I'm not very good at these reviewy things, partly because my organisational skills in writing are next to nothing, partly because I always want to write EVERYTHING I think about an episode - make it really comprehensive - and partly because my memory stinks, and I can't live!review cause I get caught up in the episode again too much, and the
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Comments 11
Gwack should just stop being around, and do you know why? Because Gwack sounds like the noise a duck makes. And this is WRONG
Yes, Ianto DJ'd…I was sat there yelling IANTO'S DJING!!!! It was amazing. It was when Gwen and Rhys were having their dance and “You do something to me” was playing, which I of course went and downloaded straight away and am now listening to on repeat. FTW!
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It's still different, although Jack is being more emo over Gwen, and more unbothered about Ianto. Also, characters seem more pinned down, even though the stories actually have them all over the place (in one, Owen goes all swotty and Tosh gets all snoggy.)
Owen's been killed, and is still dead, which is actually a nice thing - he's dead forever, and Jack's alive forever - which works well.
Why did you stop watching?
Oh my God when Ianto actually said something about his family and then Jack was like "I might have to test you on that later..." and Ianto was like "Well, later..." OWENOWENOWEN the bastard interupting.
Ianto proper DJ'ed! When Jack and Gwen were dancing, he was in the background XD then he came over and was all like "I wanna dance with Jack omhomhomh" (the point at which I nearly broke the ceiling.
Ofc I'm only mentioning the Janto parts...but it was an awesome ep ^_^
(I'm really gonna have to learn to calm down about this Janto but I love it so)
heh, I didn't mind so much, at least there's some mystery and some decent characterisation.
I've watched it again, and I saw! w00t! IANTO OF THE MANY er, SKILLS? (what's the phrase?)
That bit ("I wanna dance with Jack omhomhomh" LOL) was cute, but it actually had me hiding. As in stood up and walked round the corner until I couldn't see it anymore. I was just reminded of Jack/Jack too much, and then Jack was all silly! over Gwen ._.
Only mention the Janto parts with pleasure :) they're my favourite bits :D
Me too but I don't think I can. Everytime I see it online (which is a lot) I have a little party in my head. It's weird.
Aye, there's loads of mystery. Too much for my liking.
Oh yah I know, Jack/Jack came into my head too which kinda ruined it but it still had me in pieces. On the floor. Dead.
Gladly ;]
you have a little party in your head? can I go? (Are you talking about the Janto?)
mystery schmystery. I just want my shippy/alien sex fix. yessum.
I just found it embarrassing, which is weird, cos I think otherwise, I wudda squeed to high Heaven. 'Cept I did. Maybe it was the gwack? o_o
People were talking about F/F vs M/M, and all my flatmates said F/F was 'better' than M/M (M/M was just off-putting). I, *ahem* remained silent. heh heh heh.
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