ART: HP, Merlin, Avatar:The Last Airbender

Mar 23, 2009 23:43

Subject: Harry/Ginny
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: G
Media: Photoshop
Notes: Drawn for ladywhizbee in the awesome H/G takingitinturns fest. Whee! WARNING: Image heavy. Dial-uppers beware!

Fake-cut takes you to Takingitinturns entry!

Subject: Gwen+Morgana, Arthur+Merlin
Fandom: Merlin BBC
Rating: G, but slashy
Media: Photoshop
Notes: Because I really really really wanted to draw Merlin fanart, but my mind could only think of one thing. SLEEP. DELICIOUS SLEEP.


Subject: Katara, Zuko, Toph, Aang, Sokka
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: G
Media: Photoshop
Notes: People wanted A:TLA art. I felt compelled to deliver. :D Anyway, I got to thinking of the different ways the benders move to bend the elements and if there are any similarities and what were the differences and what they'd look like in a row...and then Sokka's boomerang mentally whapped me back into reality. WARNING: artistic license taken on outfits, hairstyles and bending movements. If you're a canon-stickler, probably not best to proceed. O.o


And while we're on the Avatar: The Last Airbender kick, please consider signing the petition to protest the discrimination in Paramount's casting practices in The Last Airbender movie!!

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, visit for all the answers.

Thank you!

avatar:the last airbender, harry potter, merlin bbc

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