The anxious baker strikes again.

Oct 21, 2006 15:27

I've been in a slump lately, in fandom and real life.  There are so many journals I'd like to start watching, but I'm having trouble keeping up with just the ones I'm already reading.  And there's been so much fantastic art lately that I've failed to comment on.  I have been loving you from afar, dear readers, even though I haven't been showing it ( Read more... )

ilu fandom, fandom: supernatural, food, tv, rl, canon reaction & review

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Comments 11

orange_bastard October 21 2006, 21:22:11 UTC
Can't wait to see your art!

The baking sounds marvelous! Making some pound cakes today myself!

I know what you mean about being disillusioned. I entertain fantasies of deleting, never to return....


gnatkip October 21 2006, 22:57:48 UTC
Aaah, I love pound cake. I've only ever made one, and the recipe was healthed-up in some way that made it dry and not as yummy as it ought to have been. I should try making a real, rich and buttery one.

I go through phases of alternating infatuation and apathy; I'm sure sometime soon I'll start falling in love with it all over again.


orange_bastard October 21 2006, 23:36:47 UTC
let me give you a great recipe (one I'm making today) from the Fannie Farmer cookbook...

heat oven to 300°

cream until light and fluffy
1 cup butter
1 2/3 cup sugar

beat in, one at a time
5 eggs

when creamy fold in
2 cups pastry or cake flour (but I've used allpurpose, and it's fine)
1/4 teasp salt

spoon into large loaf pan

bake about 1 1/2 hours

there's also a great one in the Joy of Cooking!


gnatkip October 22 2006, 01:36:54 UTC
Excellent! Thank you! A whole cup of butter... Five whole eggs... *drools unflatteringly*


fools_trifle October 21 2006, 23:35:25 UTC
Baking is good. Apart from being a very satisfying thing to do, it also provides you with ample amounts of the Goddess' food: traditionally milk, wheat, and honey. Yum! Makes everyone feel safe and coddled ;D

cookie!love ♥


gnatkip October 22 2006, 01:47:02 UTC
You are always full of the most wonderful spiritual things. My spirituality is very food-centric. The transubstantiation of another life into my life is a sacred thing. It's too seldom that I give that act the reverence it truly deserves.

I remember you saying something fascinating that I'd never heard before, let me see if I can remember... Something about goddesses in so many different traditions taking the form of cats, because they're simultaneously maternal and ferocious? I love that.


la_fono October 21 2006, 23:53:57 UTC
Hiiii. So, are wank goggles for wanking in, or to protect oneself from wank and its products? And do they fit with the other goggles, or are they worn on a one-at-a-time basis?

Have you been watching CSI: Blue Filter lately? That's not bad, bar the odd product placement for Coldplay...

I admit, I'm kinda in awe of people who bake... you horribly creative, yet practical person, you. Eight pounds! ♥ :D
So all the baking's to build a wall to keep the zombies out? Sorry for being rapid-fire question girl today... I've got one more, if you don't mind my asking? :) Do you think you feel the need to bake for the carbohydrate, or the whole process? I can imagine all the smells to be most satisfying... :)


gnatkip October 22 2006, 02:27:30 UTC
Ha! I thought of those other goggles and I wondered if they would pop up!

For protection from wank, definitely. "Come On Eileen (But Not in Her Eye)" and all. Although... I suppose those other goggles could actually be wank-in goggles... I'm trying to get a mental image and... well... PERISCOPE! Hee!

I hardly ever watch Blue Filter. ;) I did catch one recently, though, the "Eddie Furlong and the Case of the Coded T-Shirts" one. I watch Orange Filter slightly more often, mainly because I have a friend who has the hots for the ballistics expert with the accent -- and really, who can blame him.

So all the baking's to build a wall to keep the zombies out? Yes, actually, I think it's exactly like that. "Don't fret; just bake" sort of thing. The more I learn about mania, the more I think that I do have manic episodes; it's just that I do things like baking and researching, rather than the more diagnosable driving-to-Vegas-and-maxing-out-credit-cards ( ... )


la_onza October 22 2006, 00:03:18 UTC
What a coincidence, I've just been baking too! Except, frozen chicken taquitos.


gnatkip October 22 2006, 02:40:04 UTC
I know what you're talking about! Those things must be laced with something, they're so good. I've never taken the time to bake them, I've just done the "wrap two in a paper towel and microwave" thing, for a quick fix.

...Man, I am really sucking at vegetarianism this year.


la_onza October 22 2006, 11:08:42 UTC
I like to put them in the oven, directly on the rack. The ends get all crispy.

I'm afraid I'm sucking at anything remotely healthy lately. *plans to change someday*


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