HSN Exchange Fic: Sin, for disasteral_boys

Aug 04, 2010 05:53

Title: Sin
Rating: NC-17
Pairings/Characters: Rachel/Quinn
Warnings: N/A
Word count: 1,945
Disclaimer: This Glee fanfiction is based upon the television show of the same
name. All characters and situations other than my own are sole property of Ryan Murphy
Productions and 20th Century Fox Television.
Summary: Rachel and Quinn get drunk and sin. PWP.
A/N: So, this is my first try at smut fic, so let’s see how it works out! Thank you very much to my beta, who has really been a huge help in this.

Rachel really is pretty. Her hair is a tantalizing dark color and her eyes are sharp and smart. Quinn doesn’t admit it, but she likes smart girls. Well, she’s never admitted she likes girls either. Even though her dad isn’t around anymore to judge her, she’s just not ready to say something like that to anybody without seriously letting her guard down.

Looking back, she thinks that making fun of Rachel and being so mean to her was like high school pigtail pulling. Because, after all, in high school everything is crueler. She’s nicer to Rachel now, they’re friendly with each other and maybe even friends, and Quinn finds herself actually liking her and finding that there isn’t much reason not to have a badly-informed crush on Rachel Berry.

Quinn’s changed since the beginning of the year. Since all that shit went down. Since she gave up Beth. (Sometimes, late at night, she thinks of that beautiful little baby girl, all wrapped up in that soft pink blanket, and feels want burn inside of her like a painful flame.)

She wants somebody to love her, and she’s not going to lie, sometimes when she looks at Rachel she thinks that they might be good together. She makes up long mental lists of why. They’re both hot. They’re both demanding. The sex would be amazing (even though that
thought makes her blush and think she’s spending way too much time with Puck. They’ve both changed since the beginning of the year. They’ve both lost potential family this year, Rachel and Shelby, Quinn and Beth-people they could have loved as family if only things hadn’t gotten in the way. And in the end, they’re good people who just have a hard time showing it, people with a capacity for love that hasn’t had the chance to be exhausted yet.

She wants Rachel to love her, but she won’t admit it, except to herself when she’s half asleep.


There's a certain degree of intoxication the first time they really do anything together. In other words: they're drunk as hell.

It's after a glee party soon after Regionals, celebrating the fact that the glee club isn't being disbanded, which is something they are all definitely happy about. Rachel, though, is ecstatic, and holds the party at her house. Of course, Puck brings alcohol--beer, vodka, the only thing conspicuously missing are wine coolers.

Everybody is dead tired by the end of the party, and drunk. Very drunk. In fact, the only one who didn't drink was Matt, and that's only because he was busy making sure that Mike didn't accidentally walk off a bridge or something, because Mike is one of those people who gets
stupid when drunk.

It seems that Quinn and Rachel are two of those people too.

But they have nobody to stop them from doing something stupid, so they just do the stupidest (and best) thing they've ever done.


After everybody--almost everybody--is asleep in various places in Rachel's house, Quinn and Rachel sneak down to Rachel's room, forgetting for just a moment that they should pretend to hate each other or at least be guarded around each other due to their slight lack of lucidity. (They aren't as drunk as the others, but are just a step over tipsy and comfortably so.) Besides, after Quinn became a bit nicer, she and Rachel reconciled, in a way. At least, that's what Quinn hopes the first time she wakes up from a dream featuring the girl she formerly tormented with wet panties and sick with desire. No, she doesn't hate the smaller girl nearly as much as she used to.

She usually doesn't drink this much, God, she tells him out loud, stumbling on her way inside Rachel's now soundproof room (she managed to coax that out of her fathers after the fiftieth time the neighbors complained) and slamming the door behind her.

Rachel giggles giddily and sits down, pulling the blond girl down with her.

"You know what we should do?" She slurs, eyes bright. "Truth or dare! Itsa trav'sty we haven't played it yet."

"We're just two people, don' be stupid..."

"Come on, Quinn, truth or dare?"

Quinn rolls her eyes. "Truth."

"Uh...can't think of anything..." She giggles again. "Oh well...You try."

"'Kay...truth or dare..."

"Uh...I'm feeling unin'hibted now...dare!" She announces with a flourish.

Quinn narrows her eyes slightly, and suddenly through her alcohol addled brain she realizes this is her one chance. "Kiss me." Then she feels guilty about it, because she's a good Christian, and if her getting pregnant didn't already get on God's bad side, this will certainly cement her place in hell.

But then Rachel's lips crush against hers suddenly and she feels her heart beat rapidly so that it almost fills her entire body and she kisses back as hard as she can, fisting her delicate hands into Rachel's hair (it's soft and thick and smells like strawberries).


It's the best kiss she's ever had, perfectly uninhibited by the fact that she's a girl and Rachel's a girl, because all of a sudden it doesn't matter at all anymore through a fading haze of alcohol and and much stronger hormones. She's horny, dammit, and repressed, and it feels good so she just throws caution out the window and doesn't even bother to see it crushed under the wheels of some passing late-night bus.

Rachel's lips are hot against her own and the other girl runs her tongue along her small pink mouth, begging to be let in. Quinn obliges greedily and feels her tongue invade her mouth, the kiss sloppy and wet and amazing. Her hands travel down to Rachel's lower back and they break apart the kiss, panting, and Quinn feels her panties, uncomfortable and wet under her throbbing pussy and wants nothing more than to get them off. She looks at Rachel, whose eyes are dark with desire and finally her hands travel down to the smaller girl's waistband.

"Wait," Rachel pants. "Get onto the bed. Back pains would be unpleasant."

They scramble to their feet, still attached, and Quinn continues to play with the elastic waistband of the short plaid skirt. "Christ, Berry, you're such a tease." She finally manages to pull the skirt down, and Rachel bucks her pelvis against hers trying to get it off, and they're on the bed and Quinn's on top. She likes the power and finally the skirt comes off as Rachel's hands scrabble over her own skirt.

"Wearin' a dress, dumbass," Quinn mumbles and leans in for a kiss, straddling the smaller girl. They kiss again and she feels Rachel's little hands at the hem of her dress and finally sits up and starts unbuttoning the top part and manages to get the whole thing off. She's just in her bra and panties, which are now dripping her juices onto Rachel's bare legs,
and she decides to even things as Rachel's hands roam over her lower back and settle on the waistband of her white panties.

She tugs on her partner's blue shirt and manages to clumsily get it over the girl's head and chucks it at the end of the room. She kisses her harder than last time and feels their teeth click uncomfortably together but runs her tongue over the girl's lips, managing to take off all of the lip gloss she was wearing. They break apart for air again and she sits up, feels her crotch just above Rachel's flat, tan stomach. Rachel's breasts are bigger than hers, and she admires them for a second, running her hand over the cloth of her bra and finally letting her hands travel down the other girl's sides and Rachel sits up slightly to let her undo the bra. It isn't clumsy like it was with Puck, and Quinn's breath is almost taken away as she pants and runs her hands again along the bare skin of Rachel's breasts. She tweaks a nipple softly, feeling it's hard skin under her fingers and with a moan of desire crushes her lips against Rachel's again.

Rachel is desperate by now, tugging at her bra and finally she just rips it off, throwing it to the side. The broken clasp scratches Quinn's skin but she couldn't care less. She feels her bare breasts against Rachel's and the thrill of excitement runs through her again as she feels Rachel buck against her again. She's wet too, there must be a spot on the bed by now. Impatient, she tugs the waistband of her panties off herself and kicks them off easily and they land against the wall with a soggy sound. She lets herself relax her straddling position a little, running her nails down Rachel's sides and finally clawing her panties from her hips. Rachel kicks them off and they land somewhere. They don't make a sound.

Rachel lets out a low moan. Quinn moves her position lower down so that she can easily reach the smaller girl's pussy and feels a rush of excitement as she feels it under her hand, Rachel's juices covering her fingers, glistening. Rachel gasps shortly and then moans as Quinn starts to uncertainly move her fingers up and down, rubbing them against the girl's clit.

"Oh, God, God, God, Quinn," and maybe in a past life she would have stopped and chastised her for taking the lord's name in vain, but right now she doesn't feel like it. She's changed, she thinks, and this is probably why she's taking Rachel Berry's v-card on a bed that's garishly pink, half-drunk, in near dark.

She presses her finger harder against Rachel's clit, another thrill of excitement coursing through her veins at the body under her. She doesn't quite know what she's doing, hasn't done this kind of thing before, only watched it in porn videos that she used to watch in ashamed rapture.

But Rachel's loud, surprised moan is enough to get her finger moving more roughly against the clit, more deeply, up and down and up and down.

Rachel makes appreciative sounds in the back of her throat and the occasional short gasp.

She finally feels a different kind of liquid cover her hand as Rachel screams excitedly, and Quinn pulls away suddenly, feeling the watery fluid on her hand. It's not like semen, which is white, sticky. "Did you piss on me?"

Rachel laughs crazily. "Of course not, it's just come," She gets a little closer and says, out of breath, "Females coming isn't that common, y'know."

Quinn snorts. "What the hell're you, a text book?"

Rachel laughs breathlessly and leans in close to Quinn's ear. "It just means you made it really good."

Quinn smirks, pleased. "I made your first time good?"

"Yes, God, yes."

Quinn feels her pussy throb harder and knows she's close to orgasm. "Do something, Rachel, make me orgasm..."

Rachel obliges happily, and Quinn decides that night that the best feeling in the world is Rachel's tongue against her clit, working up and down, and the ecstasy that comes after.

Later on, she decides that maybe it's just Rachel's body pressed next to her while they both go to sleep.

Later in the night, she wakes up, almost sober, sitting up suddenly and realizing that oh lord she just had sex, again, with a girl this time, and she's so going to hell. She starts getting up from the bed in an absolute panic, crossing herself over and over again, and then she feels Rachel's small hand cover her wrist.

"Stay," she says groggily.

And Quinn does, and it's an excellent decision.

They're good together.

Character(s) or pairing(s): Rachel/Quinn, Puck/Finn
Do you prefer R or NC-17 smut?: Either, NC-17 more
Prompts (minimum of 3, no maximum!):
1. Rachel/Quinn, tribbing
2. dom!Quinn after Rachel says Quinn is too shy/reserved in the bedroom.
3. Rachel/Quinn, drunk, play truth or dare, Quinn kisses Rachel and can't stop
3. Puck/Finn, drunk, first time

character: rachel berry, ! hot summer nights fic exchange, pairing: quinn/rachel, rating: nc 17, character: quinn fabray, author: telm_393

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