Jun 01, 2020 22:17

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Comments 3

anonymous January 26 2015, 21:18:30 UTC
Is your fic archived anywhere, please?


globalfruitbat January 27 2015, 05:16:10 UTC
No, not really! I haven't written anything in years -- literally years -- which makes me pretty bummed :( and I was never that prolific. I don't use my LJ much these day, so if you'd like, I can add you as a friend on here and you can hit the Fic tab and have at it? I have one or two pieces on Ao3, from Yuletides past. Perhaps I should move all of it there...

If you don't mind me asking, what prompted this lovely question?


formanymiles March 7 2015, 22:27:48 UTC
Hi! We don't know each other, but we have a friend in common (carlyinrome). She's one of my favorite people in the world, and I've been SO worried about her over the past few months while she's having to deal with insurance and medication issues. kita0610 and I decided we wanted to do something to try to help her through this awful time, so we're running a "tilt" campaign to try to raise some money for her medicine.

The donation page is here:

We're planning to keep the page open for the next two weeks, but please don't mention this to Carly yet. And even if you aren't able to contribute financially, I hope you can leave a comment on the donation page letting her know you're thinking of her!

Best wishes,
Holly (the nerd in the Star Trek costume)


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