У нас в городе есть
клуб радиолюбителей часть сети клубов ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio.
Для школьников есть бесплатные workshops . Как раз у Миши есть несобранное радио AM , то самое что требуется для стартовых занятий. Ура-ура!
The Radio Theory and Construction Workshop will meet most Saturdays in the basement of the Red Cross Building at 1450 Newtown Pike, Lexington, KY. The basement entrance is on the Left side of the building if you are looking at the front (Newtown Pike side) of it.
The Workshop will begin at 1:00PM and continue until 3:00PM. This workshop is for anyone interested in the subject of radio theory or construction. Anyone may join the workshop at any time. This workshop does not really have a beginning or an end. It is a continuing effort to help those that are interested in knowing more about the internal workings of radios (receivers, transmitters and antennas) and/or building them.
A ham license is not required and there are no age restrictions. I encourage young students to participate. Participants will have to obtain their own tools and they will need to purchase a beginner's radio kit (AM-550K). I have kits in stock so you will not have to wait. Just pay me for the kit and I'll order another to replace it. That way we will have some always available for new participants.
The Bluegrass Amateur Radio Society's Youth Education Program (Y.E.P.) can provide "Now You're Talking" books for students up thru the 12th grade participating in our "Introduction to Amateur Radio" and books, kits, tools and parts for those in the "Radio Theory and Construction Workshop" at no cost. This kit cost about $20 and it is perfect for learning soldering, component identification and basic radio theory. If you wish to join our workshop please e-mail me so that I can add you to our list. I have a short questionnaire to get some information about your interest, experience and knowledge level. If you cannot be contacted by e-mail call me in the evening at