Title: Cars!Impala Fandom: Supernatural Subject: Our girl in the style of the movie Cars. Media: Photoshop, Terragen Notes: While the CW seems to be generally supportive of fan works, Disney scares me, man.
Oh, oh, oh!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad somebody did this!
I've had a plot bunny in my head since I first watched Cars and saw the animated short Mater and the Ghost Light. The bunny wanted the Impala to show up to determine what the ghost light really was... Actually, I still have it listed on my fanfic planning / plot bunny list (http://kaylashay81.livejournal.com/2763.html). If I ever get around to writing it, would you mind if I linked to your art with credit? Of course, I have to drag my writing muse back from the nether world first...
I liked how you included your stages. It gives us a look at the process. I've thought about doing that on some of my manips but hadn't got around to it yet. (I sucked when it camed to showing the process stages in my college design classes.)
I've never heard of the Terragen program. I may have to check it out and see what I can do with it.
Thanks, Kayla Shay! Hahaha, that bunny needs to happen. YES. Will she have to salt and burn something? Will she catch him in his vampire teeth? Hee! How silly, I love it. Yes, sure, link away. Let me know if you write it, too; I'd hate to miss it.
I love it when other people show their work; the process is my favorite part.
Yeah, do check out Terragen. There seems to be a learning curve to be able to create really complex things, but even right out of the box, it'll give you something not-too-horrible.
Comments 55
I've had a plot bunny in my head since I first watched Cars and saw the animated short Mater and the Ghost Light. The bunny wanted the Impala to show up to determine what the ghost light really was... Actually, I still have it listed on my fanfic planning / plot bunny list (http://kaylashay81.livejournal.com/2763.html). If I ever get around to writing it, would you mind if I linked to your art with credit? Of course, I have to drag my writing muse back from the nether world first...
I liked how you included your stages. It gives us a look at the process. I've thought about doing that on some of my manips but hadn't got around to it yet. (I sucked when it camed to showing the process stages in my college design classes.)
I've never heard of the Terragen program. I may have to check it out and see what I can do with it.
All said and done, this rocks!
I love it when other people show their work; the process is my favorite part.
Yeah, do check out Terragen. There seems to be a learning curve to be able to create really complex things, but even right out of the box, it'll give you something not-too-horrible.
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