[flashfic] MMOM 1: Sleeping Arrangements (Bucky/Cap, R)

May 01, 2007 15:11

Title: Sleeping Arrangements
Medium: Captain America (Golden Age)
Disclaimer: Simon & Kirby and Marvel, not me.
Pairing: Bucky/Cap
Rating: R
Length: 1300 words
Notes: Thanks to thenotoriousg for the beta. Happy mmom!

Bucky knows the score )

bucky barnes, mmom, fic - comics, captain america, boyslash

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Comments 27

caiusmajor May 1 2007, 19:29:13 UTC
That's--very very them. And follows quite well from your comment about the partnership's origins in Bucky walking in on Steve--I'm fond of this version.


glossing May 1 2007, 19:32:49 UTC
*beams* You have Stevedar, don't you?

I'm really glad this worked for you - thank you *so* much.


the world needed this! jubilancy May 1 2007, 19:31:37 UTC

The tent's ceiling slanted over them like the sketch of a cathedral. In these moments before sleep, with exhilaration drained out of him, leaving only lassitude and incomplete thoughts, Steve often pictured Michelangelo on his back, painting the Sistine's ceiling.

This is perfect, as is this:

he froze, and Bucky's breaths deepened, and so he moved again, fingertips twisting the hairs low on his belly. He still was not, quite, comfortable in this new body of his, muscled and *strong* as it was.

They're just so right together here, Bucky wonderful and quick and manipulative and Steve unable to resist the love, the life that Bucky offers.


Re: the world needed this! glossing May 1 2007, 19:34:33 UTC
I'm not sure about the world, but God knows I needed this, yes. And maybe you, too. *loves*

Your trip down tentflap memory lane yesterday certainly helped inspire this, and I'm *so* glad that Bucky came across as irresistible. Steve-o never had a *chance*.


Re: the world needed this! jubilancy May 1 2007, 19:40:30 UTC
Then I am very glad I posted the scans! Very glad indeed.


rubynye May 1 2007, 19:35:34 UTC
Oooooohghghg. I. Um.

Man, I love your Bucky. Is canon Bucky anything like this awesome? And Steve is a big dangerous muscular sweetheart from your pen. What Mary did for Jason, you may be doing for them.


glossing May 1 2007, 19:41:34 UTC
Canon Bucky is a GAZILLION times more awesome than I could ever render. I mean, you've got the canonical tent-peeking *and* now the retcon of him into a superassassin who did the dirty ops (plus, he has a robo-arm *and* Nick Fury's voice implanted into his head[!!!]).

Steve is a big dangerous muscular sweetheart from your pen
NNNNGH, wow, thank you! I can't believe how much I have fallen in love with the Big Blond Straight-Arrows of him and Barry Allen.

You are too kind and I am going to snuggle this feedback til the cows head home. Thank you.


sockich May 1 2007, 19:39:08 UTC
glossing May 1 2007, 19:43:05 UTC
Thank you for reading it - I suspect our moods are fairly well-matched right now and I'm glad this was there for you. Us. Thing.



oneangrykate May 1 2007, 20:02:54 UTC
Aw, Bucky, you little schemer. This just made me happy. If this is what your flashfic is like, then I'm incredibly thrilled and jealous.

Bucky fought because he wanted to, because he *had* to; there were no serums for him, no shield. Just his smart mouth and quick feet
This made me so happy. <333


glossing May 1 2007, 20:06:01 UTC
Bucky's a wheeler-dealer par excellence. *pats him*

This just made me happy.
Then my work here is done! *cape flourish* (Seriously, darling, you bring *so* much happy, you should get endless amounts in return.)

If this is what your flashfic is like, then I'm incredibly thrilled and jealous.
Well, this is what happens when I've been working on the Bucky/Eli and Barry/Roy for two months and need to go short and sweet (and procrastinate yet again on omg revisions). So.

Thank you so very much. *kiss*


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