[fic] Zeno's Elegy (DCU, Bart/Roy, PG-13)

Jun 19, 2006 14:20

I started this the afternoon that Infinite Crisis #7 came out. It was supposed to be a fun little ficlet about Bart dealing with the new universe. It...grew. With Flash #1 due the day after tomorrow, I realized it was time to put up or shut up ( Read more... )

roy harper, fic - comics, bart allen, boyslash

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Comments 48

derryderrydown June 19 2006, 18:34:28 UTC
Oh, man. That's both really sad and really optimistic at the same time. Wistful. And gorgeous.


glossing June 19 2006, 18:59:25 UTC
Thank you so much. And all the more so, considering your Bart/Roy is one of my very favorites. *g*


fullmetal_cute June 19 2006, 19:01:13 UTC

This was great! I love it! *leaps around with joy and hugs Bart*


glossing June 20 2006, 11:49:25 UTC
Oh, thank you! So much! :D


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glossing June 20 2006, 11:51:52 UTC
Thank you!

the bits with Dinah really got me.
That's really good to hear -- I kept giving her more lines because I'm nursing quite the crush-interest on her. She's just so cool.


scheherezhad June 19 2006, 19:41:55 UTC
Dude, I hate you. That is awesome, and I totally wish I'd written it because. wow. I don't even know what to say other than I loved it, and you rock.


glossing June 20 2006, 11:53:14 UTC
Aww, don't be hating! *g* I'm so glad you enjoyed this -- thank you!


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glossing June 20 2006, 11:55:06 UTC
Thank you very much. <3


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