Fic: Five Ways the Doctor May Have Ended Up Naked... 6/6

Apr 03, 2011 00:52

Title: Five Ways the Doctor May Have Ended Up Naked (But Refuses to Confirm nor Deny) and One Way He Definitely Did. 6/6 !!
Rating: Teen
Characters/Paring: Ten/Rose, Jack, OC
Prompt: never-ever-will prompt 18, each prompt as noted at the end of each section.
Beta: milieva achuislemochroi develish1
Summary: The title pretty much says it all.
Disclaimer: Based on characters owned and created by BBC. No infringement intended.
Notes: Fluff and baby!fic. Five parts crack, one part fluff, and a pinch of angst. This is what happens when you get greedy and need to use seven prompts in one fic.

More notes: Hi, remember this fic? :O Sorry it's so short for all the wait. You know you have epic writer's block when beta changes send you into a fit of angst. **headdesk**

Previous parts:

I. Fibrous Dermatitis
II. Through the Cold and Dark
III. Inflammatory
IV. Defrabricated
V. Equality of the Sexes

And one way he definitely did.

VI. Bubbles

Rose woke with a start. Everything was so quiet, she wondered what had woken her. Wait, everything was too quiet. The room had the feeling of absence. Not just that people had left, but that they were gone and not returning. Spooked by her own thoughts, Rose jumped up and went searching.

The console room was likewise quiet and empty, as was the kitchen, the nursery, and the library. Solitude clung to her. She would have sworn he had taken the baby on a wander outside had they not been floating idly next to a pretty nebula. Rose pressed on and searched a few of the less likely spots. For some reason, she paused at the door to a bathroom with a ridiculously large tub they had always meant to try out yet never had. As she pushed the door open, she could hear soft sounds from within. Then a high-pitched baby shriek of happiness reached her ears and relief shot through her.

She wanted to rush inside but something held her back. Instead, she crept to the turn in the room where the tub lay just beyond. The Doctor was sitting in the tub, a impossible amount of bubbles filling it and covering him midway up his chest. In front of him, bobbing in some sort of ingenious, futuristic bath seat, their daughter sat happily filling and dumping and assortment of brightly coloured cups.

Rose watched as she held a cup full of bubbles out to the Doctor with a soft, "Eh?"

He said something to her in Gallifreyan and took the cup, elaborately pretending to drink it and then sputtering and choking in disgust. The baby squealed in delight and offered him another cup of bubbles.

"Ro-ose," the Doctor called out suddenly, not taking his eyes off the baby, "are you going to join us or lurk there all day?"

Rose started then smiled as she realized she should have known she could never sneak up on him. She moved into the room.

"Oh, am I invited?"

He turned then and fixed her with a slight frown. "Of course you are." Then his expression cleared and he reached for her hand. "Always."


Prompt: abbynormalbrain communal bathing

doctor who, fanfic, five times naked, ten/rose, crack!fic, never_ever_will

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