[fic] Seeing Through Clothes (Dick/Tim, NC-17)

Oct 27, 2006 16:06

Title: Seeing Through Clothes
Pairings: Dick/Tim, Kon/Tim
Medium: DCU (Batfamily)
Timeline/spoilers: One Year Later; major spoilers for INFINITE CRISIS and very vague ones for NIGHTWING #125 and ROBIN #150.
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Dick has their costumes all figured out.
Disclaimer: DC, not me.
Notes: Halloween porn for petronelle because I felt like giving ( Read more... )

dick grayson, fic - comics, tim drake, kon-el, boyslash

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Comments 34

daybreak25 October 27 2006, 22:15:41 UTC
So, aside from this hurting the fucking hell out of me, this was perfect Halloween porn. That's not to say Petra's wasn't awesome ("Five by Five" is just what I needed last night) but I do love me a good bit of Dick/Tim slash. (Hence my journal.)

But the Kon/Tim bits in between: *hurt.* Pain and hurt. Can I assume this is after Kon's death because everything was in italics, so flashback, maybe?

Doesn't matter. Love the fun, porn and Dick's wig. :)


glossing October 28 2006, 20:23:38 UTC
I don't know *why* I can't write a non-hurty piece with these two. (Well, I *do* know why, I'm just...unhappy about it.)

Thank you so much, though! :)


petronelle October 28 2006, 02:33:22 UTC
I need to reread this when I am awake enough to pull out the lines that made me squeal, coo, yell, "AWWW!" and wince, because there were a lot of them.

What was that you wanted? Bruce/Dick/Roy? I'll get right on that.

But only *after* I finish the happy thoughts about Discowing Dick and Tim-doing-Roy-for-him.

You are a wonder.


glossing October 28 2006, 20:54:41 UTC
I am *so* happy you enjoyed this. I started it for your porn drabble exchange, but it quickly became far too long.

I'd kill to see Tim-doing-Roy for Dick. Especially if Dick was back in the Robin suit....



brown_betty October 28 2006, 02:43:24 UTC
Seventy-six zombies on pogo-sticks, this was filthy. I mean that in the best way, but fishnet stockings! I had no idea!

This story caused my brain to choke and make noises. I didn't know my brain did that. Guh, this is the porniest thing since ever and it's like a kidney punch of porn.


glossing October 28 2006, 21:23:48 UTC
fishnet stockings! I had no idea!
*beams* Dick's legs deserve to be shown off!

I'm very impressed by your brain, and dearly overjoyed that I committed porn that found such a happy reader in you. :DDD


jubilancy October 28 2006, 03:25:35 UTC
("One minute Superboy was *there*, the next the tower was coming *down*, I'm sorry, I'm so --.")

Oh dear god. This is very painful. Nice work.


glossing October 28 2006, 21:24:53 UTC
Thank you. I swear, this was *supposed* to be just porn. Really and truly.


sockich October 28 2006, 06:43:48 UTC
glossing October 28 2006, 21:26:12 UTC
I love Tim, too. I love his constant, irrepressible need to analyze.

And DICK. He makes me squeak with all kinds of noises, both joyful and a-feared.

Thank you SO much, K.! *mwahmwah*


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