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sjazzmreow April 27 2009, 14:16:08 UTC

You live in England, man. You have so many amazing places you can go so easilly that my waterbound colonial arse is aching with jealousy. You have all of the UK and Europe right there. Go! Explore! And send me a postcard! :P

And, hey, if you wanted to travel further abroad, you've always got a bed here in Sydney. :)


sjazzmreow May 15 2009, 11:01:19 UTC
:D Henceforth I officially dub thee 'Glitz'!
And firmly quell the urge to turn that into "the Glitzernator" or "G-Glizzle". Because that's just silly.

Heh, I love the kind of usernames people pick when they're young. That's seriously cute. ♥

Mine's actually a bit boring, I think. My initials are SJS, which when said as a word (ess+jay+ess) sort of sounds like "sjazz". I thought that was kind of cool, and, since I'm otherwise dreadful at thinking up names that are both cool and suit me, and since I love the artform known as jazz, so went with it. It was supposed to just be Sjazz, but some other mutha registered it before me, so I chucked "mreow" on the end because it's a weird little noise I used to make a lot for lols and because everyone needs something random to say sometimes (the lyrics to any song can be substituted with "mreeeeeoooooooow", and the results are always good).

But I AM Sjazz on dreamwidth (which I really must get around to doing something with...), so I showed that dirty, scabby, mysterious LJ name stealer!


glitterfairy25 August 2 2009, 21:24:01 UTC
(the lyrics to any song can be substituted with "mreeeeeoooooooow", and the results are always good).

aaaaannnnd I still haven't done this :P I'll get on it, right away.

Y'see, I'm upsticks on DW. I'm rather proud of that... *smug*


sjazzmreow August 10 2009, 07:32:20 UTC
No, seriously, try it. Especially with Burt Bacharach songs.

Like, the pointless trumpet solo at the end of "Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head", or, well, the trumpets in any BB song ever because the man likes his trumpets, by crikey; or all of "There's Always Something There to Remind Me"; or the "aaaaahh aah ah ah aaaaah, close to you" part of "Close to You". I've almost made mt mum drive off the road laughing by caterwauling through "Close to You".

Aw, I like that name! Do you use your DW much? I should probably add you in case I ever get around to using it properly. :\


glitterfairy25 August 13 2009, 09:47:22 UTC
Burt Bacharach, eh? Every single comment I've found in my email inbox from you has made me lol, this one included, "because the man likes his trumpets" XD

I love Close To You, if it's the one I'm thinking of... do you mean that one with "Why do birds suddenly appear? Every time you are near? Just like me, they long to be Close To You." That one?

CATerwauling, LOL. Hahaha.

I like that name too, only wish I could have come up with it when I first found LJ, because I'm finding this one a bit embarrassing now. Maybe I'll buy myself a rename token when I get my new loan or something. And as for DW, I hardly use it at all, but I'm sitting there in case anything happens. Feel free to add me! Do you use yours? sjazz, isn't it?


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