Title: Cain’s Family Ties 5/12
Rating: R
Pairings: Cain/Ambrose, DG/Jeb
Warnings: Incest, rape, violence.
Summary: A fun, tearful family reunion takes a turn for the worse.
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Jeb was cute. Really cute.
DG had dated quite a few guys on the Other Side, either big country boys with strong arms and soft smiles or weedy, educated liberal boys from the city. None of them, however, could hold a candle to Jeb Cain. At least, not without getting shot in the face for daring to attack him with an open flame.
Jeb was cute. He was well-spoken, sweet, and adventurous. He could rock a scarf, which few people could really rock. He was also completely messed up in the head, but he was taking therapy, so it was all cool.
She imagined dating him, marrying him, calling herself DG Cain while dragging around little dirty blonde kids with bright blue eyes...
“Another drink, please.”
In her youth, she had been famous for being able to drink anyone under the table. She guessed that OZ liquor was stronger than Other Side liquor. At least, she hoped so. The only alternative was that the years spent under the watchful, slightly overprotective gazes of two sets of parents had turned her into the thing she hated most: A wimp.
“Glitch, you gotta try... whatever this minty thing is,” she said. The two of them were sitting at the far end of the bar, slumped over like a couple of lightweights while the Cain clan drank beer like it was milk.
“No thanks, I don’t drink,” he slurred, resting his face on one hand and grinning at her in a goofy sort of way.
“It’s dark in here, ain’t it?”
“I think one of the other patrons just shot out a lightbulb.”
“So, did you have fun today?”
“As much fun as a girl can have harvesting grain.”
“And how much as that?”
“I pretended they were waves of zombies and I was Shaun and Jeb was Ed. It helped pass the time.” She coughed. “So, how was your day? Do anything productive?”
“Well, I told Elmira that we’re related.”
“Whoa. How’d she take it?”
“She was shocked, to say the least. A bit disturbed. She reacted pretty much the same way I did when Wyatt told me... Except without, y’know, the threat of death.”
“Heh, you and Mr. Cain are kissin’ cousins... And that entertains me more than it really should.”
He socked her lightly on the arm. “Don’t be mean, DG,” he said in what he had wanted to be his most chastising voice, but came out as more of a whine.
“Hey, you’re not my father,” she chided, punching him on the arm slightly harder than she probably meant to.
“No. No, I’m not.” Ambrose frowned. “My head is just... swimming. It’s too hot in here! That’s what it is.” He stood up, albeit shakily. “I’m going to take a walk, clear my mind. Don’t... get in trouble or anything.”
DG watched Ambrose as he exited the bar. She also watched Tuck leave soon afterwards. Since she prided herself on being able to sense danger, and knowing that her Glitch had a knack for getting into trouble, she trailed behind them.
Unfortunately, she stayed far enough away that she could only hear bits and pieces of their conversation as the two men walked down the street. They talked about Cain quite a bit, as well as Elmira, Eustace, and girls whose names she didn’t recognize. Eventually, they stopped in front of a car, and DG dived into the nearest alleyway so she could actually hear their conversation.
“He doesn’t deserve you, you know,” Tuck said, the slightest hint of anger in his voice.
“You... don’t know... what I know,” Ambrose said tightly. DG noticed a broken broom handle on the ground near her foot.
“He’s a liar, and a freak, and a coward. Trust me, he’s no good.”
He stepped back slightly, but Tuck just moved even closer. “Wyatt Cain is one of the bravest men I know.”
“Well, then you’ve obviously never met me. Now, why don’t you just get into the car, and then we can really get acquainted...”
Ambrose gave Tuck a hard shove, eyebrows furrowing. “Whoa, back off, jack!” he snapped. “I know that you and the rest of humanity are apparently under the impression that I’m some kind of shrinking violet, but you’re wrong. Dead wrong. Touch me again, and I’ll break your arm off and beat you with it.”
That certainly shut him up. Ambrose turned around on his heel and prepared to storm off indignantly, a sort of arrogantly pleased smile on his face.
Of course, he didn’t. The shovel made sure of that.
DG gasped loudly as she watched Ambrose fall into Tuck’s arms. As he dragged the man’s lifeless body into the car, she quickly figured out what she had to do. Picking up the broom handle, she ran towards him with a look of pure anger on her face.
The last thing she saw was Ambrose being shoved into the car and Tuck going after her with the same shovel...
Cain was in one heck of a good mood.
He had spent the whole day with his family, talking and joking and laughing like nothing had ever changed. He had met up with a few of his old friends from the town. His father had told him how proud he was of him. He felt as if he was really getting through to Jeb. It had been a fantastic day.
Then, he walked outside, and saw DG sprawled out on the sidewalk.
And his good mood went with the wind.
“Gods, DG!” Cain was slightly surprised to find that the person who had rushed to DG’s aid first was not himself, but Jeb. It took Cain a few moments to stop gawking like an idiot and start moving forward.
Her shirt was a bit dusty from having been on the ground, and the only external wound that he could see was a bruise under her right eye. The bruise had a slight cut in it, oozing dark blood.
Jeb, looking as scared as Cain had ever seen him, shook DG’s shoulders as gingerly as he could. “Please, wake up,” he pleaded softly.
Her eyes suddenly fluttered open, and she sent him reeling with a swift punch to the jaw.
“Sorry!” DG said quickly as Jeb rubbed his jaw. “Mr. Cain, something really bad happened!”
Johan and Eustace jogged over. “What happened here?” Johan asked as Eustace kneeled down to get a closer look at DG’s eye.
“I... don’t... My head’s all fuzzy!”
“Where’s Glitch, Princess?” Cain asked, the oncoming panic making his voice tight.
DG’s eyes narrowed. “Tuck. He hit him with that shovel, dragged him into a car- Ow, stop poking it like that, or it’ll just bleed more- and then he went after me! Crazy bastard.”
“I think one of my molars is loose...” Jeb mumbled.
Sighing, Eustace took a handkerchief out of his pocket and handed it to her. “Use that to stop the blood flow. That’s the best we can do for you right now. Looks like you’ll need some stitches, though. There’s a doctor who lives about a half mile away who owes me a favor. Jo, can I borrow your horse?”
Johan nodded. “We’ll go after Tucker.”
“He took my car. Couldn’t have gotten too far- Oh, Jeb, you should come along, too. That girl has one heck of a right hook.”
“I watched a lot of wrestling growing up,” DG said as Jeb helped her up.
Before the trio walked off, Eustace paused beside Cain. “It’s not your fault,” he said simply.
Cain swallowed, and didn’t reply.
Johan ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “Well, we’re lucky that Tuck took that old hunk of junk. The tracks from it will lead us right to him.”
“The lack of a sense of urgency here is really getting on my nerves, Dad,” Cain said testily.
“... You don’t really think it’s your fault, do you? Doesn’t this kid get taken all the time?”
“Yes, Ambrose does have a habit of getting lost and making me worry to death... But this time, he isn’t wandering around the city or hiding in the woods. Someone took him out from under my nose, someone who could and probably will hurt him... And I could have stopped it. I could have saved her- him.”
His father frowned. “You carry a heavy burden, my son,” he said, putting a hand on his shoulder.
Cain resisted the temptation to shrug it off. “It’ll only make me stronger.”