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Comments 55

solvent90 February 16 2007, 23:35:39 UTC
Oh, Tim. This is ... I mean, wow, brain-breakingly hot and sweet and girl!Dick and Steeeve (♥♥♥) are awesome, but Tim's confusion and fear are so visceral and wonderful that it also made me wibble a fair bit.

He can no longer work with the perfect, unbreachable boundaries he once used; when Bruce let Steph into the Cave, he broke them *all*.

YES. That. And, and the fact that Tim's attraction to Dick is the one immutable thing (it's canon in my head that Dick absolutely formed Tim's sexuality, wherever else it goes from there), and Steph's reaction to that (it's so right that she's Steph again at that point in the story and she's so wonderful about it and Tim needs her so much *kicks DC*), and Dick + Steph and their total ease with each other and Tim's unease with that, and the intrusion of Titans!Robin so that all the boundaries well and truly run and... *deep breath* I just want to wallow in this, forever. YAY. I'll come back and be coherent at you.


glossing February 16 2007, 23:43:34 UTC
Oh, wow. Thank you *so* much.

Tim's attraction to Dick is the one immutable thing (it's canon in my head that Dick absolutely formed Tim's sexuality, wherever else it goes from there)
I'm right there with you. I use the icon of perfect wrongness, because - well. Sex and death and innocence are always mixed up; it just happened earlier for Tim.

Tim needs her so much
We all need her! COME BACK, STEPH!

the intrusion of Titans!Robin so that all the boundaries well and truly run
*beams* You know when you realize you did something *right*, but not consciously, and then you get fantastic feedback that points it out to you? Yes. That.

*kisses you all over* Thank you.


sockich February 17 2007, 00:52:08 UTC
glossing February 18 2007, 14:19:00 UTC
This here, this is Tim. I mean...this is my Tim, the Tim I see when I think about him
Jeebus, thank you *so much*. You can't know how much this means to me, though I think you *do* know how much Tim has wormed his way into my mind, so -. Yes. Thank you, sweetheart.


caiusmajor February 17 2007, 03:05:47 UTC
This is an *excellent* piece of identity and genderfuck porn, and Dick and Steph are *adorable*.

It was, however, made infinitely more surreal by my tendency to read "Steve" as "Captain America".


__marcelo February 17 2007, 05:37:31 UTC
... I... *dies* Please. Tell me somebody has or can write Captain America/Tim. I know there have been canonical crossovers, it's not too crazy.


caiusmajor February 17 2007, 19:05:46 UTC
I don't believe it exists, but monkeycrackmary would most definitely be the one to ask for it!


glossing February 18 2007, 14:19:51 UTC
Oh, thank you! *dances you*

"Captain America".
*pokes you to write the crossover* ;)


snake_easing February 18 2007, 03:30:45 UTC
You really did a nice job of weaving in Tim's fear. From this:

It's Steph, and Steve, and *them*, so fond that Tim has to fight not to look away. Run away.

to Tim's inner quiet when he's called on the thing he's not quite dealing with in his own self-identity. Nice job.


glossing February 18 2007, 14:29:12 UTC
I'm so glad that Tim's...Timitas came through and, not only that, but that it worked for you. Thanks so much!


sageness February 18 2007, 08:00:50 UTC


glossing February 18 2007, 14:29:41 UTC
Aww! *beams gratefully*


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