Title: Book of Lies Pairing: Gen. Dean/Castiel if you squint Warnings: Spoilers through 6.19 Rating: PG Summary: Alone in the panic room, Castiel contemplates faith and betrayal. Drabble-ish.
Wish Dean and Castiel's relationship didn't have to break down just as Dean and Sam's relationship starts to fix itself.
I do like the way Cas knows he's betrayed more than just Dean, but it's his betrayal of Dean that weighs on him the most. And your description of Bobby's soul and how that would be Dean in 20 years? Just perfect.
I think there's something about Dean that makes it basically impossible for him to be having a good relationship with all the people he loves at once. It's like his curse.
Dean and Castiel do share a more profound bond :P Glad you liked.
There is so much fantasticness in this piece I don't know where to start. Your writing is gorgeous as ever, but this is certainly more than that. Either Castiel's perceptiveness or the piece's perceptions of Castiel or maybe--probably--both. Beautiful. <3 Thank you for sharing this!
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poor broken friendships and understanding but cold Sam and Dean == Bobby and Cas refusing to let himself regret his regrettable things ♥
I think Cas is deep, deep in denial right now, but hopefully he finds a way to climb out of it.
And written beautifully.
Wish Dean and Castiel's relationship didn't have to break down just as Dean and Sam's relationship starts to fix itself.
I do like the way Cas knows he's betrayed more than just Dean, but it's his betrayal of Dean that weighs on him the most. And your description of Bobby's soul and how that would be Dean in 20 years? Just perfect.
Dean and Castiel do share a more profound bond :P Glad you liked.
I'm really glad you liked. Castiel's POV is always interesting for me to play with, so it's good to hear that it worked.
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