epic_fail, part 3758220643

Aug 09, 2007 12:26

[ via fandom_flies ]
Stunningly unprofessional conduct by 6A's supposed PR or customer-service head, rachel, who is C&Ping a user's comment without attribution.

The original comment by michalyn.

rachel's reposting of it without attribution: here and again here.

Inspired by the pro-ana revoltingness, I'm patchily and belatedly collecting links here on del.icio.us.

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Comments 18

marginalia August 9 2007, 16:33:03 UTC
my new favorite thing is... one i read this morning at home and didn't save... where linked content = hosted content. and i am like... have they missed the disclaimer on every other website EVER that "we are not responsible for material once you have left this site"?

for. fuck's. sake.


glossing August 9 2007, 16:34:29 UTC
where linked content = hosted content
FFS! I hadn't seen that. Is the ENTIRE STAFF brand-new to the Internet? To EARTH?


marginalia August 9 2007, 16:40:53 UTC
found it:

Dear LiveJournal user rydra_wong,

Yes, your question is correct. Linking to specific offsite content which would violate LiveJournal's Terms of Service can still be considered a violation of LiveJournal's Terms of Service in most situations.

LiveJournal Abuse Prevention Team

i am just IN SHOCK. i mean, i am reading this right, right? you link stuff they don't approve of and you are in violation. IN MOST SITUATIONS. can we say 'can of worms', kids? i thought so.


glossing August 9 2007, 16:44:37 UTC
Jaw. On. The FLOOR.

Thanks for the link. I'm going to be boggling for HOURS now.


1_900_mimicry August 9 2007, 16:49:18 UTC
I will probably think about this more when I have time. But now before work?

Honestly, I didn't think 6A could fail more. I think it's transcending epic at this point.

Thank you for bringing this little bit to light.


glossing August 9 2007, 16:50:35 UTC
Hey, it's all from a post in fandom_flies, but I thought it deserved attention.

Epic. FAIL.


petronelle August 9 2007, 16:55:48 UTC
Just when we think they can't get dumber, they prove us wrong.

Maybe we should start believing they can't get smarter.


glossing August 9 2007, 16:57:59 UTC
I'd like to try the latter option, if only because it'd make me a better person? But I haven't been that dumb and credulous in a...longass time.


petronelle August 9 2007, 17:42:10 UTC
I sympathize, and was going for a 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em' sort of feel without the actual joining.

Did you get my email from the other day? I know you were up to your hair in Story at the time.


glossing August 9 2007, 20:20:51 UTC
Holy crap, didn't I write you back? If I didn't, I'll pull the msg out of the draft folder and re-send. Sorry about that.

Story ate me. I liked it. :D


julia_here August 9 2007, 17:05:51 UTC
You know, I used to use "There are no limits to human stupidity, but some peopled can't help but exploring the frontiers." as a sig line, but lj staff and the people who keep posting Pond's Snarry pic seem to be engaged in some sort of frontier-expansion war of a magnitude I don't remember seeing before (outside of small town city council elections).


glossing August 9 2007, 17:09:11 UTC
I have nothing to add, because I'm nodding so very vehemently along. Well said.


mizzmarvel August 9 2007, 18:01:19 UTC
The sad thing is, when I heard about it I was not shocked at all.


glossing August 9 2007, 20:19:11 UTC
At this point? I don't think any crap they pull would surprise me.


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