Guh, your uncle sounds like my aunt. It really sucks to have to bite your tongue around them, I'd give just about anything to be able to put the woman in her place sometimes.
i don't usually comment like this.cyleneApril 23 2006, 09:14:14 UTC
...But congratulations on the race :) one of my good friends rows and I know race is always a big deal.
And to hell with bigotry and racism. Just yesterday I talked to a couple of friends about how closeminded some people could be (coughPrincetoneatingclubscough) and I feel like smacking them to the moon and back :')
Comments 2
But! Congratulations on second place. ♥
And to hell with bigotry and racism. Just yesterday I talked to a couple of friends about how closeminded some people could be (coughPrincetoneatingclubscough) and I feel like smacking them to the moon and back :')
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