Going and gone

Jan 28, 2009 14:38

We sold our old house! Last night we did the last couple of cars full of stuff, hoovered around and then locked up for the last time. It's odd knowing we won't be back there after five years living there and everything that has happened in that time, but I don't think I will really miss the place. It was a roof over our heads but it didn't really ( Read more... )


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Comments 21

penella22 January 28 2009, 14:52:06 UTC
Big news getting the house officially sold!

Never been a fan of flu shots myself, mostly because they often seem to make people feel lousy for a day or two...and some years the shots don't work at all. I dunno, is flu prevalent down in Texas right now? If you don't get a flu shot, there's a No Flu tea formula at my local herb shop...I'd ship some to you in Texas for just in case. :-) (yum, yum!)

Seriously, I would make sure you have some echinacea tincture on hand to boost your immune system after /during traveling if you decide *not* to get the flu shot...


glenatron January 28 2009, 15:47:08 UTC
I've known people to be knocked back by them as well, but I worry about being on a plane full of people with various colds and just catching something that flattens me for a few days when I should be riding...


dancing_crow January 28 2009, 15:02:16 UTC
yes, do it. you are guaranteed to get sick with something, this might help insure that it is a small cold instead of intercontinental crud.

And WOOt for house selling. I always hate that part. And moving. I like having been somewhere for a while.


dancing_crow January 28 2009, 15:04:06 UTC
lemme rephrase that. I'd do it, because every little bit helps me, but ymmv and all that.

Also thanks for the pointers on seat and hips - I need to spend more time riding while thinking about it, I think...


glenatron January 28 2009, 17:12:03 UTC
One of our teachers is also an Alexander Technique instructor and it's very interesting the little adjustments she suggests that just help put you much more in balance as a rider. Finding the spot where your back is neither arched nor slumped but just upright and relaxed is surprisingly tough. I find having my eyes closed helps because it's easier to feel whether I'm tipped forward or back at all.


penella22 January 29 2009, 01:57:22 UTC
I always find that balance point easier to find with eyes closed too...


spoondog January 28 2009, 15:43:27 UTC

I find the excitment and promise of the new house outweighs the sadness of leaving the old house. That said I don't know if I'll feel the same leaving this place or if I knew i couldn't go back to Mullock.

Where are you actually going? Don't just say Texas, I believe it's quite big.


glenatron January 28 2009, 15:46:17 UTC
Sanger, a little bit north of Denton. About an hour north of Dallas as I understand it.


spoondog January 28 2009, 15:59:20 UTC
Cool. My cousin used to live in Houston, which is miles away and of no relevence to this.

I just looked at a map. It is rather large.


ownedbyhorses January 28 2009, 16:09:21 UTC
That has to be a great feeling! Moving is exhausting but at least it's done before your trip.


glenatron January 28 2009, 16:51:34 UTC
Yes, although some might say leaving sleepsy_mouse behind sharing a house with her in-laws for a month is a bit mean. It's a good job they're the nice kind of in-laws really...


ownedbyhorses January 28 2009, 16:55:21 UTC
Hmm well she will definitely get a "owe you one" on that... :)


glenatron January 28 2009, 17:06:39 UTC
Also a month of looking after my horse, who tends to be a stroppy great sod for me and a total nightmare for everyone else.


life_of_tom January 28 2009, 16:51:55 UTC
Goodbye to the old house is always a strange moment. Still, sometimes it's good riddance.

I quite liked your little house. There was something rather bless about it, and where it was situated. I'm looking forward to seeing your new place.

On the subject of travel and illness, I believe you'll just feel like crap for a few days after getting off the plane. That was my experience of that. I have no idea how to alleviate that, though my thought about a flu jab is that depending upon how much time you've actually got, it might actually bring your immune system down for a bit before you get the benifit.


glenatron January 28 2009, 17:07:19 UTC
That seems to be the consensus- I could get it tomorrow and I fly on Sunday, so maybe time is a little tight.


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