[fic] Cap/Falc & some groovy scanspam

Jun 28, 2007 12:17

Title: Make you stay out all night long
Pairing: Captain America/Falcon|Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson
Rating: Safe for work
Disclaimer: Characters created by Simon & Kirby & Colan & Lee, not me.
Notes: For caia_comica, who came to the rescue yesterday. Title from "Love & Happiness", Al Green ( Read more... )

scans, fic - comics, captain america, the falcon

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Comments 31

oneangrykate June 28 2007, 16:54:30 UTC
There's something really right about this, the tentativeness, Sam's quiet misgivings. It really feels like a slice of peace at the end of a long day.

*loves this*


glossing June 28 2007, 18:27:07 UTC
Oh, dearheart, thank you! I felt very calm and UNanxious writing this, so that must show.


oneangrykate June 28 2007, 19:57:17 UTC
It does, darling, it really does. And unanxious writing is really the best. *harts*


caiusmajor June 28 2007, 17:29:43 UTC

This is awesome. They're so sweet, and it does a wonderful job with all of Sam's doubts and misgivings of the time (and how much he loves Steve *anyway*).


glossing June 28 2007, 18:29:02 UTC

I'm so happy that the doubt and misgivings didn't overpower the story - I wanted them there, but this is still *Sam* and he's so tightly bonded to Steve that it's beautiful.

Thanks, you!


harmonyangel June 28 2007, 17:30:35 UTC
Oh, that's lovely. It's so... quiet, and soft, and right. I especially love the bread image, and all the tactile imagery of the webbing. Beautiful.


glossing June 28 2007, 18:30:31 UTC
Aww, thank you! Any time I get to write about Steve and quiet intersitial moments is a good time indeed.


jubilancy June 28 2007, 18:51:44 UTC
Oh, Gloss, this is gorgeous and tender. The tiredness after fights and the scratchiness of partnership feels so real and doesn't drown in the equally-real sweetness of their relationship.

(Of course Nick wouldn't change his furnishing. No one's ever been as good to him as Steranko, and NICK FURY IS LOYAL.)


jubilancy June 28 2007, 18:56:12 UTC
When Steve says the dead kid's name, it's a benediction. Sam cannot imagine inspiring *that* look on anyone's face. He wouldn't *want* to.

This line rings like a perfectly-hit high C. Oooph.


glossing June 28 2007, 19:00:58 UTC

I've been thinking about Sam's uneasy relationship with Steve and need to be his own man (as if Steve would want anything else) and I got to thinking that it's less about suffering in comparison to Bucky than it is...confronting that kind of open, raw grief. (This made sense in my head. That is - it's romantic, on paper, the way Steve loves in all-caps, but I can't imagine it would be *easy* to be around, especially if you're a sensible guy like Sam...? Thingie.)


jubilancy June 28 2007, 19:11:54 UTC
I think that makes perfect sense, and ties into a lot of other stuff that went on. Steve is just so intense and demands/inspires such tremendous loyalty -- don't get me wrong, Sam is a very loyal guy but he's hardly going to forsake all others and cling to Cap's breast -- that he will stalk Sam when he's with Leila and interpret the two relationships as an either-or proposition; he seemed at first just unable to comprehend that Sam could keep company with two people with conflicting views. That sort of need must be terrifying.


katarik June 28 2007, 20:28:33 UTC

Possibly I'm just blissed-out already, but this feels... it's sweet, and tender, and a little sad and a lot in love.

Steve hums under his breath as he works. Just snatches of a tune, never finished, that sound like something Sam's mother might have listened to. She liked to swish her hips and chirp along to the radio while she cooked, telling them stories about zoot suits and hopheads from her girlhood.

Sam's mother is three years younger than Steve.

And she'd never countenance Sam dating a white lady, let alone her baby boy doing what he's been getting up to with the whitest man of all.

This bit made me wince and want to hug Sam.

When Steve says the dead kid's name, it's a benediction. Sam cannot imagine inspiring *that* look on anyone's face. He wouldn't *want* to.

*That* bit made me shriek a little and want to hug EVERYBODY. Sam, you are a smart man.


glossing June 29 2007, 14:01:00 UTC
Thank you so much!

a little sad and a lot in love.
Excellent to hear, thank you!

This bit made me wince
I'm sorry. I'm never quite sure how to respond to your comments on some of the un-PC elements in my stories - it's of course not a reflection of my own worldview, but part of the story's universe, if that makes sense.

Sam, you are a smart man.
He really is and he's just *awesome*.


katarik June 30 2007, 02:33:47 UTC
No no no, not for that aspect! I hadn't even considered how my wince might be interpreted, though I should have, given that it's Me. Wincing for *Sam*. I. Thing. History and past and expectations and how weird it must be to be working with a man older than his *mother* and -- thing. It made sense in my head, I swear!


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