[ficlet] Tantalize, Just So (DCU: Babs/Dick, PG)

May 27, 2006 21:20

Flashficlet: Looks like trolling is what it takes to break my DC-fear and make me post.

Title: Tantalize, Just So
Author: gloss
Rating: PG
Fandom: General Battiness
Pairing: Barbara/Dick
Summary: Her life is certainty; he is beautiful.
Setting/Spoilers: Um. No Man's Land?
Notes: Title from Dickinson, "A precious, mouldering pleasure". liviapenn suggested aRead more... )

dick grayson, het, fic - comics, barbara gordon

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Comments 39

anonymous_sibyl May 28 2006, 01:28:31 UTC
and she keeps on kissing him, seeking ignorance, seeking this.

That is beautiful. It's very raw, painful, and so right.


glossing May 29 2006, 12:52:54 UTC
Oh, sweetheart. Thank you!


petronelle May 28 2006, 01:45:23 UTC
This hurts just right to be them. Nothing is sure, not their past or their future.

Thank you for making them be themselves and so wonderfully imperfect.


glossing May 29 2006, 12:53:39 UTC
Nothing's sure for them, which is why I tend to squeal and clutch at them when they *are* together.

Thank you.


wickedprincess3 May 28 2006, 02:00:24 UTC
Her life is built on control and intelligence. On knowledge and certainty.

None of which can apply to Dick.
This managed to get so much of what I love about Babs/Dick. So much happy sigh. Beautiful.


glossing May 29 2006, 12:55:36 UTC
Wow, thank you! I, um, really adore the both of them. *sigh*

(And it's really good to see another BtVS refugee. *bg*)


brown_betty May 28 2006, 02:15:07 UTC
Ow, you hit me right in the OTP, but it's the good hurt.


glossing May 29 2006, 13:17:03 UTC
I like a good hurt every now and then.

Thank you!


rubynye May 28 2006, 02:28:34 UTC
Oh! I love moments such as this, all their lives around one particular point, and this one is beautifully evoked.

Also, I am clutching my heart and gasping.


glossing May 29 2006, 13:19:04 UTC
I love moment-vignettes, too. I'm so glad this one worked for you -- thanks so much!


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