[fic] Ebony and Ivory, Flesh and Steel (Bucky and the Young Avengers, PG?)

May 08, 2007 22:39

Title: Ebony and Ivory, Flesh and Steel
Authors: jubilancy & glossingSetting/spoilers: Fairy-tale AU of Civil War. Because we *can ( Read more... )

young avengers, eli bradley, billy kaplan, boyslash, bucky barnes, teddy altman, fic - comics, captain america, gen

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Comments 67

gammi_demon May 9 2007, 03:12:26 UTC
(flails, just a little bit and quietly) So. Things I liked.

I liked that you've taken a character I know nothing about and made me understand him and his situation. I like how you have everyone playing off of everyone else and how you can taste the differences between Bucky and the boys and how you can just as obviously taste the similarities.

You don't overplay the relationship between Billy and Teddy and you don't shove the usual fannon personalities down my throat. It's smooth.

It all comes together so nicely. I want more.

I deeply request more.

...um. Hi. By the way. >_>


glossing May 9 2007, 19:20:58 UTC
HI! Thanks so much for the feedback.

taste the differences between Bucky and the boys and how you can just as obviously taste the similarities.
Oh, I'm so glad this came through - Bucky died *so* young, and, even added up, the years he spent post-resurrection weren't exactly ones of healthy maturation, so one of the things that really interests me about him is this sense of arrested development that's been overlaid with just plain *horror*.

you don't shove the usual fannon personalities down my throat
I have to say that reading fic about them is frequently an occasion for pure cognitive dissonance, because the guys in the comic are just...*absent*. Like, I haven't read enough fic to have a handle on the fanon? But I'm really perfectly okay with that.

I deeply request more.
I'm pretty sure that both jubilancy & I will write *a lot* more YA and Bucky fics. :)

Thanks again - this is just wonderful feedback to receive.


oneangrykate May 9 2007, 03:19:19 UTC
You are both absolutely nutso and I adore it.


glossing May 9 2007, 19:23:47 UTC
Says you, Pot!

Signed, Kettle


oneangrykate May 9 2007, 20:01:39 UTC
I am a dirty enabler, it is true!


(The comment has been removed)

glossing May 9 2007, 19:38:01 UTC
Why, thank you! *beams*

Eli *is* obnoxious; pre-transfusion, that's totally his superpower along with his big, sexy brains. And if Bucky can say "pansy" in canon, he'd totally say "swishy" and a variety of other now-offensive words. I believe this in my heart.

I would thank you for not making Billy into a waif in the relationship with Teddy as the big strong man, because it's like my biggest pet peeve -- people need to read the comics
Already in the feedback on this story, I'm getting the sense that YA fic appears to exist in its own little pocket universe, far from canon. That *sucks*. On topic, I just can't see waif/strongman as anywhere near the Billy/Teddy dynamic.

Eli's "sympathetic" reaction was *all* Jube's doing and by that point, I was holding myself in glee. *g*


sockich May 9 2007, 04:53:27 UTC
glossing May 9 2007, 19:46:05 UTC
I/we made your day? No, sir. This comment set me spinning around in my chair, kicking out my legs and beaming all over the place.

The cats were amused.

*loves* Thank you!


petronelle May 9 2007, 10:26:30 UTC
Y'all are completely insane.

I salute you.


glossing May 9 2007, 19:46:59 UTC
You might be on to something there.



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