HSN Exchange Pinch-Hit and Beta Sign Up Post!

Jul 12, 2010 11:15

Hi guys!

Thank you to everyone who came out and participated in the summertime weekend fic meme! I myself didn't get to play, since I was busy with boring RL stuff all weekend, but bklyangel tells me that there was some great stuff written. The meme is closed to new prompts, but you are still welcome to go fill existing prompts or give some love to the authors who wrote ficlets.

Now for the main purpose of this post: WE NEED PINCH-HITTERS AND BETAS FOR THE HOT SUMMER NIGHTS FIC EXCHANGE! We're looking for a few good (wo)men to help out, either by volunteering to beta for writers who don't have one, or by having the nerve to take on one of our handful of orphaned prompts.

Beta readers will be assigned to a writer who has already asked for help. We'll need you to check the story for spelling and grammar issues, and to maybe help with more in-depth issues (for example - characterization, plot, etc.) if the writer asks for it. If you can help, leave a comment with your LJ name and e-mail address. We'll have your writer contact you directly.

Pinch-hitters are the heroes of a fic exchange. These folks fill in for writers who were unable to write the stories assigned to them. At present we have three stories needing pinch-hits, although this number might go up as the due date approaches. "Regular" stories are due by 7/31; we give the pinch-hitters until 8/6 to finish. Stories need to be at least 1,000 words and beta read. If you think you could help, leave a comment with your LJ name and what stories you are willing and able to write (i.e. het, slash, Quinn-centric, and so-on). We currently need het authors for the orphaned prompts we have, but we would LOVE to know that we had some slash writers on backup for needs that might -but hopefully won't- arise. Comments are screened.

This is our standard note to current exchange authors begging you guys to come to us if there is even a chance that you might not finish your story, so we can work with you sooner rather than later. ♥

! mod post, ! hot summer nights fic exchange

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