Title: Morning
star55Rating: PG-15 (for a mention of sexiness)
Pairings/Characters: Kurt/Blaine
Word Count: 514
Summary: Kurt wakes up cold.
A/N: A tiny future fic. ♥
Disclaimer: Not mine. I just have a vivid and healthy imagination.
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Comments 2
6.) We ask that you please refrain from daily fic posting. We want everyone to have a shot at the “prime real estate” of the first page, and therefore we ask that you group multi-part stories into single posts and compile a digest post if you are writing any kind of daily fic series.
The only one that had less than 24 hours - being 22 hours - was the post I made on Christmas day, my time, and then boxing day, my time. All of the fics I've posted have been on a new day.
First fic timestamp: 2012-12-25 11:24:00
Second fic timestamp: 2012-12-26 09:33:00
Third (today) fic timestamp: 2012-12-27 09:26:00
Don't worry, I'll refrain from taking up "prime real estate" again and will post after the 24 hour period is up. =)
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