this could get past PG.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Normal stuff made weird or interesting. DEATH is always a plus, as are mentions of the Them. Historical and literary references, horror, gore, intrigue, and nice clothes.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: I don't like pairings, especially not AziraphalexCrowley. Nothing OOC. I don't like crossovers much, but if it's done brilliantly I'm sure I'd end up liking it; historical crossovers are more interesting than TV show, book or movie crossovers. No porn. No mpreg. No overtly sexual stuff.



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale/Crowley R or NC-17, I want to see Crowley showing Aziraphale that his pudginess is absolutely adored. (BONUS POINTS: I'd also love any kind of backstory on either of their sexual history with other angels/demons/humans that have formed the way they approach love/sex. Maybe Aziraphale's had some cruel lovers in his past or Crowley has given comfort sex to some famous historical person.)
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Aziraphale/Crowley PG-13 to NC-17, Mpreg and birth of whatever lovely demon/angel baby they produce. Don't care about anything other than snuggly pregnant love and the two of them marveling at the child they've produced after it's born. (Can be Omegaverse or whatever Mpreg allowing plot device you like. Hell, even laying Angel or Demon eggs. Whatever works!)
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Hastur/Ligur PG-13 to NC-17, One of them admits to being in love with the other, cue lots of soul searching about love and being a demon. I'd like for them to ultimately realize they can still be cruel, hateful assholes to everyone around them, and to each other, but still love each other and fuck each other silly. Can be as angsty as you like, just please have a happy ending!
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: SMUT, porn with a plot, fat, body worship, mirrors, pregnant sex, consensual BDSM (up to and including anything involving blood or watersports. No animals, scat, or children), snark, fluff, humor, UST resulting in lots of RST, Happy endings, domesticity, parenting, masturbation
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: weight gain/feederism, non-con, major character death, stereotypical gender roles, not into genderswap, Crackfic



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Domestic Aziraphale and Crowley, the little things they do that make people think they're an old married couple. Sort of just "snapshots" of their life together in modern London, or even in other places and times, like a 5+1... except longer ;) So, lengthy 5+1 snapshots or 10+1 short ones, depending on the writer's preference. Doesn't always have to be an "outsider looking in" type story, could just be them doing things that usually only old married couples or people completely in love do.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Crowley makes a deal to save Aziraphale's life, and the deal involves a curse where the two of them end up human, Aziraphale wakes up from a "coma" in a hospital bed with no memory of who he is, but with the same personality (love of books, tartan, the comforts of life, and outdated tastes in everything). And the only way they can go back to the way things were is if Aziraphale falls in love with Crowley--which is a long, arduous and difficult process... but far from impossible ;) Cue Crowley trying to jog Aziraphale's memory, and Aziraphale wondering how he could have a friend so different from him, and yet perfectly fitting. They were NOT together before the deal, but they were mutually unconfessed and in love.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Good Omens/Love Actually fusion, or the Good Omens Christmas Romance special! Feel free to use characters from close fandoms such as the Sandman or Lucifer comics, Constantine, any number of Neil Gaiman books (I'm not well read on Terry Pratchett sadly so if you include any Pratchett references I won't get them D:) Supernatural, etc.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Domestic angel and demon, in-character romances, historical and mythological references, humor and drama and cheesy romances. Also, I have a weakness for completelyinlove!Crowley who would worship Aziraphale, adore him completely, and also possibly cry from all the emotion. Whump.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: For the love of all things good, please do NOT use the nickname Azira, or Zira. That's all.



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale/Crowley, Paris at the fin de siècle; bonus points for Crowley being ominous and vaguely prescient in that way of his.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: A/C, Crowley and Aziraphale spend the 1980s in the West End, mainly. Don't go overboard, but I love the idea that Crowley and Aziraphale basically went on ridiculous dates while watching Warlock, and that those dates included the kind of Big Smash Musicals that a 1980s family would end up seeing (Cats, Les Mis, Phantom, A Chorus Line, Miss Saigon, Evita, that terrible John Barrowman revival of Anything Goes from 1982). Aziraphale missing Rodgers and Hammerstein and Cole Porter is great, Crowley loving the gaudiness of early Andrew Lloyd Webber (mass entertainment! He loves it) and being subtly frightened of Sweeney Todd.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: A/C, Merlin crossover. Crowley still hasn't really forgiven Merlin for what he did to him all those years ago, but God knows that Crowley understands the things you do for love, sometimes. (Post-novel, Merlin seeks out Crowley and/or Aziraphale. The end of the world has come and gone, Merlin is looking for Arthur, and Crowley sympathized with Morgana but couldn't do anything to stop the sequence of events for whatever reason.)
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: quiet comforting (but not overdone) fluff, stupid puns, well-done crossovers, charming incompetence, well-researched historific, a clear and obvious love for all the source material.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: BDSM, mpreg, kidfic, omegaverse, any trope that has had a lot of currency on FF.net, Aziraphale as a delicate blushing flower (STOP), poorly researched historical fic (if you don't know history, don't do the history prompt - simple), anything to do with Moffat Who, Supernatural, Welcome to Night Vale. Nicknames for Aziraphale not mentioned in canon. Overdone emotionalism a la Diamond Sky Over Titanic.



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale/Crowley, French history - ancient or recent, from the Romanization of the Gauls to Sarkozy vs. Hollande, anything you like as long as it's French. (Bonus points if Joan of Arc or Eleanor of Aquitaine show up somewhere!) Any rating.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: War/Pepper, background canon relationships or Aziraphale/Crowley also welcomed, "Be Brave" by My Brightest Diamond which you can watch/listen to here. Any rating.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale/Crowley, outside POV - could be a canon character, could be an OC, I really don't mind. Or, ooh, several outside POVs; I can never get enough of this type of story! (Bonus points if one or more POVs are set in the past and/or in a country other than Britain.) Any rating.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Aziraphale/Crowley and canon relationships are my FAVORITE!! Shadwell and Tracy just don't get enough love, so too with Newt and Anathema. I like a bit of darkness with my fluff and a little sweetness with my angst; just give me something believably complex and I'll be quite happy. Also: history! I love historical details. Kink in general is fine but not necessarily something I'm looking for.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: PLEASE NO NC-17 ART. Writing ratings, I don't care. Dissatisfactory endings, nicknames or endearments that are not exemplified in canon or that aren't logically extrapolated from canon, gratuitous character death, MPreg, non-con or gratuitous dub-con, anything involving feces or vomit, etc. Basically, if you need a giant warning for it, it's probably not for me, but other than that I'm pretty open!



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale & Crowley, as platonic or as shippy as you like, being protective of each other. The actual level of danger is yours to do with as you please. Bonus points for BAMF Aziraphale and reluctantly impressed Crowley...or vice-versa, actually. Appearances from other canon characters welcome.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Anathema getting used to life without the Book to help her/learning to deal with not knowing what's going to happen next. Appearances from other canon characters welcome.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: The Them growing up. Bonus points for Adam/Pepper when they're older, childhood shenanigans, Adam using his powers in minor ways, dealing with the everyday dramas of growing up, and any appearances from any other canon characters.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Protectiveness, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending (as much angst as you want as long as it has a happy ending), snark/humour, fluff, Hogwarts AUs, families of choice, strong friendships, character backstory.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Explicit sexual content, excessive non-canon pet names (without a reason), sad endings, crack, embarrassment (as in inducing second hand embarrassment in me, it's okay if characters are briefly embarrassed but not humiliated), "demons can't heal" (Crowley heals the dove in canon).



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Crowley & Aziraphale. Because of an approaching angelic ceremony Aziraphale is Very Secretly trying to lose weight (his gym could be outside the UK). Crowley isn’t stupid of course - and doesn’t approve at all. Bonus points if he shows up in one of Aziraphale’s Zumba classes.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Crowley & Aziraphale, a moment when they have to say goodbye for a long and/or undetermined period of time. Interference/punishment from Above/Below or a dark historical context would be great (but at a point when their relationship has already deepened to some extent). Angst, gallow humour and emotional last-minute confession please?
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Crowley & Arziraphale in the Star Trek Verse (Reboot or TOS). Bonus points for encounters with alien supernatural beings and K/S. I am also a huge sucker for Vulcan kissing techniques.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Protectiveness, deep affection, subtle h/c, witty dialogues and flirting, outsiders commenting on their relationship, Aziraphale being not as angelic as he looks (but not cruel) and Crowley being a snarky, decadent, vulnerable and possessive darling.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: PWP, mpreg, all kinds of universes whose names include Greek letters and smut-heavy stories in general.



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: What do Crowley and Aziraphale do when the ducks migrate? What convoluted excuses do they wind up using in order to cuddle on park benches? :D
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: What does falling in love feel like for a demon? I would love an introspective look at how Crowley actually comes to terms with loving an angel. Does this mean he has grace, or a soul, or any of that jazz? How ineffable!!!!!
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale finally has sex around year 2013 and decides he REALLY LIKES IT. Time to experiment! Does Crowley have any tips? He's a demon, he must have tips! Crowley does not actually have tips. Crowley is actually quite vexed at Aziraphale's inquisitiveness. HIJINKS (and sex) ENSUE.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Footnotes! And humor suffused with underlying seriousness. I love wittiness and charming banter against a backdrop of slight angst, and I love it when the angst is more of an existential kind involving how you love and care for a flawed and beautiful human race and how that reflects on your love and care for each other. I also love sex. And Queen. And bookshops. And duck-feeding. And scenes of London, but they can totally leave Europe and go other places! That would be awesome! I am not really one for kinks in this pairing but I do love it when Crowley gets to actually let out his pure demonic nature. What's that look like? Is it sulphury? OOH DOES HE GET SULPHUR IN AZIRAPHALE'S BEDSHEETS? IS IT HARD TO GET OUT? I'm going to stop now. In general, I really like falling-in-love story arcs, and for these two I'd love anything that combines character and metaphysical explorations. :)
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: ....apocalypse :/ and dead plants. and crowley/unhappiness. Please no alpha/beta/omega stuff because I'd rather have story exploring canon for these two! I'd rather have Kink-What-Kink? Than PWP :D



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Shakespeare! Again. Haha now everyone knows who I am. But anyway! HAMLET. I'd love to see Crowley and Aziraphale in the roles of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Whether they were the 'real' R&G and were in Denmark at the time for some reason (lending a bit of a different understanding to the line 'Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead,'), or are simply playing the roles on stage (historic or modern, I don't care) is up to you. But I'd LOVE to see some discussion/obsevations/snark about the other characters/players in the vein of the drunk scene in the book. This could go vastly different ways depending on if you make them 'actually' R&G, or if they're just playing them, and could be anything from super-serious to shameless humor to somewhere in between. Paralleling the classic 'but which is which?' question in regards to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern with the idea from GO that angels and demons really aren't very different at all might also be really fascinating on a meta level. I'm thinking out loud here, I'll stop now. XD Gen or slash equally fine. As with last year's Shakespeare prompt: bonus points for gavotting.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Shamelessly recycling this prompt from last year, because I would still love to see it! A thing I feel should be done right or not at all: crossover with Sandman. Remember that century Crowley slept away? What if he spent some of it in the Dreaming? Who might he meet and talk to? Mervyn, Lucien (who might remind him, or not, of Aziraphale, perhaps?), Cain and Abel, Eve, ANY denizens of the Dreaming (though Matthew might not yet be around at this point in history, much as I adore him), really; maybe even Morpheus or one/more of the other Endless? WHY did he sleep the century away, for that matter? Bored? Avoiding/traumatized by something? (I feel like the reason(s) for his long nap have been conjectured upon somewhere, and if I could find that just now, I would probably be more articulate, but I can't.) No need or desire to leave Aziraphale out, either; just because he rarely sleeps doesn't mean he never sleeps. Maybe Crowley needed a pull to come back? ...I could go on quite a while but am shutting up in an attempt (HA) at brevity. Honestly, I would love any and all exploration of this idea: essentially, that Crowley (voluntarily or not) visits the Dreaming during his century nap. The above paragraph isn't a list of requirements but of possible plot bunnies. Faithfulness to the tone and characterization in both source works (GO and Sandman) greatly appreciated: I'd like something serious (which doesn't mean no humor, this is GO after all!) for this, not crack. Gen or slash is fine, whatever works best.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Same works crossed-over as above, but crack/humor (so long as everyone is in character) fully permitted, even wanted! This one might make for good art in particular. Aziraphale meets Dream's library. Oh to be a fly on that wall.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Pudgy somewhat-older Aziraphale. Sympathetic and vulnerable (but NOT woobie) not-genuinely-evil-Crowley. Shmoop when appropriate. Wings. Established relationship. Quiet affection. Wordless understanding. Drunken conversations. Ducks.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Az, Azi, Zira, or any nicknames/shortenings/forms of address not used in the book. And I'm the second person this year to blatantly steal from another prompter who already said it better than me: "Anything that's gratuitously, implausibly melodramatic or blatantly OOC. I'm aware that the definition of OOC sometimes varies depending on who you ask, but a prime example would be anything that takes the angel-and-demon stereotype dichotomy way too literally. Crowley's actually kind of sweet and rather sucks at being a demon; in the same vein, for an angel, Aziraphale can be a right bastard; I don't want to see a Crowley who's genuinely devilish or supremely evil, because he's really not, and I don't want to see an Aziraphale who's some innocent, sappy, simpering fool, because, wow, he's really really not. You get the idea."



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: I adore crossovers and one of my favorite things about GO is that its soo easily crossover-able! Would love to see Aziraphale and Crowley, maybe even the horsepeople, dip their meddling fingers into other people's business, or simply view potential situations and deciding NOT to meddle, and the consequences of that. My current fandom loves include Teenwoof, Elementary, Star Trek reboot, Agent Coulson, HP maurauders, HTTYD.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Human!AU- Az and Crowley as depowered humans, maybe becoming neighbors? Coffeeshop AU? Library/bookstore shenanigans? Anything is lovely as long as it still true to the characters. Are the kids their neighbourhood hooligans? Are Anathema and Newt their collegues?
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Daemon!AU? What if angels and demons manifested Daemons? (a la His Dark Materials)
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: I love both shippy Az/Crowley or as best bros, happy with any rating! Love the fluff, domesticity, dragons, kids, parenthood, genderbending, shenanigans, shapeshifting, cuddles, pining, epic space adventures, historical AUs, art and design, well crafted fights, character focus... Yeah I like fun and happy but I don't mind a healthy dose of angst for the right reasons and the right reward? :P
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Inebriation, excessive violence/gore, dub-con, non-con



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Discworld crossover: maybe Crowley messes up his new transportation trick and Aziraphale and him end up in front of a few very surprised wizards; maybe Anathema goes to a witch-conference and runs into Nanny Ogg and Granny Weatherwax; maybe Adam hops into another universe and ends up sharing a drink with Carrot and whining about being the Chosen One... Go wild.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: In the late 15th century the Vatican has become a bit of an embarrassment for Upstairs, so they send Aziraphale to deal with the problem. Once there Aziraphale realises he's in over his head and hides in the archives (with Burchard?), hoping the problem will sort itself. Of course then Crowley shows up... Bonus points for guest appearances by Lucrezia Borgia and/or Giulia Farnese
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Anything with Crowley and Eve. How did he convince her to try the apple? What did she do afterwards? Is she still around and is Crowley trying to avoid her out of guilt?
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: domesticity/old marrieds, historical and literary references, giving historical women a voice/agency, realistic slightly-imperfect sex scenes, complex characters, cynics who grumble and moan but who will still fight for what's right. As for the pairings, make them as platonic or explicit as you want, I'm not fussy.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: character bashing, jealousy. Kink-wise pretty much anything goes, as long as you can justify it character/personality-wise



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale/Crowley; Sex in the Bentley! Rating as high as possible (and comfortable.)
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Gen or Aziraphale/Crowley; Hogwarts AU! (There are not enough of these, for my taste.) Preferrably with Crowley being internally torn over being a Slytherin/from a pure blood, run-of-the-mill evil family and Aziraphale wanting to befriend him. Any rating.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale/Crowley; Domestic Fluff, Aziraphale blackmailing Crowley into making breakfast and bringing it to bed. Does not have to be A/C, could be totally backhanded and snarky. Or not. Rating up to you! (I like me some porn, but that'd just be a bonus)
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: snark, banter, PWP, but also Porn with Plot, ANGST, h/c, domesticness, Hufflepuff!Aziraphale, Hufflepuff being an awesome house
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Nicknames that are variants of their actual names (eg Azi), aynthing corny or stereotypically romantic things played straight, mpreg



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Victorian London. Aziraphale vs Jack the Ripper, or Crowley and Aziraphale interacting with Holmes and Watson - Or even Mycroft! (ACD or Granada).
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Aziraphale and/or Crowley - and Methos. Any or multiple time periods. (though maybe not Greece/Rome because we know what that did to Methos' hair XD)
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale and Brother Cadfael, or otherwise Aziraphale (+ optional Crowley) and the goings on of a monastery. Bonus for hilarious inappropriate marginalia.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Strong friendship, banter, non-sexual intimacy, hurt/comfort, historically accurate details, Aziraphale as a being of genuine faith and power (as well as snark). Crowley reluctantly caring about things/people. Both of them being competent. I like wings and halos and snakes and books and miracles. I think Aziraphale looks like Sebastian Roché.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: angels falling, angels/demons turned human, BDSM tropes, romance cliches, non-canon nicknames (I kind of loved it when Crowley called Aziraphale 'angel' in easily-misinterpreted-by-others ways, though.)



PLOT BUNNY CHOICE ONE: Great Gatsby crossover with Crowley as Gatsby and Aziraphale as Nick. All other characters can be whoever and OCs allowed if necessary.
PLOT BUNNY CHOICE TWO: (Based off of a drawing I saw that I don't know how to link to) Saint Patrick was supposedly the man who expelled all snakes from Ireland. Explain why (What did Crowley do? Was Aziraphale in disguise as a saint? Or was he just a concerned bystander?). I know it's before the Arrangement so it's hard to make slashy, but suggestive pre-slash would be much appreciated uwu
PLOT BUNNY CHOICE THREE: (Based on dragon!Omens that I ALSO don't know how to link to) Medieval AU where at night, Crowley is a dragon but during the day, he is a very capable knight who can't seem to keep his eyes off the crown prince--Aziraphale. Aziraphale is tasked with defeating the dragon menace (to prove himself as a worthy king obv) only to find out that the dragon he has to kill is, in fact the knight he's been pining after for years.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Heavy plot, fighting (verbal and/or physical), hurt/comfort (typically Crowley being hurt), jealousy/protectiveness; Ratings: T or below; Pairings: Air Conditioning
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: UST, smut--I won't read it if there's smut



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Adam Young later in life. Any story about Adam as an adult, and the struggles he went through to get there. Just for example, I'd love to see him as a politician, or in some creative field, or as some kind of activist or New Age entrepreneur or something, where he wrestles with the ethics of his powers (assuming he still has them in some form.) Any pairing is fine (I like Adam/Pepper, but if you have something else in mind, surprise me! I'm open-minded about it), or none if you like. Any rating.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Aziraphale/Crowley in any historical setting where there are a lot of cultural clashes or a war going on, and they might find themselves on opposing sides. Cue social awkwardness, (not too heavy) angst, and sneaky romance. Any rating. AND you don't have to go with real history - I would be ecstatic to see them in Middle-earth! Or Westeros, if you can find a way to make that funny (actually, the more I think about it, the more I think that idea is inherently hilarious!)
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Steampunk AU with Newt as a mad inventor who specializes in disasters, and Anathema as a bold psychic adventuress who manages to make things work. Appearances by other GO characters totally welcome (and/or random crossover guests if you like, just don't let them take over). Any rating.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Humor, social satire, history, theology, adventure, explicit consensual smut, romance, vivid settings, historical costuming. I'd be equally happy with art or fic for any of these prompts.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Heavy angst/tragic endings, permanent character death, non-con, saccharine fluff.



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: A/C: Snogging in the park. In bad weather. I don't know how or why but snogging in the park!!!!!!!! in bad weather!!!!!!!!!!! Except Crowley can't handle the cold very well and requires significant warming up after (via grudging coddling or by any other means). Any rating.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: A/C (or gen): Large christmas celebration with other almostapocalypse survivors (when the Them are a lot older)!! Gifts! Embarrassing stories! Christmas crackers and the silly hats that come out of them! A big dinner! Even Shadwell is happy! The works. Any rating.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: A/C: They get completely and utterly wasted and decide to do some prank calling. Armed with a phonebook and a terrible drunk sense of humour they terrorise unsuspecting phone-owners in the dead of the night. Maybe they end up calling other GO characters??? Any Rating.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Sweetness, romance, autumn-y walks in the park, genderbending, elements of A and C not entirely fitting in the gender binary (which would make sense, all things considered.), deeply affectionate cuddling/conversations/sex/gazing in eyes etc., cozy scenes, Aziraphale being chubby and not young, diversity in A and C's physical appearance, loving relaxed kinky sex, crowley's cynical tough guy persona being shattered/discarded/gently removed, CHRISTMASY ATMOSPHERE HELL YEAH, all in all: shameless fluff. 'Tis the season, after all.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: naive ultra angelic Aziraphale because really????, idealised bodies, children/childbirth/anything under the age of 16, unresolved sadness/angst.



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Adam is immortal. His friends aren't.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Pepper/Adam, but Adam-centric and involving anyone you like; I want stuff with Adam dealing with having his powers in high school or college. Would ESPECIALLY like to see something with Adam's powers winding up darkening him in spite of himself? Like, he hurts people without meaning to, and it messes with him because, well, he was born to end the world but he averted that, but you can't completely escape what you were born to be? So, Adam coping with being the antichrist in a post-notpocalyptic world? And Pep (and his friends) helping him cope.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale/Crowley with mention or focus on the genderfluid/genderless quality of angels and demons.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Stuff that will make me cry, space AUs, snarky banter, historical AUs, drowning, immortality vs mortality, magical creatures/magic in general, psychological exploration, good illustrations of deep trust between individuals.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Smut in general, especially relating to or involving pregnancy.
Note: I'm mostly an artist (though I do write) and would in general be best suited and most happy with a recipient who has a prompt related to something visual, especially something to do with religious iconography or nice costumes or pretty hair.



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Crowley, as I'm sure we're all aware, is an Angel that “did not so much as fall as saunter vaguely downward.” This is one of my favorite things about the book: the idea that falling from grace could be seen not as a traumatic or devastating but mundane and gradual. It really drives home the idea that the differences between Heaven and Hell are really quite minor, that to try to separate them in any significant way is to act upon assumption and prejudice rather than reality. Unfortunately, when I read fics that mention Crowley's past, they seems to... see it differently than I do. Crowley's “fall” is often described as painful, sudden, something he regrets, basically a giant vortex of angst and hurt/comfort (not that I don't like angst and hurt/comfort but there is a time and place and for me that is not it). So what I would like, scratch that, adore, is a fic where Crowley falling is honestly no big deal. Like a pre-fall fic where he's in Heaven and he gets a form letter that's just like “Hm well looks like you've recently gone a bit over the line on something or other, you've been transferred to Hell you can pick up your stuff whenever” or he just comes in to work one day and his office has been moved. Whether he knows Aziraphale yet or not is your choice. Bonus points if he's been snakelike since he was an angel and the slitted eyes/scales/whatever is nothing new. (Rating: G to PG-13 I guess, depending on what you do with it)
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: When I first read Good Omens, I just assumed that the agents of Heaven/Hell that visited Warlock were Aziraphale and Crowley in disguise. Joining fandom and rereading the book made me realize that they were actually supposed to be totally different people-shaped-beings (ha ha oops). Still, I've always liked my initial misinterpretation so I'd like to read an AU where “Nanny Ashtoreth” was Crowey and “Brother Francis” was Azirapahle. Just to be clear, they don't have to go by those names or act the same as in the canon, but I'd like them to keep the same roles (Nanny and Gardner). Things I would look forward to in a fic like this: Crowley and Aziraphale dicking around in America, man shaped beings turning into woman shaped beings and it being nbd, tentatively growing friendship, complaining about all the stuff they miss from England, and looking for new ducks to feed and places to eat through trial and error. (Rating: G to PG-13, depending on what you do with it)
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Good Omens/Sleepy Hollow crossover. I know its only been a few episodes (well, when this is posted it will have been) but I am shameless and I can't think of a good justification for an Elementary crossover so there it is. You can decide the mechanics of how/why the crossover happens, but I'd want the story to involve as many of these elements as possible: Ichabod and Aziraphale bonding over how much better the past was, Crowley interacting with the SH demons (they creep him the hell out), people other than Crowley and Azirapahle showing up (ANY OF THE MORTALS YES PLEASE), Ichabod and Abby as platonic friends, Aziraphale and Crowley acknowledging Ichabod and Abby as being the official “witnesses” of the bible, Ichabod adapting to modern stuff fairly quickly after initial shock, Ichabod pestering Abby to give in to the prophesied friendship, Abby being in denial about the prophesied friendship, Ichabod being the only-sane-man except in this universe being the only sane man means seeing demons everywhere, Abby and her sister interacting/bickering/wrecking shit up together, everyone constantly trying to vanquish Crowley and he's like “bless it I'm on your side people,” Crowley and Detective Dunn interacting, Ichabod saying Left-tenant and getting furious about the social injustices of the modern world. (Rating: Literally anything)
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Drunkenness, understated angst , ducks, appearances by mortals and antichrists, Heaven/Angels being douchecanoes, bittersweetness, Aziraphale making horrible fashion choices besides wearing tartan, snark, dark/dry humor, chubby/balding/older Azirapahle, hidden depths/darkness, sulking. If you draw art for one of my prompts, my headcanon Crowley looks like Danny Pudi and my headcanon Aziraphale looks like Neil DeGrasse Tyson (THE HEADCANONS CHOOSE ME I DON'T CHOOSE THEM OK) and while I'm obviously not going to be angry if you draw them as you see them, it would be nice to see my headcanons depicted since I have seen a total of two black Aziraphale drawings in my life and seriously come on have you seen some of the vests Neil DeGrasse Tyson wears I mean that moon and sun vest don't even try to tell me Aziraphale wouldn't wear that he would have five of those.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: I really don't expect or want sex for any of these prompts, but just in case I'm not a fan of noncon, scat/watersports, rimming, or mpreg. Also I repeat: I don't want Abby and Ichabod paired up, they are platonic biblically- prophesied bros ok. You can decide if you want Aziraphale and Crowley to be romantically involved, but if you do please don't make it a pervet-dom-Crowley and naïve-sub-Aziraphale thing.



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: During Crowley's long nap, Aziraphale (tries?) to take care of his plants. Any rating, can be gen, as long as it's some flavor of comedy.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Aziraphale gets his hands on a rare copy of the play The King in Yellow; reading and its consequences ensue. Any rating, if there's a pairing Aziraphale/Crowley.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Any crossover between Carnacki and Good Omens. Maybe Aziraphale wants a copy of the Sigsand Manuscript, maybe Crowley gets mistaken for a haunting. Any rating.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: I have a fondness for cracky humor and porn with plot. I'm fine with any mood and ending, as long as it fits.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Porn lacking plot, OOCness, the compulsion some people have to have romantic loose ends tied up, and bad writing that is not even amusingly bad. Please ask about crack pairings.



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Crowley/Aziraphale; Crowley finds out that Aziraphale has been writing romance novels, and tries to one-up him. Any rating.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Crowley/Aziraphale, with an appearance by The Doctor (Ten or Eleven, your choice); At some point in the past, Crowley gets thwarted from his evil plans by The Doctor - and what will he do when Aziraphale becomes fascinated with the young Time Lord? Any rating.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Crowley/Aziraphale; The two come to an agreement - Crowley will give up evil-doing for a week if Aziraphale gives up his books for a week. Can they do it? Will one of them break? Any rating.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Crowley's snark, Aziraphale's wit. Quirky historical settings. Slow building attraction, genuine affection.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Any sort of "advanced" kink, BDSM, D/s, etc. Any sexytiems should fit the story.



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Crowley x Aziraphale; Crowley consoles Aziraphale after the destruction of the library of Alexandria. Perhaps he’s managed to squirrel away some precious scroll that Aziraphale would appreciate? PG-13 and up.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Aziraphale/Crowley; drunken karaoke. Maybe it was a dare, maybe it was a just a lark, but it turns out Crowley has a sultry voice, or at least Aziraphale thinks so. R and up.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Crowley/Aziraphale; Crowley finally decides to take the Arrangement to the next level, but how do you romance an Angel? Especially one who can be Clueless. R and up.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: First time sex, banter, pent up desire, sexual tension, losing control, happy endings.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Deathfic, mpreg, genderswitch, humiliation, watersports.



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale/Crowley rating: R+ Ancient Egypt AU; ((if at all possible please avoid the library of alexandia as a plot point. there are already quite a few good fics about that but there is a lot more of ancient egyptian history that im sure aziraphale and crowley were around for. Beyond that I'm open to anything; Gods, temples, Crowley corrupting pharaohs, anything.))
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Aziraphale/Crowley rating: R+ An intense game of footsie leads to desperate sex in the restroom of the ritz.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale/Crowley rating: R+ Does good omens tentacle porn exist? I don't think so and thats a shame so please make it happen.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Sexual tension; a lot of leading up to the sex, first times, top!aziraphale, kissing i LOVE KISSING. DETAILED KISSING. sex while partially clothed, detailed sex scenes, i really like details. morning sex, angst as long as it ends happily.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: BDSM, torture, crowley being a stereotypical demon, aziraphale being a ditzy angel, vague sex, stupid euphemisms for penis ie: prick, length, shaft. things like cock and dick are fine.



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Anything with Agnes Nutter! I'm pretty sure canon specifies that she never met Aziraphale or Crowley, but feel free to overlook that for fic-writing purposes--and I wouldn't be at all surprised if she'd encountered a Horseperson or two, in the course of her advocacy for jogging and washing your hands. Not to mention the fact that her proposed course of action against the villagers who eventually kill her is... uh, well. More than a little apocalyptic. Stuff with her descendants interpreting her messages is also welcome.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: I'd like to see the Them as thirty-somethings or older, whether that's "the Them making it as more-or-less sober and rational adults" or "the Them are now international spies." Or somewhere in-between. Pairing-wise, anything will suit, but I'm partial to Pepper/Adam and Pepper/War.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Shadwell/Tracy wedding. Please. Go wild.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Canon-typical humor, the power of friendship, characters relaxing and enjoying one another's company after a long hard nuptial campaign, varied methods of coping with fatalism. Whatever you see fit to churn out!



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: PG-13-NC-17 Aziraphale/Crowley, established relationship. Sometimes when they're out in public, they play a version of "Don't Flinch," where one subtly teases whatever sweet spots the other has to make them crack with a moan or other visible reaction (Crowley likes to pull this stunt on Aziraphale in the library), often leading to sex in the nearest convenient location. (They totally swap turns to allow for "revenge" later, too).
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Any Rating. Aziraphale/Crowley. Sex is great and all, but sometimes a man-shaped being wants some non-sexual intimacy. For this, I'd like sensuality without a major emphasis on sexuality. Could be a regular part of their relationship, could be that one wants/needs more of this than they're getting, could be that they're both asexual and in love, and this is what they do together. Touch, massage, cuddling, kissing, grooming, tickling, etc.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale/Crowley. Crossover with Welcome to Night Vale, R-NC-17, the stranger, the better, and whose idea was it to come here on holiday in the first place? Maybe with a side of Cecil/Carlos.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Kink (light or heavy), BDSM, dry wit, snark, aftercare, post-sex snuggling, communication, other angels, other demons, inhuman sex, wing-kink
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Mpreg, scat, water sports, angst, character death, non-con, non-canon nicknames



PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Crowley tries his hand at creating art (painting, sculpture, macrame - it's up to you), and the result is surprising.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Aziraphale and Crowley visit the Swiss Alps for a lovely skiing holiday, but end up spending most of their time snuggling and guzzling spiked cocoa in the chalet.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: AU - A village theatre troupe is putting on a play about the end of the world. Can the production survive a little angelic (or hellish) meddling?
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Humor, banter, first-time, adventure, ironic anachronism, slow buildup, UST, PWP, role play, role reversal, history, historical fics, pop culture.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Non-con, deathfic, character bashing, over the top sap.


Prompt claiming will remain open until MIDNIGHT, SATURDAY OCTOBER 19th.

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