Title: Losing a Star Without a Sky
Words: 11k
Summary: Sam and Dean investigate a series of small town murders. Meanwhile, they haven't been the most successful when it comes to interpersonal communication, so Sam tries other tactics.
Rating: NC-17
sagetan, who is so so excellent.
Check out her art!!! A/N: This is my 2012 minibang for
samdean-otp. This challenge is the best, thank you mods for putting it on ♥ Also
checkthemargins told me to write this. She is great. And then I got to talk to
lavishsqualor about this in person, wtf. Thank you, lovely people. And holy heck,
sagetan has been so patient and made the most beautiful art! I am so blown away. Also we have been lj friends forever ♥ Thank you, bb!!
Title is a lyric from
Cat Power - Metal Heart READ THE FIC ||