HSN Exchange Fic: A New Normal, for une_fille

Aug 19, 2010 08:12

Title: A New Normal
Rating: NC-17
Pairings/Characters: Puck/Finn; Puck/Finn/Rachel
Warnings: None
Word count: ~5500
Disclaimer: This Glee fanfiction is based upon the television show of the same name. All characters and situations other than my own are sole property of Ryan Murphy Productions and 20th Century Fox Television.
Summary: Finn wants to make ( Read more... )

rating: nc 17, character: puck, character: rachel berry, ! hot summer nights fic exchange, character: finn hudson, pairing: finn/puck/rachel, author: maeby_sparrow, pairing: finn/puck

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Comments 14

if_musicbe August 19 2010, 12:34:18 UTC
LOL!!!! OMG D.Y.I.N.G!!! So bloody cute. I love that your Rachel doesn't change, even in this crazy AU world.


if_musicbe August 19 2010, 13:39:41 UTC
THANK YOU! That means a lot to me. I've never written Rachel before, so it's a huge compliment that you think she's IC.

As for the cute, it seems I cannot avoid it, even in smut. LOL. Everything I write turns into fluff.

Glad you liked it. Thanks for reading!


alicebluegown16 August 19 2010, 16:01:10 UTC

I was just grinning like a damn fool during this.

I love the idea of Puck and Finn being a totally committed and in love couple who happen to want a threesome with a random crazy hot girl. (Puck calling Finn 'Babe'. I melted!)

I love that there's no jealously or angst about it and that the sex is more about them and how much they care about each other. (What do you get for the boyfriend who has everything? A threesome!)

And Kurt as the overprotective brother! And how once he found out the plan he just decided 'whatevs, you're all consenting adults, as long as I don't have to hear about it.'

Plus Cop!Puck is just...yes. Yes, yes, yes.


alicebluegown16 August 19 2010, 17:57:40 UTC
Thank you for the lovely review! (I love your Will/Finn series, btw.)

It was really fun trying to imagine what Puck & Finn would be like if they were a couple. I wanted them to still feel like the boys we know and love, but with a bit of their rough edges smoothed off. I hope that came through.

Tbh, I struggled with whether or not to go with them calling each other babe/baby; in the end it just didn't seem right for them to only call each other dude or man, since they are supposed to be in love. I'm glad it worked for you.

Cop!Puck seems completely plausible to me. In my head canon for him, he wants to make something of himself, but he wised up too late to get into college. I know some guys who did the same thing and it worked out well for them, so I figured, Why not Puck?


une_fille August 19 2010, 23:46:52 UTC

I love Puck's denial, the way he gets hard at the thought of being with Finn & Kurt but pushes it away because Finn is the *~*only*~* guy for him.

I also love love love how comfortable they are with each other. You can tell there's a fondness there between them that comes from a lifetime spent together. How Puck knows ~exactly what to say to get to Finn and just how into each other they both are. I ♥ them both so much! And Kurt & Puck bonding over their mutual love for Finn was so adorable.

lol the ~3some = exactly what Puck had in mind when he wrote it down on the show, I'M CONVINCED. You did the prompt complete justice.

(Rachel gets her dream of a tell-all biography for her fortieth birthday. Finn and Puck are Chapter 12.)
Perfect ending. I'm not even kidding, I love every single about it.


Thank you!


une_fille August 20 2010, 15:09:38 UTC
Oh yay, I'm so glad you like it! I've never written P/F before, so I may have had a few freakouts about this ending up a total fail, but now I'm really excited that I gave it a shot.

I literally could not see Puck not being in denial. In my mind he's totally open about being with Finn--all their friends and family know about them and they're known to have occasional PDAs OMG public kissing so hot guh--but he's not out, if that makes sense. He still likes to think he's a straight guy that just happens to have a boyfriend. :) Silly boy.

It was fun to write them as a real couple rather than two horny boys messing around. I was worried that it came out too fluffy, so it's a relief that their dynamic together worked for you.

I really did want to write "3some" throughout, but my proofreader mind just wouldn't let me do it. Know that it's there in spirit!

God, I'm so tl;dr it's not funny. Anyway, knowing you liked this really made my day. I might even try to write more P/F in the future now. God knows there can never be too much!


cruiscin_lan August 20 2010, 01:04:44 UTC
I don't know how I feel about bacon-flavored makeouts. I mean, on the one hand, mmmmmm bacon. On the other hand, meat breath is not cool. But back to the one - it's all the flavor without any of that chewing nonsense. But on the other... what the hell am I saying? There's this excellent, hot fic right in front of me and I'm contemplating the pros and cons of combining pig products and face-mashing.

I'd like to read Chapter 12 please!


cruiscin_lan August 20 2010, 15:28:55 UTC
Bacon makeouts would be the only acceptable meat-flavored makeout, IMO. Anything else... ew, but bacon makes everything better, right? I can only assume that applies to making out as well. :)

(Just not with Rachel, since she's Jewish and vegan. Suddenly I'm so sad for her.)

Trust me, I want to read ch. 12 too. Can you imagine this whole thing told from Rachel's POV? Oh, the lulz.

Thanks for reading! Glad you enjoyed it.


abluegirl August 20 2010, 13:24:16 UTC
This was hilarious and hot. I loved how it was part of Rachel's five year plan to have a threesome - that is so very Rachel, you know? And I could totally understand how Finn and Puck would miss boobs after being together for a while - boobs are pretty awesome. :D Good job, author! I really enjoyed this fic!


abluegirl August 20 2010, 16:18:31 UTC
I imagine Rachel's 5-Year-Plan to written out in excruciating detail in a scrapbook with pink plaid pages covered in gold stars and animal stickers. There would be checklists and bar charts and progress reports, and it would sit in a bookcase right next to the 10-Year-Plan and the 15-Year-Plan. That's just how Rachel Berry rolls, ya know?

And yes, boobs are pretty awesome--who doesn't love them?? Even my gay friends are fans of boobs. Ngl, my favorite part of this fic is when Puck says, "Oh my god, boobs" without even realizing it. LOL, that boy.

So glad you found this hilarious and hot. I felt pretty good about getting the hilarious part down, but wasn't sure about the hot. It's nice to hear that it worked. Thanks for reading!


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