List of Anonymized Prompt Requests

Sep 15, 2012 14:16

This is where you will find a continuously updated list of anonymized prompts. After the initial sign up period, you'll have five days to select the gifts that you would like to create from this list. Check back frequently to see what your fandom peers are thinking about!

1. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale/Crowley, miscommunication or a misunderstanding, any rating (higher ratings encouraged).
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Aziraphale/Crowley, epic domestic battle for control of whose tapes get played in the Bentley on car trips these days, any rating (higher ratings encouraged).
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Newt/Anathema, on holiday in an exotic locale (because Newt abroad would be kind of hilarious, in a very well-meaning and British kind of way), any rating.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Aziraphale/Crowley. Newt/Anathema. Anything that's gen and very much in line with canon. The Them. I also have a soft spot for Shadwell and Tracy (and no, I don't think intimacy between old people is gross).
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Anything that's gratuitously, implausibly melodramatic or blatantly OOC. I'm aware that the definition of OOC sometimes varies depending on who you ask, but a prime example would be anything that takes the angel-and-demon stereotype dichotomy way too literally. Crowley's actually kind of sweet and rather sucks at being a demon; in the same vein, for an angel, Aziraphale can be a right bastard; I don't want to see a Crowley who's genuinely devilish or supremely evil, because he's really not, and I don't want to see an Aziraphale who's some innocent, sappy, simpering fool, because, wow, he's really really not. You get the idea. Also, mpreg is a very definite no.

2. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Crowley x Aziraphale, crossover with Doctor Who [Ten or Eleven either one, cares not given]. Surely during one of his great romps across time and space the Doctor has come into contact with our favorite angel and demon. Any rating.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Crowley x Aziraphale, crossover with Quantum Leap. Seriously, that's it-the premise and nature of Quantum Leap, right down to appearances by both God and the Devil, totally make this possible. (A healthy shot of Sam x Al alongside CxA would be freaking awesome, too, please.) Any rating.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Crowley x Aziraphale. Christmas in WWII. History nerd feels FTW. Any rating.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Snark, fluff, humor, IC-ness, genderswap, languages
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Non-con, death fic, (option 2 only: adherence to the series finale). I love all three prompts equally, so I'll be happy with whichever gets written or drawn.

3. 1. Aziraphale/Crowley Coffeeshop (or teashop!) AU, as I have yet to see this done! Any rating is quite fine with me.
2. Aziraphale/Crowley Something involving a (possibly drunken) karaoke scene. Preferably canon-verse, but I'm flexible. Again, any rating is fine.
3. Aziraphale/Crowley Discworld crossover in any way the author/artist sees fit, but I am particularly partial to the inclusion of the City Watch. Any rating is good.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Domesticity, witty banter, romance, humor, cameos by other canon characters, happy endings, smut, failed sexytimes, dancing, wings (and yes, wing!kink), The Bentley, fluff, inclusion of canon elements, chubby!Aziraphale, inclusion of snake form!Crowley, established relationship (except in the case of the first prompt, where I would prefer a buildup, though not required if doing art for that prompt). Crack is also fine in small doses. Open to most any kinks aside from the ones listed below.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Large amounts of angst, sad endings, cliched or ooc characterization, heavy BDSM, major character death, non-con, first person POV, watersports, scat, abuse, excessive gore.

4. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: gen or Aziraphale/Crowley - appreciating the little things after the Apocalypse-That-Wasn't. Like misty afternoon rain, warm tea, and the continued existence of the back room of Aziraphale's bookshop.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: gen (or pre-Aziraphale/Crowley, if you'd prefer) - a moment in history where Aziraphale or Crowley used the Arrangement as an excuse to help the other out of a tricky situation, rather than just admit that they were worried. I'd be particularly pleased if it was something in the late Middle Ages (there's quite the selection of plagues, famines, schisms, wars, and crusades), but I'm open to anything.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: The Them - any pairings (including multiple, and even alternating if you'd like). A look at how their relationships change over the years, and how, despite everything, their worlds will always revolve around Adam.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: This is difficult! There are a lot of things I like. Um. Subtlety can certainly be a good thing. I like things that can be sweet, sad, and even funny all at once. Historical detail (if someone goes the route of the historical settings, anyway). References to canon and canon-style religion. Witty interplay between characters, exploration of character depth. Beyond that... I'm open to anything. I'm often pleasantly surprised by the things that people think up, and they're not necessarily things I would have come up with on my own.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: I'm not overly fond of things like gender-bending, bdsm universes, mpreg, gratuitous sex with no plot. I don't particularly like when people try to force characters in fanfic tropes, either.

5. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Crowley and Aziraphale anytime during WW2. I don't particularly care where or when exactly, I just like the idea. Any rating.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Crowley and Hell, whether he's being attacked or getting instructions or just thinking about it. This can be serious or funny, whatever you want. Any rating.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: SuperWhoLock Omens fic. (Supernatural, Doctor Who, Sherlock Good Omens crossover). I don't particularly care how it goes, but I'd love to see the Weeping Angels, if only because then there's wings EVERYWHERE. :D Any rating.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Drunken scenes are always a plus, as long as they're funny, and I love mentions of the Them and Adam peppered in there. Also, DEATH, at any time ever.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: I'm not really a shipper of Aziraphale/Crowley, so I'd appreciate it if the story was mostly Gen. I don't mind if some stuff is implied, but I'd like it to be pretty slash free. It always feels a little OOC to me, which is another big no. Try to keep away from angel/demon stereotypes, unless used ironically.

6. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: A crossover with The Name of The Rose; must include at least one GO character, but I leave it up to you who and how
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Anything with Crowley in snake form
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: A conflict of interests among the horsepeople
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Almost everything, just remember to state the fandom if you decide to include anything not GO and please give me a story with a plot
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Please try to avoid PWP. I'm old enough to read and rating and don't mind porn, but you have to be really good to make me enjoy it enough that I don't mind a lack of plot

7. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: genderswapped Aziraphale/Crowley: fem!Crowley's oblivious of people fancying her. fem!Aziraphale finds this endlessly amusing.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: War/any historical warrior character (War/Boudica, War/Alexander the Great...)
/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Discworld crossover: Anathema meets a Discworld witch.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: women being awesome, realistic fluffiness/domesticity, trust, honesty, humour, UST, BDSM, historical and literary references
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: jealousy, character bashing, scat, purple prose

8. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale/Crowley, Crowley-centric kid!fic, any rating. (Not Warlock or Adam, preferably; we know they sent agents to Warlock and I'd presume they'd be too busy picking up the pieces to hang out with Adam post-Almostalypse. However, the descendants of the Them, or of Newt and Anathema, or ...anybody else would be fabulous!)
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: A comedy of errors! Aziraphale/Crowley, with a focus on side characters of any stripe, any rating; I just ask that Newt/Anathema and Madame Tracy/Shadwell stay together if featured.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale/Crowley in Paris, any rating. I'd love to see Eleanor of Aquitaine, Robespierre, Napoleon/Napoleon III, or Nicolas Sarkozy pop a head in.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Hurt/comfort, dystopias, AUs although not ones that strip them of their divine origin, original characters or historical figures peopling the GO world, satisfying even if not happy endings, taking cracky premises and turning them legit somehow.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: OOC-ness or simplifying characters, Aziraphale being called "Az" by Crowley, non-character-building sex, absolutely no non-con or dub-con please (although creepy is certainly welcome!), mpreg &c.

9. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Crowley/Aziraphale. Circa now, but both of them live somewhere other than London, possibly for angsty reasons. Any rating

PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Crowley/Aziraphale. They don't live happily ever after post-Apocalypse, and it makes them revert to the way they used to be [i.e., fighting]. Maybe Aziraphale got in trouble w/ his superiors and resents Crowley for dragging him into things. Any rating

PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Crowley/Aziraphale. Something about the Real Housewives, whether a cracktastic AU where they ARE Real Housewives somehow, or just Crowley being responsible for it. Any rating

I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Humor is a must, even if it's mainly angsty

10. 1. Aziraphale/Crowley - historical femmeslash, any time, anyplace besides England - any rating, smut welcome!
2. Aziraphale's not the only Principality on Earth, nor the only one who grew fond of it. His compatriot didn't have a Crowley, though. - any rating.
3. Pepper/anyone not a Horseperson or a demon - Pepper grew up and started remembering. - any rating
I like: happy endings, snark, consent, silliness, genderqueering, cleverness, crossovers (Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes, Avengers, Star Trek, Star Wars, due South, Master and Commander).
I don't like: D/s dynamics, pain games, humiliation (sex-related or not), stereotypical gender roles.

11. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Crowley/Aziraphale, I'd like to see a peek into these two in a time when the Arrangement is in place, but they are at odds and fighting each other, regardless of their feelings towards the other. Can be happy ending or not.

PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Them fic. Foursome. All four love the others, why not let them show it? All at once, changing partners, threesomes with one watching, anything goes.

PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Anathema/Newt. Thinking the opposite to get the job done. Newt hasn't quite got it figured out yet, but he's sure to get it right one day.

I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Practically anything goes for me except...

I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Child porn. Have the Them be 16 or over please.

12. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale/Crowley. Short version prompt: Aziraphale and Crowley IN SPACE. Long version: Humans have received proof of intelligent life on another planet (via a radio transmission, or whatever method you like) and they're trying to make contact. Aziraphale is assigned, by ineffable powers, to be aboard the first manned spacecraft to visit our interstellar neighbors. He's tasked with using his angelic abilities to make a scientifically impossible mission succeed. Crowley finds a way to come along too, either as a stowaway or a member of the crew, helping or making trouble. I don't particularly care if they reach their destination within the confines of this story, what I really want is Aziraphale and Crowley on a spaceship. Any rating, and I'm fine with reading their relationship as romantic, platonic, or anything in between.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: future!Them, featuring the Them as young adults in their early-to-mid twenties. Adam's heritage has left him with a better-than-average talent for influencing people, but he struggles with the ethics of using his powers to get a job and find a place in the world. Adam's three friends try to help him deal with his lack of direction and curbed ambitions. The end result can be a new idea or sense of purpose for Adam, or just all of Them getting fantastically drunk in the attempt to cheer him up, or both. I'm fond of Adam/Pepper and Brian/Wensleydale as pairings, but this would be great as gen, too. Any rating.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale/Crowley. The two of them as angels, before the fall of Lucifer. There is growing tension in Heaven, Crowley has been hanging out with a crowd of malcontents, and Aziraphale is worried. Again, I adore these two as a pairing, but can also be platonic if that's the way you're feeling it. Any rating. (Also, if you're a writer, feel free to deal with the issue of Crowley's name any way you like. I'm aware that canonically he was Crawly as the serpent and Crowley in a more human guise, but this would be set before all that. Do what feels right.)
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Humor, crack, banter, angst, hurt-comfort, UST (with or without resolution). All these prompts came out sounding really plotty, but I do really like one-shot type things that are just characters sitting around having feelings/discussions about feelings, too.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Non-con or dub-con, underage sex, incest.

13. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Crossover with Mad Men/Crowley and Aziraphale in the Mad Men era. Crowley interacting with Don or Roger or Aziraphale interacting with Peggy would be amazing, but just anything involving the morality of the ad world would be amazing, too - I'm not too picky on the details. A drunk scene would make me especially happy. Could be shippy, could be gen.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Newt/Anathema wedding fic. Cold feet and awkward fluffy cuteness. Bonus points for a Christmas-time/Winter Solstice wedding.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: The Them, Christmas time, discussion of the possible existence of Santa Claus.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Drunkenness, humor and wit, friendship, sarcasm, some fluffiness, first time, UST,attention to detail, jealousy.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Porn without plot, excessive angst (sadness is fine, "WOE IS ME, EVERYTHING SUCKS" is not), mpreg, non-con, genderbending, underage.

14. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale/Crowley, historical; preferably Ancient Egypt, Greece or Rome, or medieval Europe (Vikings, King Arthur [yes I know he's literary, he totally still counts!], Plagues, random monks or kings, Elizabethan etc). Either of the World Wars is fine too. If myth/folklore/literature is incorporated somehow that would be awesome, but sticking with history is awesome too. :D
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Ensemble cast, something featuring Aziraphale and Crowley along with the Archangels - Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael - and/or Lucifer and his Archdemons/Crowns: Belial, Asmodeus, Beelzebub etc. And any other angels and demons (crossovers featuring Castiel or Mazikeen are fine :D). I don't mind if you use my characterisations or if you go wild with your own, I just want A&C interacting with other angels and/or demons. It could be some sort of Christmas get-together, the lead-up to the Apocalypse, snapshots of them with various superiors over history, or an all-human AU. :D Michael/Gabriel if possible.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Crossover with movie-verse Avengers, Aziraphale/Crowley and Steve/Tony. Bonus points for Coulson who is alive goddammit.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: AUs, all-human and/or different fandom (eg Aziraphale and Crowley and the various other angels and demons as human Knights of the Round Table or just university students), crossovers with mythology and fandoms like Sandman, Supernatural (only up to the end of S5), Discworld, American Gods, Lucifer etc. Smut, especially involving wings and/or halos, metaphysical sex, reminders that they're not human. Dubcon. I like thoughtful fics that develop feelings and maybe plot, but am equally fine with pure fluff or PWPs. I'm fine with somewhat graphic depictions of torture or suffering (though if it's done to Aziraphale or Crowley, I'd prefer they get a happy ending). Snark, attention to detail (especially for historical fic/art).
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Noncon, use of "Zira" or "Az" or other shortenings unless very drunk, under-16 sex, scat, watersports, angels/demons being dicks just because they're angels/demons, major character death.

15. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale and Crowley, age of sail, any rating, slash optional.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Brian/Wensleydale at university - the awkwardness of having a flatmate that you're secretly in love with. Any rating.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Horsepersons, what would they do with their last night on Earth? Any pairing(s), any rating.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: snark, humour, happy endings, fondness, pining
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: PWP, sad endings, character death, syrupy sweetness

16. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale/Crowley, unresolved romantic feelings. You'd think with all of eternity at their disposal, they'd find a way to articulate how they felt eventually. But they never do manage to tell each other. (Any Rating)
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Aziraphale/Crowley, patronization. I have a huge thing for humiliation, specifically verbal humiliation, even more specifically one character patronizing another. Aziraphale does this a fair amount in the book (the incident that springs most immediately to my mind is the one where he insists Crowley couldn't understand the love surrounding Tadfield) and that kind of behavior is right in line with the rest of his “just enough of a bastard” moments. It could be a consensual, established D/s thing or just Crowley getting annoyed at him for doing it, then kind of aroused, then mad at himself for being into it. I just want some of that delicious angelic superiority-complex. (M to NC-17 I guess)
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale/Crowley, mating rituals. I'm stealing this shamelessly from whatever anon asked for it on the kink meme: “We already have an excellent fic about demon mating rituals in the first meme, but what about angel mating rituals? It could be animalistic (Aziraphale preening himself and building a nest in the middle of Crowley's flat) or romantic (they can't have sex until Aziraphale has written Crowley at least fifteen sonnets). Bonus points if demon mating rituals and angel mating rituals are not really compatible and both of them get really confused by what the other is doing.” I personally would like more emphasis to be on “romantic” rituals and incompatibility. If each of them kept trying to initiate the relationship “their way” and the other one kept not getting the message at all it would be amazing. ( PG to M, explicit sex is fine but I'd prefer if it were not the main focus/completely awkward)
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Aziraphale as a Dom/Crowley as a sub, drunkenness, angst (as long as it doesn't go overboard), bittersweetness, ducks, appearances by mortals and antichrists, D/s, hurt/comfort and aftercare, stories that span from pre-arrangement to post-little-Apocalypose-that-couldn't, stories set in the past especially 1860-1930s, tartan, snark, possessiveness/jealousy, dry or dark humour, chubby/older/balding Aziraphale, hidden evil or darkness, heavenly/hellish bureaucracy, and if you're making art I always enjoy man-shaped-beings-of-color interpretations
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: noncon, scat/watersports, rimming, not a big fan of mpreg

17. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Crowley and Aziraphale (friendship or relationship, I don't care) Someone gets a hold of an ancient book that allows them to summon Crowley and force them to do their bidding. Either very dark (someone nasty using Crowley to do evil things) or cracky (silly teenagers who don't know better and causing mischief). Crowley can't get himself out of it and it's too proud to ask for help. Aziraphale finds out and helps anyway.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Crowley/Aziraphale plus everyone else. The Apocalypse has come and gone, and everyone goes back to their lives. I want to see the changes in everyone through the years through Crowley and Aziraphale's eyes, as they remain the same and eveyrone involved ages and move on. Maybe they meet every year to commemorate it, or they don't see each other again but try to keep in touch. It can be relationship or gen, I don't mind.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: GO/Dresden Files x-over. Any pairing, any character (I am partial to Kincaid and Thomas though), just make it believable. Any rating.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: humour, angst, UST, jealousy, banter, irony.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: non-con, BDSM or heavy kink, PWP, fluff, m-preg, crack, AU.

18. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Newt/Anathema domesticity, and the impacts of being psychic on daily life and motherhood.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Aziraphale and Crowley attempt either sex or a new kink for the first time. It ends up incredibly clumsy and awkward, but sweet and fulfilling all the same. And (and this is VERY IMPORTANT) does not discourage them from future attempts.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: The Big Guy Upstairs sits Aziraphale down for A Talk about his and Crowley's relationship. I'm thinking less "and I shalle smite thee with mine bolte of lightning" and more "why don't you settle down with that nice boy."
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Good characterization. Clever turns of phrase. Snappy dialogue. Lovely imagery. Hurt/comfort. Fluff. Smut. Humor. Basically all the kinks with a few exceptions (see below).
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Poor characterization. Crack, when combined with poor characterization. Character death/angst with an unhappy ending. Watersports. Scat.

19. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Greasy Johnson at some point in the future learned he was adopted and worked to find out who his birth parents were. Rather than confront or blame, he comes to talk to Adam. A story about learning to be brothers, even when you're sort of rivals. I'd love to read the whole journey and see him figure everything out, but just the conversation between them and whatever understanding they come to would be just as nice. (If Warlock is mentioned or makes an appearance, that is all the more lovely.)
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Newt is terrible at many things, but being romantic is not one of them: he leaves love notes all over, and is very good at telling Anathema exactly what she needs to hear in them.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale/Crowley, interactions that are platonic in nature but easily considered romantic; a story that tells why people always are so sure they're in love. A five and one times format would probably be easiest for this, but any amount of scenes would be marvellous. Whether or not the characters are romantically involved is up for interpretation, but if so, please be dated as after the book's end.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Domestic elements, bittersweetness, understated emotional themes, romantic and platonic interplay, humour, wit, irony, trusting partners, deep friendships. Sex is welcome, but encouraged to have meaning. Any rating is acceptable.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Ignoring anatomy and proper sex conduct (this includes forgotten lubricant and non-con). Watersports, scat, guro, and other shock-value kinks. Unreasonable violence or gore that does nothing for the story. Fluff that becomes a parody or ignores the personalities of the characters involved.

20. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Brian/Wensleydale; movie night and a first kiss; any rating
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Aziraphale/Crowley; crossover with Doctor Who. I'd love it if they were to meet the Doctor and just be really put off by him, because he's clearly not human (bonus points if the question of the Doctor being some sort of God/angel comes up); any rating
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale/Crowley; future!fic (could also be AU) where humanity has abandoned Earth for the stars, and Aziraphale and Crowley had no other choice but to go with them; any rating
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: hurt/comfort, fluff, humour, pop culture references, AUs
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: non-con, dub-con, or pwp.

21. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Crowley x Aziraphale; Adoption. Based on his success raising houseplants, Crowley decides he’s ready to move on up and adopts a feline companion. He learns that cats have very little motivation to Behave. Bonus for a doting Aziraphale who spoils kitty rotten and garners the bulk of kitty’s affection. (PG-13-NC-17)
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Crowley x Aziraphale; Miscommunication. Crowley has something Important to tell Aziraphale, but keeps getting sidetracked. (R to NC-17)
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Crowley x Aziraphale; Misunderstanding. The swinging 70’s. Either or both experiencing a flare-up of jealousy because the other seems to be enjoying the swinging (partner-swapping) scene A Little Too Much, but it’s just been for show. (R to NC-17)
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Happy endings, UST that is eventually satisfied, first times, losing control, biting, licking, hair kink, cross-dressing, humor, hurt/comfort, equality, commitment.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Unhappy endings, deathfic, non-con, mpreg, genderswitch, humiliation, infantalism, coprophilia, water sports, bloodplay.

22.PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Crowley/Aziraphale. Crowley is responsible for trashy romance novels. He even writes a few himself in between bouts of tempting, and oops, looks like Aziraphale's got an embarrassing stash of his books somewhere in the shop. Bonus points if Aziraphale doesn't realise who the author actually is. Any rating.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Gen or Crowley/Aziraphale. This post. Any rating.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Gen or Crowley/Aziraphale. Aziraphale indulges in a spot of tempting. Crowley has no idea how to deal with it. Any rating.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Humour, fluff, snarky dialogue, UST
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Non-con, major character death, mpreg, genderbend, infidelity, excessive and OOC schmoop (exception made for first prompt, especially if it's Crowley being irritating)

23. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale/Crowley; early or beginning of the Arrangement, the Spanish Inquisition happens, angst, some humor, Crowley being "human" for lack of a better term and not appreciating the Commendation for reasons; any rating
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Aziraphale/Crowley; Pre-NotApocalypse Fluff, gen or slash, preferably in historical eras and not modern-ish times; any rating
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale/Crowley, gen or slash; post-book angst, they're living it up - or, well, living anyway - in the South Downs, when something bad happens. Whether it ends tragically or not is up to you, but angst is highly appreciated, as long as it isn't too wangsty; any rating
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: angst, death-fic, humor, fluff, plant-torture, historical references/accuracy, metaphysical versions of human activities, UST that gets resolved, banter, sad endings, endings that look like they'll be awful but somehow turn out alright in the end, happy endings that look like they'll be happy and end up happy, Crowley being a sweetheart, other characters making an appearance, crossovers with Doctor Who or Supernatural, drunken prattling of either a humorous, angsty, or humorously angsty sort
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: PWP (porn's okay if it's relevant to the plot, but not if it IS the plot...), Aziraphale being a perfect angel in every way (because in canon he isn't), Crowley being an atrociously evil demon in every way (because in canon, he isn't), noncon, OOCness (without a purpose), mpreg

24. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale/Crowley. A historical epistolary-style story where at some point post-arrangement when they are apart, they write letters to keep in touch. Subtle longing and sass ensue. Any rating.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Aziraphale/Crowley. Superwholock Omens adventures if you are feeling brave or any slightly lesser combination that involves characters from at least one of those shows with AC. If you wish to include another pairing (but not sexually please), Johnlock, Destiel, Nine/Rose or the Ponds all work for me. Any rating.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale/Crowley. Post-relationship upgrade cottage domesticity. Any rating.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: humor, witty conversations, subtle love, fluff, cameos of/references to any of the other GO characters, Top!Aziraphale.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: excessive angst, melodrama, Crowley being particularly demonic/not a giant secret sweetheart, Azraphale crying/blushing excessively or being any less of a oblivious bastard than he is, character death, non-con, dub-con, mpreg, gore, porn without giving the characters distinct characterization, purple prose, incest, threesomes etc or orgies, BDSM.

25. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale and Crowley, a His Dark Materials crossover. Mainly I want to see them with daemons and in Lyra's Oxford so plot can be whatever.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Aziraphale and Crowley, the New Testament. Like were they informed something like this would happen? Is Judas Hell's or Heaven's? It'd be lovely if they were going to propose the Arrangement but the Crucifixion puts them off.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale and Crowley, platonic cottage sharing. Aziraphale being a bad flatmate, forgetting someone else lives there and Crowley being first too content living with him to protest.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Aziraphale and Crowley being platonic (shippy stuff is okay too but lower ratings), Crowley being insecure where he stands with Aziraphale, exasperated but secretly fond snarking or serious fights, their relationship being a bundle of being friends/enemies/colleagues. If doing art I like Aziraphale a bit plump.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Sex for sex's sake, wangst.

26. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale & Crowley, historical setting, pre-Arrangement, e.g. during the Plague of Justinian (5th century). They may have been friendly in the Garden, but several thousand years of sticking with humanity through thick and thin, more or less alone, has made them harsher and more reluctant to trust than they were before. An interplay of hostility and not wanting to be alone. Bonus points for a situation where one of them needs to defend the other from their superiors. Any rating, but preferably non-shippy, though subtle Foe Yay is very welcome.

PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Crowley and Leonardo da Vinci. First meeting, and last. Not in a shipping context. Maybe Crowley is fascinated by the science and brilliance and is tempted to reveal what he is, to see what that mind would make of it, and to be *seen* and *understood*. Either way, Crowley and Leonardo each inspired the other, in their own way.

PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale and Crowley during the Eleven Years in the book, as they start spending more time together than they have for centuries. Whether it's strongly tied to Warlock's upbringing or more focused on what they do during their free time in the background, either one is fine, but interaction between Azi and Crowley and their respective 'teams' would be a plus.

I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Bastard!Aziraphale, scary!Aziraphale, emotionally-vulnerable!Crowley. Dorky!Crowley, Crowley who gets easily distracted by new and shiny neat things. (James Bond bullet hole stickers, people.) Miscommunication, misunderstandings, being-dishonest-with-self. Anything involving wings and the use and grooming thereof is always a bonus, so long as it fits the story and isn't *too* gratuitous. (Showing wings as a metaphor for opening up is nice.) Whump is good if it fits. Action, battles, other demons and angels involved (perhaps in elaboration to Crowley having met a few who were overly smite-happy?). Characterisation that is easily reconciled with canon.

I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Characterisation that misses the 'not so different' point of the book and attempts to force them into traditional angel/demon stereotypes. Overly glamourising their supernatural nature and not making them human enough. Conversely, making them too human, forgetting that some human instincts and behaviours are not to be taken for granted for them. 'Zira' or 'Anthony' as nicknames, or anything else tacked on to the characters that doesn't follow at all logically from the book. Melodrama, especially the romantic kind, and that extends especially to the writing style - no waxing poetic unless you really know what you're doing. I don't see them getting together romantically until after the book, due to the way their character arcs develop during it, so while historical smut is possible, it would be by accident or impulse and wouldn't really end well or go anywhere.

27. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale x Crowley - Crowley is stuck in his snake form and Aziraphale takes care of him as they search for a way to get him back to his human form. - Humor, Fluff
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Famine x War - The two share a dinner together and decide to mess with each other and embarrass one another in public (ie Famine makes War hungry for more dessert) - Humor
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale x Crowley - Aziraphale returns to the book shop, after visiting Heaven for a few days, feeling miserable as he was basically ridiculed by other angels for becoming so native. Crowley comes to comfort the angel and the two outcasts bond. - Fluff
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Humor and Fluff, basically. Anything adorable, sweet, funny, witty, so long as it's still fairly in character. Shipping is fine as long as it's fluff and can be kept a minimum, as well.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Just avoid angst at all costs. A little bit of drama is fine so long as there's a definite happy ending. No deaths, no angels falling, over dramatic scenes of depression, big cliffhangers, smut or strong sexual elements. Keep it fairly clean and happy, please.

28. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale is the Doctor, Crowley his companion. Together they travel through time and space in a telephone Box filled with books.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Famine becomes part of the jury in Heidi Klum's Germany's next topmodel (or a similar show) and enjoys every minute of it, until War shows up as one of the participants.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale accidentally turns himself into a snake and doesn't know how to change back again. He goes to Crowley for help, who doesn't recognise him but lets the snake stay at his flat anyway and eventually starts talking about Aziraphale.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: I love fluff, but it doesn't always have to be in a story if it doesn't fit, also every mention of torturing house plants.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Non-con,sm, mention of Aziraphale drinking nothing but tea.

29. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Crowley/Aziraphale - they end up in an alternative universe where they meet Crowley's angel and Aziraphale's demon counterpart. They have to team up with them in order to get back home. Angel!Crowley and Demon!Aziraphale have a completely different relationship than Crowley and Aziraphale do (a different European culture as the main location would also be great but is not obligatory). Something goes wrong and Crowley and Aziraphale end up with their respective counterpart (angel&angel, demon&demon) in separate universes with little hope to ever see each other again... I would love a happy ending but it’s not a must (any historical setting but preferably post apocalyptic).

PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Crowley/Aziraphale - a scenario where they are supervised by heaven/hell and have to conceal their friendship/relationship for a longer period. After some time they start to miss each other and arrange secret meetings using their superior knowledge of the human world.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Crowley/Aziraphale - a historical setting where they are on opposite sides during an epic conflict (e.g. The Wars of the Roses, the siege of Troy, Thirty Years' War...).
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Exceptional and dangerous circumstances, misunderstandings, AUs, unrequited love and UST (which is resolved at some point), thorough descriptions, the use of biblical vocabulary (in a serious or humorous way), possessiveness, historical and cultural references (they have been around for 6000 years after all), ambiguous dialogues, bickering, vulnerable!Crowley and oblivious/bibliophile!Aziraphae, schemes, flashbacks, Job’s News, emotional breakdowns or outbreaks - and yes, I am a sucker for H/C as long as it features as a relevant part of the plot.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: The usual suspects (mpreg, noncon, PWP and so on). Also I tend to prefer exceptional circumstances to day-to-day life (unless the latter is established and then smashed by the former.

30. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Come December I'm going to be totally in the Hobbit habit, so how about some Crowley and Aziraphale in Middle-earth? (In Ardaverse terms, they'd be Maiar.) Silly or serious or both. Slash or gen is fine, any Tolkien characters, culture, or time period welcome.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Crowley and Aziraphale in Roman Britain. Slashy and sexy would be ideal. An AU where most or all of the other GO characters are present too would be welcome, but that's just an optional bonus.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Steampunk AU with Newt as a mad inventor who specializes in disasters, and Anathema as a bold adventuress who manages to make things work. Cameo appearances by other GO characters (and even random crossover guests) welcome.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Humor, social satire, history, theology, adventure, banter, seduction, smut, lingering questions, action-oriented art (interpret "action" however you like.;D), lots of kissing, supernatural elements, wings and shapeshifting, foe yay.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Heavy angst/tragic endings, non-con, really goopy fluff.

31. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Crowley and Aziraphale work together to bring Gabriel (Supernatural) back to life/heal him. (wherein SPN!Crowley and GO!Crowley are not the same person)
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Anything to do with Crowley performing miracles. Whether he does them without thinking (like the dove), or consciously chooses to, or Aziraphale's changing thoughts on Crowley as a result (not romantic-change, but altered perception of him as an ally/potential friend). Can be pre-Arrangement, or whenever you think would suit.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale being British and badass, defending Crowley and the people he considers under his charge; Crowley being a reformed slitherer-outer, avoidant but comforting.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Hurt/comfort, friendship, banter, Crowley being a secretly nice demon, Aziraphale being a slightly bastard-like angel, Aziraphale as a being of genuine faith and power (as well as bitchy snark), Crowley being snakey. In my head, Aziraphale is played by Sebastian Roché.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Permanent character death, angels/demons being depowered/turned human, BDSM tropes, dark and gritty. (Use of Zira as a nickname makes me picture the version from The Sacred and the Profane - which was an amazing story, but is usually not what people mean)

32. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: The three babies at the start of Good Omens - I'd love to see more of how they get on. Maybe Adam, Greasy Johnson, and Warlock all meet up again, or maybe something tracking the parallels through their lives. Maybe something where no-one realises Adam is the antiChrist and on the day of reckoning everyone is still watching the wrong kid expectantly. Run wherever you want to with this, dear writer, I'd love to see what you can do with it.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: The whole point of Lower Tadfield is that it's a place trapped in perfection because of Adam. Crisp Autumns, snowy winters, hot summers. Does anyone there notice ever or is it like Midsomer Murders where people keep gaily moving into the village and never questioning the deathrate? Alternatively, when he grows up and goes to university does that place end up conforming to his (possibly wildly unrealistic) expectations because he expects it to?
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: I'd like something about how and why Crowley wandered gently downwards please. This can be angsty if you want, but I'd like a note of hope in there somewhere (maybe skipping forward in the future?). (My brain has Dar William's The Blessings for this as headmusic, except "if you wanna get your heart broke" would be Crowley deciding God.. wasn't all that. Feel free to ignore that if it's not your style though!)
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Gen! Good plotty gen is awesome! Angst is fine (though I like a note of hope in there somewhere.) Funny is great. Including other characters is great, though I'd prefer sex/romance weren't the whole point of the story.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: I'd prefer it not be all about romance/sex. Background relationships are fine (and I really don't have any preference on pairings), but I'd prefer it be background only.

33. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: I'd love a story where Pepper unconsciously mimics War and becomes a war correspondent when she grows up, only she's there to point out transgressions and issues and cause havoc with pointing out the truth.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: A crossover with Dar William's song Alleluia. Imagine, post-book, that Heaven decides they haven't been paying enough attention to Earth. They've just been letting Aziraphale look over things and he's, well, gone a bit native, hasn't he? And so they send some angels down to be guardian angels. Only their first choices are the two lesbian angels from this song...mostly to get them out of Heaven's hair for a bit. Crowley is amused. Aziraphale...isn't.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: In the movie City of Angels, angels can fall and choose to become mortal. What if in the Good Omens universe, both angels and demons have that option? Imagine more and more angels and demons deciding to become mortal post-canon and Aziraphale and Crowley's reactions to being told to handle the problem.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Friendships, female agency, humor, I prefer gen but I also enjoy het/femslash/slash
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Non-con/rape, character death

34. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Crowley is taking a bath in a big copper tub in front of a fireplace at some point in the early 1900's. Aziraphale is heating up the water in a tiny kettle on the fire and trying to ignore the fact that Crowley is naked. Cue awkwardness, sensuality, and sexytimes!
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Long distance failsex involving Crowley, Aziraphale and their respective webcams. Lots of laughter and good humor.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale is working on a manuscript whose main characters are suspiciously like he and Crowley. Crowley finds said manuscript and reads some of the more "questionable" scenes. Masturbation? Perhaps Aziraphale catches him? Perhaps there's some reciprocation? Choice is up to you.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Sensuality, lush descriptions, humor, foreplay, dirty talk, witty banter, Aziraphale as a handsome man somewhere in his mid forties with slightly greying hair, wings, happy endings.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Non-con, watersports, BDSM, OOC, unresolved angst.

35. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale/Crowley, Coffeeshop AU. With sex. NC-17
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Aziraphale/Crowley, Crowley loves to lie on top of rocks and buildings in the sun with his wings out and soak up the heat. NC-17
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale/Crowley, Road to El Dorado crossover. Any rating.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Sex (Wing-kink, rimming), fluff, angst

"...he was wearing snakeskin shoes, or at least presumably he was wearing shoes" Let's say Crowley wasn't wearing shoes. For whatever reason, he just hates wearing them and so uses a bit of shape-shifting to give the impression that he's got shoes on. Aziraphale is unaware of this and has developed a bit of thing for snakeskin over the years, particularly when worn by one Anthony J. Crowley. When the opportunity arises, he just can't keep himself from touching, and Crowley is torn between fessing up and trying to stay still/quiet as long as possible. (R - NC-17)
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Crossover with Dresden Files; Dresdenverse Uriel/Crowley & Crowley/Aziraphale. Making Aziraphale jealous by either accident or design. If a threesome somehow ends up happening, I won't be unhappy. ;) (R - NC-17)
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale/Crowley What do you do when your lover, who can (and does) ask for anything in the bedroom, is so shy/awkward about asking for platonic contact that you don't even know what they want half the time? (Any rating)
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: banter, snark, jealousy, misunderstandings, fluff, dry wit, UST that gets resolved, wings, wingkink, D/s, BDSM, humour, Hurt/Comfort, orgasm denial, accidental arousal, seduction, teasing, sex toys, tickling.... hell, ALL OF THE KINKS not listed below
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: gratuitous angst, non-con (unless in the context of the involved parties playing out a pre-negotiated rape fantasy), scat/watersports, underage, mpreg, unhappy endings, character death

37. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Crossover with Doctor Who. Crowley and Aziraphale run into some time travelers. RTD-era preferred, but open to Classic Who as well, and I would adore it if it's not only the Doctor but also a companion or two. Any plot you want(or art!), Aziraphale/Crowley and Doctor/Rose welcome. (If you want Who but aren't feeling that particular prompt, I'd also take Anathema being awesome with another fictional badass, Amy Pond.)
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Aziraphale pops back up to Heaven and finds that his fellow angels aren't so keen on his Arrangement with Crowley-- though of course no one will say it to his face. Meanwhile, Crowley is having similar troubles down in Hell with his demon comrades.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Crossover with Star Trek:TOS. Kirk and his crew encounter Aziraphale and Crowley and any lther GO characters you want. Any plot, Kirk/Spock welcome on the Trek side. Bonus points for snark between Spock and GO characters :P.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Aziraphale/Crowley always welcome, but not necessary. I prefer close friendship or romance to sex. I like humor, especially done in the wonderful dry style of GO. Where Crow & Az are concerned I dig references to Mythology and religion.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: smut or PWP, D/s, non-con/dub-con, AU.

38. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Not gonna lie, this is the one I want the most, but also something I feel should be done right or not at all. Crossover with Sandman. Remember that century Crowley slept away? What if he spent some of it in the Dreaming? Who might he meet and talk to? Mervyn, Lucien (who might remind him, or not, of Aziraphale, perhaps?), Cain and Abel, Eve, ANY denizens of the Dreaming (though Matthew might not yet be around at this point in history, much as I adore him), really; maybe even Morpheus or one/more of the other Endless? WHY did he sleep the century away, for that matter? Bored? Avoiding/traumatized by something? (I feel like the reason(s) for his long nap have been conjectured upon somewhere, and if I could find that just now, I would probably be more articulate, but I can't.) No need or desire to leave Aziraphale out, either; just because he rarely sleeps doesn't mean he never sleeps. Maybe Crowley needed a pull to come back? ...I could go on quite a while but am shutting up in an attempt (HA) at brevity. Honestly, I would love any and all exploration of this idea: essentially, that Crowley visits the Dreaming during his century nap. The above paragraph isn't a list of requirements but of possible plot bunnies. Faithfulness to the tone and characterization in both source works (GO and Sandman) greatly appreciated: I'd like something serious (which doesn't mean no humor, this is GO after all!) for this, not crack. Gen or slash is fine, whatever works best.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Same works crossed-over as above, but crack/humor (so long as everyone is in character) fully permitted, even wanted! This one might make for good art in particular. Aziraphale meets Dream's library. Oh to be a fly on that wall.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: And now for something completely different! I have (re)discovered quite a fondness for Shakespeare in the last few months, and I'd love something with Aziraphale being a (possibly inept, but quite possibly not) Shakespeare fanboy and would-be thespian. There is definitely evidence for him enjoying performing (Warlock's birthday party), being hilariously terrible at it, and somewhat unable to see that fact through his own gravitas. I would love to see him reading or performing Shakespeare (play/character/etc. of your choice - surprise me!). Additional ideas include but are not limited to: maybe he is one of Those People and has an annoying habit of correcting people on what Will *really* meant by such-and-such, or telling directors/actors that they're Doing It Wrong, or perhaps is just huge diva of a would-be actor and doesn't realize it. Not that I would want the whole thing to just be making fun at Aziraphale's expense: some badassery and definite (perhaps surprising, perhaps not) competence is certainly in order. I imagine this being historic!fic, but do whatever feels best! Again, could be either gen or slash, doesn't matter to me as it's not central to the prompt. Bonus points for gavotting.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: CHARACTERS BEING IN CHARACTER. Pudgy somewhat-older Aziraphale. Sympathetic (but NOT woobie) not-genuinely-evil-Crowley. Shmoop when appropriate. Wings. Established relationship. Quiet affection. Wordless understanding.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Azi, Zira, or any nicknames/shortenings/forms of address not used in the book. And blatantly stealing from another prompter who already said it better than me, and because it's getting quite late and I need sleep: "Anything that's gratuitously, implausibly melodramatic or blatantly OOC. I'm aware that the definition of OOC sometimes varies depending on who you ask, but a prime example would be anything that takes the angel-and-demon stereotype dichotomy way too literally. Crowley's actually kind of sweet and rather sucks at being a demon; in the same vein, for an angel, Aziraphale can be a right bastard; I don't want to see a Crowley who's genuinely devilish or supremely evil, because he's really not, and I don't want to see an Aziraphale who's some innocent, sappy, simpering fool, because, wow, he's really really not. You get the idea."

39. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale/Crowley - pre-Fall, up to whatever interpretation of how well they knew each other in Heaven, if at all
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Aziraphale/Crowley - Crowley takes Aziraphale to Vegas
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale/Crowley - winter at Hogwarts AU, Crowley gets cold easily (any Hogwarts sorting is fine with a good enough reasoning honestly but Slytherin!Crowley should probably be out of family pressure or something)
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: any iteration of their relationship - platonic, romantic, one-sided, unspoken but intense and deep connection, etc; Aziraphale being a bit of a dick; emotionally insecure/soft spot for animals/fashion-sensitive Crowley; allusions to Crowley being a serpent; wings; TV/movie/history references; other GO character cameos; silly light-hearted banter/sarcasm and such
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: "Az" unless really sarcastically to make fun of him in front of others; AJ Crowley = SPN Crowley

40. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Tell me about the time Aziraphale and Crowley accidentally joined an Arctic exploration team and made a delightful muck of things.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Aziraphale uses his ineffable foresight to try his hand at amateur detective work. Crowley makes things interesting for him.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Crowley takes Aziraphale for his first ride in the Bentley. Aziraphale loves it. (slash or gen)
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Humor, banter, first-time, adventure, slow buildup, UST, PWP, role play, role reversal, history, pop culture.
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Non-con, deathfic, character bashing, OOT sap.

41. PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE ONE: Aziraphale/Crowley. The two go ice-skating after a snowfall and maybe have tea at a nice shop after. General wintery themes, maybe reflection/flashback on past winters (both good and bad memories) together.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE TWO: Aziraphale/Crowley. Crowley finally decides to get up after sleeping in for most of the 19th century. He decides Aziraphale is the first being he feels like visiting.
PAIRING/PLOT BUNNY/RATING CHOICE THREE: Aziraphale/Crowley. Supernatural crossover. The Winchesters need a special book, and Castiel says there's only one angel in the universe who has it. The angel refuses to sell it, they refuse to leave London without it.
I LIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Gentle/implied romance, humorous things, purposeful/meaningful angst, day-in-the-life type themes, Crowley showing his goodness, Aziraphale showing signs of an angel's wrath (careful with this one, not to stray OOC)
I DISLIKE THESE STORY ELEMENTS/KINKS: Any kind of sexual theme, crack, too lovey dovey, AU, calling each other non-canon nicknames

Be sure to keep checking back during the signup period - this list will be updated continually.

2012 exchange, modly announcements

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