Was a miner...

Nov 27, 2013 22:42

Now if you look at my previous post, my forecast was "hilarious fiasco" so lets see what we achieved, shall we?

In pictures )

dressage, iris

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Comments 28

wldhrsjen3 November 27 2013, 23:28:59 UTC
I think it is awesome that you leaped in for the experience, and that you handled it with such humor and patience. She really sounds like a sweetheart - I bet next time you two will do really well.


glenatron November 28 2013, 10:58:24 UTC
She is the best horse I could possibly wish for and she will always give everything she can. I'm very lucky to have found her.


serennig November 28 2013, 00:20:49 UTC
Hurray for going off and doing stuff with horses just because why not!


glenatron November 28 2013, 11:01:20 UTC
Precisely. Also my horsebox needs it's MOT test ( to declare it road legal ) shortly, and I'm not sure how long it will take to pass or how much it will cost so I might as well get use out of it for now :)


joycemocha November 28 2013, 02:35:40 UTC
Sounds like a good first show! Work on the judging boxes, and it will come!


glenatron November 28 2013, 11:03:53 UTC
Precisely. Also I could have got to a place where she is really soft in the bridle and looks like a real dressage horse and if we hadn't tried this I would have got into that arena and still had the spookiness about the judge box but by that point it would have been a disappointment. This was a great way to feel out the terrain.


joycemocha November 28 2013, 15:37:48 UTC
Better to get the exposure out now, get her seasoned while you're training.


quietann November 28 2013, 03:14:19 UTC
Good for you for going!

This sounds better than the first test off the farm that my buddy Pat had with Jamila, where the judges were sitting in a trailer, and Jamila spent 80% of the test looking at the trailer and spooking, and every trot or canter turned into a mad gallop away from the evil trailer!

(Feronia and I had our issues, too. Here is the slideshow: https://plus.google.com/photos/103634878102801472104/albums/5739859016485136209/5740725216155273810?banner=pwa&pid=5740725216155273810&oid=103634878102801472104)


glenatron November 28 2013, 11:05:27 UTC
In fairness to Feronia, the letter B is quite intimidating. A lot of people are afraid of my name for exactly that reason.


serennig November 28 2013, 21:00:07 UTC

Maybe that's it then. Every time we stacked the dressage letters in a different order in the corner of that arena in Saskatoon, the horses had to spook. We always wondered if we had been inadvertently spelling rude things in horse language, but maybe it was just all about the letter B.


herecirm November 28 2013, 16:48:44 UTC
Haha, those are some amazing action shots of Feronia!


siberian_angel November 28 2013, 10:55:40 UTC
Wow! Competitions can be terrifying, for both horse and rider. I love your attitude about it, really!


glenatron November 28 2013, 11:57:55 UTC
This was more ridiculous than terrifying I think, but I'm really glad we did it.


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