Epic Links of DW Randomness: The TARDIS

Feb 14, 2011 02:38

Standard Disclaimer: These lists of links will always be a work in progress as I am guaranteed to find something new. I cannot guarantee the longevity of the sites, however. It also should get prettified over time when I get inspired to code links.

Peruse at your heart's content, rec, link, reference, and research. But please if you copy substantial amounts of links elsewhere, give me credit. That way people won't think you are the obsessive one with too much time on your hands. ;)

The Masterlist of these link posts appears in my sidebar.

Welcome to the first edition of the Links of Randomness. Starting off with my favorite subject, the TARDIS.

Reference Sites:

1) Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TARDIS

2) The TARDIS Wiki

3) Everything you wanted to know (and didn't) about police boxes: http://policeboxes.com/pboxhist.htm
and toy TARDIS' too: http://policeboxes.com/dwmodels.htm

Fan sites:

1) Not a lot at this site: http://www.zetacity.com/insidethetardis/tardis.aspx#history
But nice for the TARDIS sound effects: http://www.zetacity.com/insidethetardis/multimedia.aspx

2) Some all too small but very nice screen grabs of various TARDIS rooms: http://www.thedoctorwhosite.co.uk/tardis/rooms/

3) Fun site with lots of general info: http://weirdscifi.ratiosemper.com/drwho/tardis.html

4) Another page with some basic info and many sound files. One noteworthy thing this site lists is a vid file of Doc Two whistling for the TARDIS. Hmm, guess Ten's snapping for the TARDIS is not such a big deal then. (note: this is a noisy site- it hums at you) http://www.kasterborus.com/tardis/tardis/index.htm

5) Blog post I ran across, so-so pictures but shows the changes to the console room http://greywoolfewho.wordpress.com/2010/04/01/youve-changed-the-desktop-theme-the-tardis-interior-gets-its-most-lavish-makeover-yet/

6) This amuses me as someone took time to screencap the Doctor's study as seen in the Adventure Games (since as they put it, this room is canon): http://www.bleedingcool.com/2010/08/30/a-canonical-look-inside-a-new-room-in-the-tardis/

7) Make sure you see "Building the TARDIS!" Where all the insider photos on Nine's TARDIS came from is not clear, but they are awesome! http://doctorwhomakestorchwood.wetpaint.com/page/The+TARDIS

8) The TARDIS Technical Index The colorful text might be hard on the eyes after a while, but it makes it clear what is TV canon, book/audio canon, and official media canon.

9) The Whoniverse Appears to be an updated version of #8 above but I don't know if it the same site owner or a mirror.

10) Just what the Doctor has always needed: The Type-40 Operating Manual! The site is current offline with server hosting issues, but you can check their progress on getting it revampedhere

11)DIY TARDISes of every sort

12) Tardis Schematics by Time-Lord-Rassilon (thanks to milieva for link)

13) Schematics by Star Superion - images on his photobucket here and a detailed discussion of them on a Trek forum thread (many pages of posts) You can also find him on deviant-art but not his TARDIS stuff.

Official Media

1) Peter Mckinstry's site is full of great DW concept art. Particularly a) what the TARDIS really looks like inside and b) a close up detail of Nine/Ten's console room

2) Eleven's TARDIS console room concept art at BBC DW. Which also takes you to some UK only video clips.

3) DW Classic (Old School) Beginner's Guide (click on the TARDIS): http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/classic/guide.shtml

4) DW S1-S4 archive: http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/s4/characters/?character=tardis

5) BBC America: http://www.bbcamerica.com/shows/doctor-who/about/the-tardis.jsp

6) Misc BBC America: http://bbcamerica.com/content/123/doctor-who-extras.jsp

7) Some moldy oldy media on the DW Classic page. Not all of it worked on my computer it was so outdated and some links are bad: http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/classic/tardiscam/

8) Panorama tour of Eleven's TARDIS:

9) Under the buried content file: (I've found BBC rarely deletes content off their sites, they just bury it somewhere.) There used to be a standard and 360 virtual tour of (then) Nine's TARDIS on BBC DW, plus wallpapers etc. I managed to dig up a link for that area but you won't find an easy, direct way there anymore from BBC DW. Grr, why?? (Incidentally - you can also explore the pre-iplayer enabled site as it existed for S1-S3 via this link)

10) Talk about buried content: I found this by accident! It repeats some of the links from #9 but has some added video from RTD and others (realplayer- ick). There's added parts of the tour that include some closeups but they wouldn't play on my browser. Maybe another browser type or a phone would work.

11) The TARDIS section and the TARDIS Info Pack(PDF) from the Doctor Who Script to Screen Competition. (Also sounds fx )

Official Media, Games:

1) (online)Attack of the Graske (play with TARDIS control panel, plus live action Ten): http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/dw/funandgames/attack_of_the_graske?category=strategy

2)(online) Into the Vortex (Fly the TARDIS): http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/dw/funandgames/into_the_vortex?category=action

3) (online) Black Hole (fly TARDIS out of a black hole): http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/dw/funandgames/black_hole?category=action

4) (download)Adventure Game: TARDIS. Play as Eleven and Amy(really awesome BTW. It's totally worth the fee us foreigners are charged and if you are in UK, why haven't you D/L already??) Also has a teaser intro story (PDF).

Official Media, totally random

1) Blue Peter gets crafty and the TARDIS goes to the birds. Not once, but twice.

2) Video of interview with winners of a Children in Need soundstage tour. Some footage of the tour itself.

3) Blue Peter's Design a TARDIS console winner. (Used in The Doctor's Wife) Video only plays in UK, wah!

dw links, epic links of dw randomness, tardis, the bookmarks of doom

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