Dec 28, 2014 19:45

  • It's hard to believe it's been almost two years since we said goodbye to gleeverse! I hope you've all been well. I still keep in contact with a few of you, but I've found myself missing this community more and more each day. I don't watch Glee any longer, but I will always love it for the relationships and experiences it's given me since that very first pilot episode.
  • On top of those well wishes in your personal lives, I hope you all have just as fond memories of your time in this community as I do. I know it wasn't always flawless for all involved, but the memories remind me of a time when I found comfort in a TV show about a bunch of misfits, and I will always cherish being the mod here for over two years.
  • Now that Glee is entering it's final season, I've decided, for old time's sake (because I'm nostalgic), that it's time to bring it back. Read on to learn more.

I will be running a gleeverse mini sectional to coincide with the release of Glee's sixth and final season. Some of you that were members of the community in the "glory days" may remember the mini-sectional. Instead of our old, main teams of Cheerios, New Directions and Teachers, we'll be using WARBLERS, TROUBLETONES and VOCAL ADRENALINE for this final hurrah.

Challenges will be remniscent of what we had during all other sectionals, but many of them will focus on that feeling of nostalgia, both for Glee itself now that it's coming to an end, and for gleeverse. I have a healthy number of challenges planned, and I hope that you'll enjoy them as much as we all did all those years ago.

A more detailed rules post will be published when the sectional begins, but for those of you that are vetrans of the community will be more than familiar with the way things work around here! I do not anticipate very many formal changes in the community itself.

To conincide with Glee's final season, the sectional will begin on JANUARY 9 and run until MARCH 27. The show itself ends on March 20, however I'd like to leave time for a final challenge.

Sign ups are open now - find more information on that below - and will run until the season finale on MARCH 20. Challenges will have specific closing points, however there will be some sectional-long challenges and a chance to earn bonus points during this period.

Instead of using the sectionals community, everything will take place on gleeverse proper. Our social community, slushie_war is always open for memes, games, and off-topic conversation. The team communities will remain: gv_vladrenaline, gv_warblers and gv_troubletones.

Since ending gleeverse, I've been studying law. To be honest with you, I just wanted to find a reason to use a legal pun, and this was my only option, sooooo.


I have every intention of bringing back this community for a limited run, but the interest must be there. As long as we have, say, a minimum of 15 members, I'll be willing to moderate for you. In the event that interest is not generated, I will personally let those members that expressed interest (if any) that the game will not move forward.

So! Are you in? If so, please fill in the form below and reserve your spot. Comments are not screened. I've also left a space below for general comments or questions should you have any. If anyone is interested in being a team captain, please indicate that below as well!


FIRST CHOICE TEAM: (Vocal Adrenaline, Warblers, Troubletones)
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