Kittenz tailz pt 1

Jan 11, 2015 23:02

Oh, lor', five days since the last post!

My tailz of minor woes, let me tell you them. )

kittenz, hemsworth, college

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Comments 9

akamine_chan January 12 2015, 07:12:11 UTC
Kitties! I miss the energy of kittens. Also, miss your face, Miss Gloriana.


gloriana January 12 2015, 07:21:43 UTC

Hey, Aka, what you doing? I have been so useless at participatory fandom for so long that I have lost track of far too many people :( :( :( And I have been missing you all, but just slumming it at Archive of Our Own instead of getting off my butt and actually getting in contact.

But see, I've turned over a new leaf! I have friends fainting at my productivity!! So now you can tell me where you are in fandom and in life, yes?

As for the energy of kittens, they wore themselves out chasing round the house last night, which meant we actually got into bed and asleep without our toes being chewed through the sheets.


akamine_chan January 12 2015, 07:51:20 UTC
I think a lot of us have fallen out of the habit of participatory fandom; but a lot of us are also trying to get back into the habit. *indicates self*

Real life...well, let's just say that I was more than ready to pour gasoline over 2014 as a whole and burn that fucker down. I have written to management demanding a full refund, but fear that I am being ignored. So far , 2015 hasn't proved to be much better, but I am giving it a little more time. *sigh*

Fannishly, I am still involved with younger men in bands, with really stupidly pretty faces and tattoos and the earnest desire to save the world. Being in an active, open rpf canon has its ups (new music, tours) and downs (band breaks up) but I happy here, so I can't complain too much.

How are you and Mr. Gloriana, my dear?


lferion January 12 2015, 08:27:18 UTC

It is lovely to see you posting more. I should try that myself.


anna_wing January 12 2015, 09:20:36 UTC
My original two, Lapcat and Scaredy Cat, were from the same litter, but had been fostered for a month or so before I got them, so they were reasonably socialised. Lapcat was and is far less trepid than Scaredy Cat, who cannot even be stroked in some moods, and certainly objects to being picked up. Oddly enough, while they were still kittens, both of them were happy to curl up and sleep with me, but Lapcat still does that and Scaredy Cat absolutely refuses. Lapcat was the runt of his litter too. He stayed asleep throughout my initial visit, which I thought showed the right spirit. I took Scaredy Cat because the fosterers said that he was Lapcat's closest friend in the litter.

Yours look rather lovely.


lexin January 12 2015, 14:08:44 UTC
Those kittens are adorable! My Smokey is not a lap cat and objects to being picked up, so no idea what happened with her socialisation. But she's a lovely kitty.

Good to see you posting!


kimberlite January 12 2015, 21:17:53 UTC
Kitties! So cute! I'll jump on the 'nice to see you posting, I should try that myself' bandwagon. :)


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