[fic] Reform it altogether (Kon/Tim, Clark/Tim, NC-17)

Jul 13, 2006 22:35

Title: Reform it altogether (reference)
Pairings: Kon/Tim, Clark/Tim
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Superman gets the mustard out.
Setting: Vaguely early TT v.3/Jon Lewis era. Pre-War Games.
Notes: petronelle and inlovewithnight audienced with good cheer and great patience; Petra incited this and I can't thank her enough. thenotoriousg beta'd like the champion she is ( Read more... )

fic - comics, kal-el, tim drake, kon-el, clark kent, boyslash

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Comments 27

inlovewithnight July 14 2006, 03:09:25 UTC
Oh! Dude, all I did was say "Schmoop happens." ;)

This is lovely. I don't know the canon dynamics at all, as you know, but this was just so...the longing Tim has. To be one of the heroes, part of the heroes, with the heroes...at least, that's what it said to me.

And Clark, so gentle and never less than slightly non-human...oh, I don't know! ::waves hands:: And the language, of course, was beautiful and Glossian.



glossing July 14 2006, 03:15:41 UTC
You listened to me babble and maybe you didn't know it, but it was *calming*. I was freaking, man.

the longing Tim has
*beams at you* That! That's what I wanted. Yes. That, and flightporn.

Clark, so gentle and never less than slightly non-human
...and that, too, all the way. MmmmClark.

Thank you, sweetness. *So* much.


brown_betty July 14 2006, 04:09:51 UTC
Oh, this is really painful. In the good way, but… ow.


glossing July 14 2006, 12:16:41 UTC
Heh. Sorry? And thank you.


petronelle July 14 2006, 12:12:59 UTC
Oh, man. This is absolutely beautiful.

Mmm, flying and smooching.

Oh, TIM, Tim and his oral fixation and --

*Kal-El,* my heart hurts.

In the best way, but still.


glossing July 14 2006, 12:19:07 UTC
Thank you *so much* for poking me. And for the feedback along the way as well as here.

flying and smooching
I think I have a new kink!

*Kal-El,* my heart hurts.
Writing to others' kinks is *fun*. Except freaksome, too.



thete1 July 15 2006, 01:27:28 UTC
Jack can tell you -- I was making choked sounds. I was making *strangled* sounds ( ... )


glossing July 15 2006, 01:37:10 UTC
You know it's not fair that you write AND read so damn well, right? Just so we're clear.

I want to cover you with gratitude and little squeaks of YAY, but mostly I'm just really damn happy to have been able to give you something. Were it not for you & Mary, I wouldn't be in this fandom; you're invariably one of the better points of *any* fandom I'm in.

Thank you SO MUCH. I send metric tons of love southward toward you for the coming year.


thete1 July 15 2006, 01:38:14 UTC
Annnnnd I just checked the reference for the title. Ahahhaa. You dirty, mean, wonderful, glossiest of Glossings.


glossing July 15 2006, 01:40:13 UTC
We do live to amuse. :D


thete1 July 15 2006, 01:51:29 UTC
Meeeanwhile, I just reread it. Oh GOD. I just. That's the other other OTHER thing that just killed me here -- how *unsure* Clark/Kal/Superman is and how very much Tim isn't HELPING.

God, he *still* doesn't know which one -- if any -- Tim 'prefers.' And that's *killing* him. And I LOVE THAT BECAUSE IT IS A KINK. Yes, it is. Clark brooding. Obsessing. Yes.


.... yes.

But but but! Also! The *flirting*. The labyrinthine identity porntastic FLIRTING.

... why yes, I *will* be rereading this *just* a bit often.

*fans self*


glossing July 15 2006, 02:02:08 UTC
I've been obsessing recently about why Clark keeps Kon at arm's length and...yeah. He's just dangerously *uncertain* and it's all tippy and shivery and then TIM walks in the middle.

*takes Timbreak*

Yes. That, with the flirting and playing and Clark is a PUPPY. With fangs that Tim sees better than others and they killed me.


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