Travel Journal Day 3

Nov 01, 2015 14:48

Live Journal 29 November 2015- yes, posted 3 days late. That's on-the-road connectivity for you.
And...another attempt at a cut tag... )

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Comments 8

archaeologist_d November 2 2015, 00:44:03 UTC
I am terrified to fly but take drugs to get me to sleep on planes. I went to Spain in Sept. including Cordoba but on a tour, not just staying in one place. Have fun and relax!


gloriana November 2 2015, 18:00:56 UTC
Hey there :) Yes, we are both having fun and relaxing - although it's colder than we're used to!! What did you think of Cordoba? We were there 20 years ago, and I must say it lives up to our memories - I love the tiny streets and the mezquite/cathedral is, of course, fantastic.

I must say I am surprised you have problems flying, given how much you travel!!! The husband didn't want drugs, because apparently they might dim down the anxiety but it's still there, lurking. So - after his flying fear reached the ' I really don't want to do this' stage this spring - he's been doing cognitive behavioral therapy over the summer. He's had, maybe, five therapist visits plus exercises, and one trial flight of an hour down plus an hour return. And it's worked pretty well: I can't say he loved the transatlantic, but he did manage it without horrendous fear, and he isn't quaking at the thought of the return. So I would recommend it from his experience, although I've not had problems with flying myself at all.


archaeologist_d November 2 2015, 18:23:55 UTC
I've learned exactly how much to take to fly. Plus it has the advantage that I sleep through most of the overnight flights so I wake refreshed. I did notice that over the years, I've had to take less drugs so it may be helping calm me down without too much effort.

I liked Cordoba although I was only there for a day and we focused on the Mosque/cathedral. After the tour (not long enough, imo), I went across the bridge (which was used in Game of Thrones) to the building on the far side of the river just in time for them to close. Sigh. So I just wandered through the touristy area until it was time to go. I loved the Mosque!!!!


gloriana November 2 2015, 20:55:20 UTC
I had no idea the bridge was used in Game of Thrones! We watched the sun set from it, but also, like you, did not go into the tower things on either end :) We did go into the Alcazar palace just down from it, though, which is pretty much chunks of stone with bits of Roman mosaic mounted on the walls from another site excavated in the sixties. The gardens are lovely: there's a huge plot of basil which smelled amazing, and of course fountains. I have pretty pictures :)


anna_wing November 2 2015, 05:43:20 UTC
Hello! Don't phone me, the old phone may finally have packed up. My maid is now scouring the local IT souk for a new battery, in case that is the only problem. I've just returned from a two-week work trip in Western Europe, the last stop of which was Madrid for two and a half days (my sympathies on the jet lag). I was staying in the business district, so the only sightseeing I got was a rapid run-through of the Prado (missing the Raphaels!) organised by my hosts. I will have to return. I did get to visit the local supermarkets though. This is the time in Spain to buy candied chestnuts, dried wild mushrooms (fresh too, but it will be a bit tricky for you to be lugging giant boletus about), quinces and nice, fresh, queso de membrillo. I'm not a fan of air-dried ham of any description, but the hard sheep's milk cheese is very nice ( ... )


gloriana November 2 2015, 21:07:06 UTC
Argh, I typed a long answer to you, and then it wouldn't post, and then I back-paged by accident... one of my least favourite elements of lj is its inability to save drafts ( ... )


anna_wing November 3 2015, 02:18:57 UTC
I didn't have a choice about the Raphaels, sadly. It was a group tour organised by the host and we had a formal dinner afterwards. Anyway it was squeezed in between the end of a meeting and closing time at the Prado, so we would have been chased out anyway. I got the mushrooms and chestnuts on the first evening, after getting to the hotel, and picked up the quinces on the last night ( ... )


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