Shropshire hols

Aug 14, 2009 09:40

I felt very much like The Good Housewife this morning as I got up just before 7am and made curry for tonight ( Read more... )

holidays, meme, work, out & about, writing

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Comments 27

diagon August 14 2009, 11:21:43 UTC
Gosh the Stokesy sky looks so blue! Especially against the yellow. Talk about vibrant.

Your starter for five: Top-five fandom "heroes" that you have written and why. (They have to be heroic, not just Small Anthony running around flapping and accidentally getting something done)


glitterburn August 14 2009, 12:08:28 UTC
It was a very hot day, that!

LOL technically Small Anthony doesn't count because he only appears as avatars in original stories! Hmm, will ponder while I attempt to write porn.


diagon August 14 2009, 12:26:26 UTC
in that case, can I include fandom folk as heroic AU avatars in my question too please? (Still excluding Small Anthony)


glitterburn August 14 2009, 12:32:04 UTC
Don't be mean to Small Anthony!!!

I don't think I'd include him anyway, he's more of a Beta hero than an Alpha.

Urgh you just made the question really difficult!


aitakute August 14 2009, 11:58:26 UTC
Haughmond Abbey is beautiful! *is stunned* There's just something about those photos, especially the first of the abbey set, that's captivating.


For the meme:-
Top 5 F1 Drivers You'd Adopt As Sons
Top 5 Animals Zhuge Liang Should Keep As Pets (apart from silk worms, hawks, doves, and horses)
Top 5 OTPs from Asian-themed Fandoms


diagon August 14 2009, 12:05:23 UTC
I love your questions... can't wait to see who glitterburn wants to "mother" ... and apart from "hamster" I can't think what's going to end up in ZL's menagerie! (sorry is bored, at work)


aitakute August 14 2009, 12:09:29 UTC
*grins wickedly* Why, thank you! Yeah I'd be interested to see who she'd like to mother (I have a feeling she'd include Kazuki).

HAMSTER! IN ANCIENT CHINA! I bet he'd train them up to ... IDK, scurry around and deliver sekrit messages the way he John Woo trained his doves to do so.


glitterburn August 14 2009, 12:18:02 UTC
I have to admit I don't have a single maternal bone in my body but I can think of a few drivers I'd like to spank and send to bed without any supper HAHAHA


dislex1a August 14 2009, 14:36:14 UTC
Top 5 historical periods you like to write? Top 5 historical shags? ;P

And I love Stokesay Castle! Which marauding army did it face? And LOL at the Royal Oak. That just boggles the mind, although hurrah for Civil War sites! I was at Ashby de la Zouche last year (in Leceistershire, I think?) and that was completely demolished by a Parlimentary army, which was a shame :(


glitterburn August 14 2009, 15:25:19 UTC
At last, sensible top fives!!

Stokesay is very cool, though very overlooked so it's not swarming with crowds. It was Royalist during the Civil War as it was the supply base out of Ludlow.

There's a bunch of Civil War sites around here, most are smashed up or bear the scars of siege though. It's weird to think how things would be if the Roundheads had found Charles up the tree. I can't imagine we'd have remained a republic for long, but still...


dislex1a August 14 2009, 17:26:11 UTC
Hmm, have you picked up any of the Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde? It's an entire AU based on the premise that time travel exists and that England is a republic with a president, which I thought would be quite interesting!

Honestly I'd have been a Cavalier supporter just for Prince Rupert, I'm so shallow :S


glitterburn August 16 2009, 08:13:41 UTC
I tried the first book from Jasper fforde but couldn't get on with him - just something about consciously humoristic styles that grate on me (same with Tom Holland, Terry Pratchett etc), though Amy likes him. I'd forgotten he made England a republic!

I kind of agree with Cromwell's 'no Christmas' law - and he didn't have to put up with Xmas displays already in the shops (2 weeks ago - the kids are still on the summer holiday - wtf) LOL but overall the Cavaliers had much better dress sense and seemed to be hotter. *is also shallow*


sandrine August 14 2009, 17:36:30 UTC
5 worst sex scene clichés!

Haughmond Abbey looks amazing! I'd love to take a walk through those ruins.


hideincarnate August 14 2009, 21:19:51 UTC
Wow...the UK has a whole lot of ruins. *A* And old castles!

Top 5 SWEETS! X3


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