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Comments 51

cmshaw November 14 2006, 23:38:47 UTC

*happy incoherency at you*


glossing November 15 2006, 22:21:55 UTC
*burbling gratefully back at you*


caiusmajor November 15 2006, 00:50:42 UTC
Wow. REALLY REALLY impressed at all of this; the Batman/Catwoman relationship bemuses me a lot; you manage to make sense and awesome of it. Six times.


glossing November 15 2006, 22:27:41 UTC
That is *wonderful* to hear, you have no idea -- I knew, before writing, that I loved reading about these two together. But then *writing* them together became this whole entire ORDEAL-type thing. I'm so glad I managed to drag some sense out of it. :D

Thank you!


anonymous_sibyl November 15 2006, 01:32:06 UTC
You are really rather amazing.

While reading I found myself trying to say "this is my favorite" until I realized that, like the story, the characters aren't complete in just one part.

I am so very partial to Bruce in Black Box, though. Because he is so very repressed and longing for things to be relevant.


glossing November 15 2006, 22:36:21 UTC
Oh, thank you, sweetness! That means an enormous amount, coming from you.

I realized that, like the story, the characters aren't complete in just one part.
Oy, man. OY. I had a hell of a time trying to balance the sections as self-contained yet highly permeable units; I'm so relieved it worked.

I am so very partial to Bruce in Black Box, though.
Me, too. ME, TOO. He was so scarily young back then, haunting the East End in his ridiculous Army jacket, and -- I had a ball with letting him be terribly, *obviously* fucked up.


petronelle November 15 2006, 02:45:11 UTC
I love you beyond the scope of my present consciousness.

This is due in no small part to the fact that my present consciousness is stuck on "Jeannette," do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars.

The last time I saw that as someone's drag name, it was in a story I wrote involving atrocities known as 1830's European women's clothing and the term petit frère.

My heart is at your feet.

I owe you ever so much more detailed love than that, but I am at present incapable of rendering it sensible.


glossing November 15 2006, 22:16:43 UTC
I tried "Georgette", I really did, but... Somehow, according to my weird brain, all MTF genderfucks in Gotham need to be some variation on "Janet", so.

And I so need to pick up the source of your old fandom, just so I can read *that*.

Thank you so much for reading this early and not slapping me silly. I adore you *enormously*.


jubilancy November 15 2006, 03:07:21 UTC
I'm glad you wrote this because now I can see Batman and Catwoman in the same space without feeling bad about the world.

I think my favorite bit was the Red Son one, even though I haven't read the comics relating to it. The sadness at things that should be good that aren't actually working seems very appropriate to Catwoman herself.


glossing November 15 2006, 22:18:14 UTC
Thank you! *beams*

The sadness at things that should be good that aren't actually working seems very appropriate to Catwoman herself.
Mmm, I like that phrasing. There's a line from her sister in...Her Sister's Keeper, actually, asking Selina why she has to FIGHT all the time. And it occurs to me that there are *thousands* of reasons for her fight.


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