GleeMpreg, Mini Bang: The Master Post
*Please Note: All information below is subject to change as this is first time we've done this. Though we will do everything in our power to give every notice before any changes are made. If changes occure without notice, we will do are best to ensure everyone is aware of any such developements.*
Welcome to the first GleeMpreg MiniBang! We're excited about this community event and hope that you enjoy this opportunity to spread the GleeMpreg love. Here on the Master Post you will find all the answers (or at least, the links to the answers) you are looking for concerning this event.
Please post any minibang related questions to this post or the email ( )and reserve all other community concerns to the Page-A-Mod post.
9 Nov: Get Ready/Brainstorming/MBPrompt post
9 Nov: Master List goes up
16 Nov-30 November: Sign Ups for Writers, Artists and Beta's Will Be Up
~Writers Should have a pretty good idea of what their story is going to be
1 December: Writer Sign Ups Close
27- December: Beta and Artist Sign-Ups Close
29 Nov-2 December: Verification Emails With details of Check-in #1
6 Dec: Writer Check-in; Need Pairing/Summary and Rating Goal
7-10 Dec (approx): Art Claim Will start and Beta Pairings will happen
19 Dec.(approx) Writer Check-In #2 (may just be a poll)
6 Jan: Recomended Final Rough Draft to Betas
9 Jan; Artist and Beta check-In/Confirmation
13 Jan: All Extentsion Request Due (Both Art and Writers)
18 Jan: All Art and Fics Due (except extenstions)
27 Jan: Extentsions due
30 Jan-3 Feb: Tentative Post Dates
6 Feb Final Wrap Up and Stats
Please see the FAQ post for further specifics
1.MPREG: Your entry must be mpreg focused. We will accept past mpreg or attempting mpreg. All secondary themes, all genres and pairings are welcome as long as there is focus on the mpreg.
2. Word Length: Your entry must be a minimum of 3,000 words. And while there is no maximum we recommend keeping it below 7,500 to ensure that you meet timelines. If you can acheive over 7,500 words and still meet deadlines, you are more than welcome.
3. Format: You may acheive the word minimum in whatever fomat you choose though we recommend keeping it as a story or drabbles. If you choose to do a series of drabbles we ask that they either focus on one pairing or one secondary theme to connect them to help the artist portion of the event.
4.Ratings: All ratings are allowed here in the bang so long as they are clearly marked. All art must match or be lower than the rating of the fic they are created for (i.e. DO NOT make NC-17 worthy art for a PG fic).
5. Beta: Your story must be beta'd, either by one here on the event or by one you already work with. If you using a previously established beta relationship they will not be asked to sign-up, but will still be expected to partcipate in beta check-in/confirmation. As of now the plan is for us to pair authors and betas.
6. Being on time: This is a minibang which wil move quickly so it essential that deadlines be met. However, with the approaching holidays and this being a generally chaotic time of year we are absolutely willing to work with those who will need it. IF YOU CAN NOT MEET A DEAD LINE PLEASE INFORM US HERE BETWEEN TWO DAYS PRIOR OR TWO DAYS FOLLOWING THE INTENDED DATE USING AN EXTENSION REQUEST. If we do not hear from you within that window, we assume it is a drop out and your beta and artist will be thusly informed.
7. Posting: Do NOT post your entry anywhere any time prior to the end of the event. After the minibang has been declared officially over then you may post your entry, providing a link back to the community.
Brainstorming/ MiniBangPrompts FAQ Post Resource Post SIGN-UPS: Artist and/or Beta Sign-Ups Art ClaimCHECK-INS
Info Writer Check-In #1: sent in verification emails
Writer Check-In #2 and coming 19 Dec
Artist Check-in #1 coming 9 Jan
Beta Check-ins/Confirmation coming 9 Jan
FINAL POST & STATS: Coming 6 February 2012
MiniBang Survey: Late February
Coming 30 Jan-3 February 2012