HSN Exchange Fic: Conquering Inhibitions, for abluegirl

Aug 13, 2010 07:23

Title: Conquering Inhibitions
Rating: NC-17
Pairings/Characters: Rachel/Puck
Warnings: N/A
Word count: 3073
Disclaimer: This Glee fanfiction is based upon the television show of the same name. All characters and situations other than my own are sole property of Ryan Murphy Productions and 20th Century Fox Television. Summary: “You know, in some cultures, dancing is considered to be erotic.” “You’re right. Lose some layers, find a pole, and start dancing, Berry.”
A/N: Huge thanks to my gorgeous beta, for not only kicking my arse to start writing, but beta-ing the finished product in record time. To my recipient: they’re not literally acting out the scene, but the theme is there ;)

He isn’t really sure why he was here. If anyone asks, he’ll certainly blame Rachel, and accuse her of luring him here under false pretences. Not that that’s entirely untrue. Why else would he be in a fucking dance studio? It seems a location better suited to Kurt; or maybe Quinn, wearing her Cheerios outfit and shaking -

“Come on, Noah. I believe you’ll enjoy this once you conquer your inhibitions.”

There are a few things he wouldn’t mind conquering - such as Rachel’s underwear - and inhibitions is not one of them. He doesn’t have inhibitions, anyway. He just has enough common sense to know that guns like his are not built for a dance studio. But Rachel is already popping a cassette into an old tape player, casting him the occasional bright smile.

“You know, in some cultures, dancing is considered to be erotic,” she says, and he rolls his eyes, glancing once at the door. At least he’s not wearing a leotard. Even if she promised him rough fantasy sex as compensation, he would not, ever, take the risk of being seen in a leotard. Kurt wears enough tights for the entire male population of William McKinley High.

“You’re right. Lose some layers, find a pole, and start dancing, Berry.” She’s kind of boring, lately. His sexual innuendos just slide off her, like she doesn’t find them offensive in the slightest. It’s an insult to his ability to degrade women.

And then there’s music. Something fun and poppy. Puck’s not a fan, but it’s better than anything sappy or classical. Then Rachel starts to walk towards him, and he realises that it’s already erotic, just from her being here. Her hips sway as she walks, and he figures that if she starts jumping up and down, the tank top is going to stop working.

“Okay, I’ll show you.” She grabs his hands, entwining their fingers. “Step forward, back, one two three -”

“You are fucking kidding me.” Rachel continues to move her feet, tugging on his hands, but he doesn’t move an inch. For a few seconds, he lets her pretend that they’re dancing, even though he’s nothing more than a statue - then he takes over. He pulls his hands out of hers, and grabs her waist. They rotate on the spot, bodies pressed so tight he can feel every curve and every bump, then he tilts his head and kisses her.

She pulls away. “Noah! You’re in my dancing space!”

It was only a second, but there’s already heat surging through his blood, down to his groin. “I swear to God, Berry...”

Ignoring his protest, she uses her arms to outline the area around her. “This is my dancing space. And this is yours.” She places both palms on his shirt, and he’s not sure whether she’s emphasising her point or pushing him away. He’s already thinking about where else she could put those hands.

“If you do it properly, Noah, this will be fun!” She pouts for a minute, and it’s damn cute. He’s not sure why she believes that he’ll ever “do it properly”, but he’s willing to take advantage of it. Just briefly, he plays along, moving his feet and pretending he’s got a clue what he’s doing. Just when she starts to smile and appreciate his cooperation, he slides his hands down her sides, grazing her ass. “Noa-” He cuts off her protest with his lips, bringing his hands up to her back so that when she pulls away this time, she can’t go too far.

But she doesn’t pull back.

Instead, she wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him back. But, predictably, she does nothing more than move her lips against his. He has to do all the damn work.

She doesn’t resist when he slides his tongue into her mouth, even smiles against his lips and pulls him closer. Though he’s surprised she’s giving up this easily, no way is he going to stop. When he moves his hands down towards her ass, he feels her tense, so moves away quickly. He can go slow, if that’s what it takes to get into her pants.

Eventually, he can’t hold his breath any longer, and is forced to break the kiss. But he keeps a hold of her waist, their pelvises pressed together. He knows she can feel his burgeoning erection - he wants her to. In his experience, girls like knowing they turn a guy on. And, really, why should he try to hide it? Rachel’s fucking hot, and he wants to get in her pants. It’s not a secret.

“Noah,” she whispers, panting. He waits for the complaints to start, but she just gazes at him, her hot breaths washing over his neck. A slow smirk comes over his face as he realises what he’s done. Noah Puckerman has done the impossible - he has made Rachel Berry speechless.

It’s a great achievement, but he’s not about to pat himself on the back and give her time to talk herself out of this. This time he reaches up to her head as he kisses her, untwisting her hair band so that dark hair cascades over his hands. He threads his fingers through it, just tightly enough that he can tilt her head to the side and explore her mouth more thoroughly.

For a while, they just make out. He knows that if he rushes her, she’ll baulk, so he takes things slow. It’s absolute torture to try and keep his hands from wandering too far, but the sweet taste of her mouth - melon, he’s pretty sure, which makes a nice change from the various berry flavours of other teen girls - is intoxicating. He wonders what the rest of her will taste like.

Rachel starts twisting his t-shirt in her fingers, pulling it from his waistband and moving underneath the fabric. It’s exactly what he’s been waiting for; proof that she’s ready to move forward. He detangles his hands from her hair, and traces light fingers down her sides. Damn, her tank top is skin tight. When he cups her boob, he can feel every curve, even through the fabric. Despite her sharp intake of breath, she doesn’t stop him, so he continues moving his hands over her chest, rubbing until he feels her nipples harden under his touch.

It’s a heady feeling, knowing that he’s able to get her so aroused so easily. Her every tiny gasp sends lightning through his body, straight to his cock. The strain of his erection against his jeans is getting to be unbearable - they both have to get out of these clothes, and soon.

When he goes to strip off her tank top, he can’t find the join where shirt meets skirt. Or should do. He raises questioning eyes to hers, but all she does is raise an eyebrow. A challenge. Rachel Berry is challenging him, wanting him to show off the skills she’s previously found so repulsive. Well, he can beat any gauntlet she throws down.

Instead of pulling her shirt up, he slips the straps of the tank top off her shoulders. It’s some kind of stretchy fabric, and he has no trouble peeling it down. The black bra it reveals is plain cotton, but it’s not like he was expecting lace and satin - this is Rachel, after all. He’s more interested in what the cotton is covering, anyway. One quick flick of his hand and the bra falls away. He gets a glimpse of cream and pink, then she covers herself and turns away.

“Hey, Rach.” He grabs her elbow gently, turning her back to face him. She focuses on his t-shirt and tightens her arms across her chest. [i]Take it slow, don’t rush her,[/i] the mantra replays over and over in his head, as he gently takes her chin in his hand and tilts her head up. “It’s okay. There’s nothing to be shy about, Rach, I promise.”

As she’s processing his words, he pulls her back against him, leaving her arms in place. This kiss starts off gentle, soothing; a way to ease her back into things. He doesn’t even go for the tongue at first, just moves his mouth over hers until she relaxes into his hold and drops her arms. Though his fingers itch to touch her, he continues running his hands over her back - her bare back, at least - and slowly deepens the kiss.

Pretty soon, she’s clutching at his shirt again, this time pulling it up and fingering his waistband. He pulls away just enough for her to lift it over his head. Finally, his girl is taking the initiative. Yeah, she’s his - they’re both half-naked, so at the moment, she belongs to him.

He’s a guy, so he can’t stop his gaze from dropping to her boobs, but this time she moves slowly enough for him to catch her arms before they cover her. “It’s only you and me here, babe. All you need to do is tell me to stop, and I will.”

Damn, her rack is better than he’d imagined. Who knew those ugly sweaters concealed such awesome tits? He releases one of her hands and reaches down to touch, but stops when she flinches.

“If you want me to stop, you need to use that fucking huge vocabulary, Berry.” His voice is teasing, and she relaxes marginally, just as he knew she would. The girls say they want sensitive in bed, but if it’s too far from his normal persona, it freaks them out. Good thing he knows the perfect mix of badass and sensitive. “I will make you feel so good, you won’t even remember your own name,” he whispers in her ear, and takes immense pleasure in the shuddering breath she releases.

Her boobs seem to be an issue, so he skips second base for now, and takes hold of her skirt. It’s some flimsy weird fabric, and he has to struggle not to tear it off. Fuck, he really needs some release soon. But she’s still so jumpy, and he doesn’t want to scare her. It’s like with Quinn; he needs to go slow, wait out the nerves, and make her ask for the next step.

The second he pulls the skirt past her hips, he realises why he couldn’t find the bottom of the tank top earlier. There is no bottom. She’s wearing a fucking leotard.

She tenses up again when he grips her ass, so he kisses her, keeping his hands in place. Any other girl, he’d be well past annoyance with how slow things are going. But with Rachel, just kissing her is completely addictive, and pretty damn satisfying. The ache in his cock isn’t lessened much, but it’s not unbearable; especially with her hips moving against him in that erotic way. The girl might not know too much about sex, but her dance training definitely has its upside.

Speaking of dance training, are there any soft surfaces in this studio place? He knows from experience that sex on wooden floors fucking [i]hurts[/i]. Using his grip on her ass, he encourages her to wrap those insanely long legs around his waist, then moves towards the only door he can see. Damn mirrored rooms. Though he’s gotta admit, watching multiple reflections of the two of them making out is a huge fucking turn on. Actually…

He changes direction and presses her against the mirror, pushing hard with his hips. She thrusts back, and he can’t suppress his groan. Now he [i]really[/i] needs to get out of these jeans.

As if she can read his mind, she lowers her legs to the floor and tugs on his belt. He grins; no more shyness from his girl. She unbuckles, unzips and unbuttons, then raises her gaze back to his as the jeans fall to the floor. Her eyes are huge and brown; he now knows what Rachel looks like when she’s aroused. And next, he wants to see her when she orgasms.

She no longer flinches at his touch, even when he plucks at her pebbly nipples and moves beneath her leotard. “Don’t stop.” The breathless whisper is a huge relief. She’s past embarrassment now, finally.

In short order, they’re both naked. As their respective underwear drops to the floor, they take a moment to look at one another. His mouth goes dry. Yeah, he always knew Rachel was hot, but, although he has imagined her naked, for the first time his imagination has failed him. Unblemished, dark cream skin; curves in all the right places; subtly muscled arms and legs; those gorgeous lips that he’s been waiting to feel around his cock. It’s a fucking gorgeous package.

“Holy fuck, Rach,” he breathes, and the uncertain expression on her face changes to a huge grin.

“You’re pretty handsome yourself, Noah,” she says as she pulls him back against her.

Now that he can see her entire body, it’s really hard to keep going slow. But he knows that if he goes right in for the home run, she’ll be the one running. So he continues kissing her up against the wall, trailing down her jaw and over her boobs.

Fuck, her reaction when he sucks hard on her nipples has him so close to exploding, it’s almost embarrassing. He’s Puckzilla, sex god and all-around badass, for fuck’s sake! And here he is being undone by a girl who has less experience than he had at twelve.

Ripping his mouth from her skin, he leans his forehead against her shoulder and just inhales her scent for a few minutes. She smells like melon, too, and it’s strangely calming. He’s not teetering on the edge anymore.

His fingers slide lightly along her torso, over her hip and to the junction of her thighs. Though she tenses when his touch moves through her damp curls, she doesn’t stop him. The first touch on her clit produces a sharp intake of breath and a shudder that he feels through his own body. Their eyes lock as he strokes her slowly, hot exhalations washing over one another’s faces. He’s never liked girls panting on his face - would much rather them be panting over his cock - but it’s different with Rachel. He’s not really sure why, because it’s not like he’s in love with her, or anything. All he knows is that he doesn’t feel the need to pretend with her - even when he tries to, she sees through him, so why bother?

Before long, she’s a shivering mess in his arms, only upright due to his arm around her waist and hers looped over his neck. She’s literally had her feet taken out from under her. Because of him.

Pecking her gently, he moves his lips to her ear and whispers, “Let go, Rach.”

And, with one final roll of his thumb, she does.

Her scream is long, loud and almost piercing. If she hadn’t told him about the soundproof room, he’d be worried someone would hear her. Someone in another state. As it is, the mirrors shudder a little, as if they might shatter under the decibels. Or maybe that’s just his imagination. Either way, his ears keep ringing for a while after she shuts up.

But he doesn’t need his hearing to have sex. The emergency condom he’s been keeping in his wallet since the Quinn debacle finally becomes of use. He slips it on and positions himself, then pauses.

With the other hand, he cups Rachel’s face and looks deep into her eyes. “You’re sure?” Yeah, it would just about kill him to stop at this point, but there’s no fucking way he’s going to let her regret this.

She nods, and he cocks his head to the side, the question still in his eyes. He wants her to say the words.

“Yes, Noah, I’m sure.” Her voice is not as hoarse as he thought it would be after that scream. It’s something he’ll have to work on. But for now…

They both groan as he slowly pushes inside her. She starts tensing up, but won’t let him stop, clutching at his shoulders and whispering “keep going” into his ear.

When he bottoms out inside her, they both exhale shakily. Fuck, this is more intense that anything he’s felt before. Even Quinn wasn’t this tight. He stays motionless for a few moments, letting her get used to his size.

It’s not until she pushes back against him and brings their mouths back together that he starts moving. Still slow, everything slow and cautious. He knows this hurts, so he’ll do his best to lessen the pain. She might not like his extensive history, but he’ll use it to her benefit.

This is the first time he’s gone slow the entire time. Sure, usually things start off slow, then get frantic when they’re both close to the edge. But this time, things build gradually, and he barely notices how close he is until he’s right there. Before he can do anything about her, he finds himself coming with a loud groan, gripping her hips so tightly he just knows there will be bruises tomorrow.

She’s not upset or annoyed; actually, her smile is wide and happy. It gets even bigger when he remains inside her, and snakes a hand down between them to help her along. She’s closer than he realised - it barely takes two strokes before she tenses and shakes, then one final pinch to her clit, and she goes over.

Sweat-slicked bodies still entwined, she rests her head on his shoulder as they both catch their breath. His gaze slides to the side, and he suddenly remembers where they are.

“Hey, babe. Look over there,” he says, motioning with his head.

She goes to pull away, but he holds in place and tells her to move her head only. “Oh!” It’s too breathless to be a squeak, more of a gasp.

“Yeah,” he turns to meet her eyes in the mirror across the room. Their bodies pressed together; her legs around his waist; arms looped over his shoulders; his hands cupping her ass. “We make a fucking gorgeous couple, Berry.”

“That we do, Noah.” She turns away from the mirror, kissing him lightly. “Didn’t I tell you you’d enjoy this?”

He smirks and indicates their reflections. “You’re the one who had to conquer your inhibitions, babe.”

“I never knew dancing could be this erotic.”


Character(s) or pairing(s): Puck / Kurt OR Puck / Rachel OR Puck / Santana. Really, I'm easy as long as Puck is involved. ;) I'd be up for Puck / Finn, too, except I couldn't come up with any decent prompts for that pairing.
Do you prefer R or NC-17 smut?: Either one is fine, really.
Prompts (minimum of 3, no maximum!):

1. Puck / Kurt, established relationship. While visiting Kurt's place, Puck is snooping while Kurt is upstairs, and finds his make up collection. Intrigued, Puck puts some eyeliner on (OMG eyeliner only please). Kurt finds him like this and is very, very turned on by Puck in eyeliner.

2. How Puck and Santana got together, inspired by the lyrics of "Never Say Never" by Romeo Void.

3. Puck and Rachel acting out Sylvia and Mickey's "Love is Strange" from Dirty Dancing, leading to hot sex in a dance studio. ;)

4. Puck finds Kurt's Muscle Mags and proceeds to show him why the real thing is better.

5. Kurt spanks Puck, and Puck gets off on it, then Kurt tops Puck. Simple as that. ;)

Things you DON’T want in your story (kinks or sex acts that gross you out, characters you despise, etc.): Daddy kink, infantilism, golden showers or scat, rape fantasies

character: rachel berry, ! hot summer nights fic exchange, pairing: puck/rachel, rating: nc 17, author: nyafangirl, character: puck

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