American Idol and Glee

May 20, 2009 15:23

Watched probably my first full episode of American Idol in about 4 years yesterday, and it was actually pretty good. No super cheesy group numbers and the saved the stupid bio to only the first time they sang so it seemed to have a lot less filler than the normal episodes of Idol. Kinda pathetically I voted for Adam like 66 or 67 times because I ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

not_a_reptile May 21 2009, 02:52:37 UTC
This layout is better.

I won't say he got robbed (since I didn't see) but it's disappointing Adam lost. Is it confirmed that he's gay?

Glee is supposed to be a comedy, right? There has to be gay innuendo in this show somewhere.

Here is a real show choir:


glo_unit May 21 2009, 05:36:13 UTC
Hmmm, I haven't changed anything. What looks different?

Pretty much, there are pictures of him kissing his boyfriend. I think American Idol won't let any of it's contestants actually say they are gay. If you read interviews with him, he sounds like one of those celebrities that doesn't feel the need to say he's gay and is annoyed by all the people that are trying to get him to admit it. I hope that what a lot of people are saying is true. This is better for both of them since Kris would be better as the prepacked pop star AI likes to make, and hopefully Adam can use all the Idol hype to mostly do his owen thing.

Mostly comedy, semi drama. If you have seen and remember Boston Public it's quite a bit like that in tone. There's one character that is really stereotypically gay, but one interview sort of makes me think they will actually make him straight.

Thank you very much for that, They are quite good.

I really like the new Drew icon.


not_a_reptile May 21 2009, 11:04:55 UTC
I thought the layout was changed to a lighter color. Oh well.

Adam should do well.

You're welcome.

Thanks I like it too.


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